Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 5 Returning to Vaughnstein

The laughter from Akari’s story had long died out, leaving behind the uncomfortable silence that was laced with the angry roars of the dragon. Valeena peered one last time over her shoulder as her friends walked away, forming the two groups.

Somehow they had been split even into two groups; three boys and three girls. Valeena had actually wanted to travel with Elden once more for old time sake. But Akari had asked to travel with Aira, startling the elf. It was then that Rowan had suggested that they split up boys verse girls.

“Yeah! First one to Nihonal wins!” Nyles had shouted, pumping his fist into the air and laughing.

“You need the Elements too, idiot.” Aira had reminded him, stifling his excitement. A roar echoing above was a clear reminder that they needed to keep their voices down.

“Val,” Elden said, jogging towards her, ignoring the look of annoyance on the elf’s face.

“Try to stay in the trees for as long as possible,” He began, but was cut off as Aira said, “No, really?”

“And also, travel at night. Thanos is not going to expect you to move in the darkness. Especially now. ” Elden glanced upwards as the shadow of Skyrah Nox soared overheard, blocking out the sunlight.

“Come on, man!” Nyles called out in a low voice, jerking his hand upwards in a ‘hurry up!’ motion.

Elden nodded and leaned close to Valeena as though he were going to whisper something to her. At the last second, he planted a quick kiss on her cheek and retreated away. Valeena’s hand shot up to her cheek, the kiss almost burning her skin. Her eyes were wide and her jaw had sprung open as she gasped.

“Ick,” Aira said as she turned and strutted through the trees, hitting her face on a branch.

“It’s not fair,” Akari groaned as they walked close to the edge of the trees, doing their best to stay out of sight. But, also, being forced to walk where there was some form of light.

“Elden and Rowan are capable of seeing the dark,” Akari continued, walking with her arms extended outwards in front of her. She resembled a sleepwalker as she moved through the thick foliage, her arms protecting her face.

“You’re the one who did not want to travel with Rowan,” Valeena reminded her, her blue eyes peering through the shadows for any sign of the dragon. She was smiling, even if Akari could not see it.

“Elden could have traveled with Aira, and myself,” Akari informed them, flinching as Aira rounded on her.

“That amar-gwad and I will not travel alone together!” Aira nearly shouted, her slender finger pointed in the startled girl’s face. Akari had not suggested they travel in pairs and paused as Aira's angry flashed.

“It was not him, Aira,” Akari said, flinching again as Aira swung her arm.

“Stop! You have no right to speak of that!” Aira shouted, her words sharp and angry.

“I was just-”

“Don’t!” Aira cut her off, turning her back to them as tears filled her silvery eyes. She slapped a branch out of her way, nearly snapping the ancient wood.

Valeena wanted desperately to ask, but Aira had such superior hearing that she knew better. Akari said nothing as she continued moving through the beam of fading light, her eyes searching the trees for movement. Valeena caught Akari's eyes as she passed. They seemed to say, 'Not now!'

Valeena sighed, feeling the same senses of jealousy as she was once again left out of a secret everyone else knew. It was the same feeling that had haunted her when Rowan and Aira knew about Elden and she did not. Valeena could not help just feel sorry for herself as she watched Akari, and Aira move through the trees. She shook her head, refusing to dwell on it.

It felt like a false sense of security as they walked, hearing the haunting cries emitting from deeper in the shadows. Nothing bothered them here at the edge, but Valeena knew she was walking a fine line. One slip up in either direction could prove deadly. Skyrah Nox roared, a low, distant sound, as though she were finally retreating. But Valeena knew better.

Valeena glanced at her feet as she moved through the foliage, spying a large, red wisp bumbling in the breeze. It seemed to be having a difficult time staying afloat as it sank lower into the fog before pulling itself into the air once more. Valeena thought about the wisp that had helped her find the secret door, knowing that this was not the same one.

Valeena continued to watch the wisp as it was swallowed by the mysterious fog, its body still visible like a distant light. Akari and Aira had taken no notice of the wisp, moving through the trees with their eyes darting left to right. Valeena watched the wisp, but it faded away, returning to whatever world they come from.

A mighty horned beast sprung out of the shadows, its two front paws slamming into Aira’s shoulders. The impact sent her sprawling out of the trees and into the sunny field.

“Aira!” Valeena shouted, pulling out her sword as she raced out of the trees. The fire had not reached this part of the field yet, there was nothing to stop Thanos from seeing them.

Aira was lying on her side, her right arm pinned under her as her left held the thick, furry neck of the beast. Smoke was coming from within the heavy layers of gray fur in a manner that suggested it should not be in the sun.

Valeena raised her sword as she neared Aira, the beast snapping at the elf's face. She stabbed the beast in the side, fearing its head was too close to Aira’s to sever it at the neck. Aira had her face turned away as pools of yellow saliva from the mouth of the beast were running down her neck. The beast cried out in pain, twisting violently, digging the blade deeper into its body. Dark, red blood oozed out of the wound on the beast, splattering on the grass.

Valeena gagged as she tugged her sword free, watching as more of the red blood spill out onto the field.

“Hurry!” Akari shouted, her eyes on the horizon to her right. It was in the direction of the Star Kingdom where a black figure was visible through the smoke.

Valeena grabbed Aira’s hand and tugged her to her feet, nearly dragging her back into the trees as the dragon soared overhead. Valeena held her breath as Skyrah Nox landed in the field with a loud thump near the dying animal.

Thanos dismounted the back of the dragon, taking several paces towards the beast. He sneered, turning his attention to the trees. His eyes scanned the darkness, pausing briefly on Valeena. She was sure he that he had seen her, as she hid among the black leaves, her body fully consumed by darkness. He said nothing, however, as he mounted the dragon, taking to the sky once more.

Valeena had just released the air from lungs when a loud explosion erupted, sending chunks of debris sailing through the air. The dying corpse of the Evil Forest beast had been replaced by a large, smoldering crater. Valeena knew better than to assume the beast had exploded, leaving behind the hole. She saw the body of the dragon soaring into the smoke, and she knew she would never be safe again.

Valeena could feel her eyes fighting to close as she sat around the natural spring that they had stumbled upon. The water was clear, bubbling out of an opening that was nearly a perfect circle in the center of the spring. The spring itself was not large at all but provided enough fresh water for the three of them.

Valeena was supposed to be watching the line of trees for signs of Thanos, but her eyes refused to focus. Aira was sitting tall, her back to Valeena, her eyes scanning the darkness. She had mumbled a feeble thank you to Valeena as she stormed through the trees. Akari was sitting between them, peering one way and then the other, her eyes closing in between.

Valeena could see the destroyed windmill of Vaughnstein and knew they were close. The sun was melting away into the ocean, casting the sky in a lovely shade of red. The moon was full, glowing brightly among the clouds. Valeena could see the red planet, as it was much larger than before. Firrian was now roughly the size of a peach, making it much more visible in the sky.

“As soon as the sun stops setting, go!” Aira hissed, an arrow poised on her bow as she scanned the darkness. She refused to let her guard down after what had happened eariler. Valeena ignored her as she rocked to the side, sleep fighting to take a hold of her body. She jerked awake as Akari elbowed her, discovering that night had finally won. Valeena wiped the drool from her chin, embarrassed that she had fallen asleep.

Valeena pulled her body up, her joints popping loudly. She stayed within the safety of the trees as she made her way to Vaughstein. She paused at the waters of Kai Lykke, her eyes searching the starry sky for any signs of danger. She spied the empty husk of a beetle shell lying on its side near the river's shore. It was the size of a medium dog, the thought sent shivers through Valeena's spine. She felt ridiculous at her next thought but saw no other option.

Valeena darted out of the shadows and carefully approached the shell, sliding into it as she crouched low. Valeena was glad the streets were void of people for she was certain she looked silly. A soft snicker from within the trees was all the confirmation she needed.

Valeena crawled on her hands and knees, doing her best to keep the shell on her back. She paused several times to scan the skies, hoping Elden was correct. Queen Maylee would never have searched for her at night, but there was no way Thanos was terrified of the dark as well.

It was far more difficult to navigate in the night than Valeena had thought. Several times she had to stop and get her barrings. The Elements were stashed under a hollow rock in the field of strawberries.

Valeena reached the field, spying the dock that once held a fleet of ships. Now, it was empty. She found the rock with ease, lifting it smoothly from the dirt. She removed the bag from the rock and pulled it opened, holding her breath. The Elements were there, softly glowing in the darkness. Valeena breathed a sigh of relief as she closed the bag, tucking it near her legs.

Valeena heard the sound of wings and paused, tucking her arms into the shell. She saw a shadow moving in the night, walking slowly out of one of the shops. The figure groaned as it stumbled through the streets, disappearing within the ruins.

Valeena moved slowly, her eyes glancing towards the ruins in case the figure was not alone. She crawled over a slimy pile of rotting strawberry, nearly vomiting as her hand sunk deep into the mush. "Ah!" Valeena cried out without meaning too.

Valeena glanced back towards the ruins as the figure reappeared, the moonlight reflecting off its sword. It said nothing as it skillfully moved along the side of the building, making not a single sound. They peered around the side of what was left of the wall, darting to the next building.

Valeena remained still as they moved closer to her location, the scent of perfume growing strong. Valeena dared herself to peer out of the shell as the figure scoffed, lowering her sword. She nearly gasped as her eyes realized she was looking at Steel.

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