Mated to the Alpha King (A Royal’s Tale Book 1)

Mated to the Alpha King: Chapter 36

The storm outside roared away as it continued to make its grand entrance. The impact from the worsening winds created a nearly chaotic feel as they caused branches to hit the glass windows with a sharp, loud smack every few minutes.

I sighed in my bathtub as I sank further into the warm water, pulling all the bubbles towards my chest as I continued to scrub my skin.

My thoughts trailed to the conversation Bryce and I had had the night before. I shook my head with a sad sigh.

“The full moon’s this Sunday.”

What had started with a soft reminder ended with a slight disaster. We left for the castle just minutes later.

The UK’s beta and trackers had arrived. They brought news.

Roman and Matthew, on the other hand, seemed to have a nugget of suggestion that completely rattled everything we had based my stalker’s identity on.

Now, who were the three most likely suspects that had come out of the long conversation they had? They would not tell me exactly.

Slipping further into the tub, I shook my head and tried to get rid of the sour shades that were beginning to show themselves in my memories.

It was made clear to me only when I eavesdropped on the men that although we were in the same castle, I was going back in the same bedroom Bryce had exiled me to when we were here before, when he wanted to restrain himself from me.

And somehow, although I knew that we were beyond such a communication blockage, it still felt like we were falling back to square one.

I was also beginning to have a serious issue with the full moon.

My initial thought, when I had confronted them about including me in their discussion and Bryce bluntly refused, was to backhand all the five men present there, because I was that frustrated.

How could I be denied being included in a conversation about a situation that clearly revolved around me!

But after I had taken a second to think about it, I simply turned to the UK’s beta, looked him straight in the eye, and told him that this was my life they were discussing—my stalker; my so-called, alleged “mate.” Bryce growled at that. I ignored it and continued to tell the beta that as long as anything was about me, it would do everyone great if I actually knew about things too!”

Afterwards, I simply continued to hold my stare for another minute, until the beta looked away, and I, victorious, walked back into “my bedroom,” smiling because I knew I had made my point.

A bubble popped near my toes, and I wiggled them again. I leaned deeper into the warm water as I took a final inhale and exhale before getting up.

A sigh slipped through my lips just as the first beads of water began falling from the shower and down on me. My still-aching muscles hummed in thanks, and I stood there, just basking in my own contentment.

It had been a long day today. Who knew research on the first settlement in Piedmont could be so extensive. Or maybe it was the library in the castle that was actually extensive; I wasn’t sure. Maybe it was both.

I leaned against the wall to my right as I still stood under the warm, running water, my freshly scrubbed body and shampooed hair making the shower smell of gardenias and passion fruit.

Again, my mind drifted towards Bryce, and I felt my shoulders slump.

Bryce had gone back to restraining himself, ignoring me by being as cooped up as he could with the stalker case. That was his excuse—they had a lead, they had suspicions, they were on it.

But I suppose deep down we both knew they were complete shit, his excuses.

It wasn’t hard to tell. The agonizing growls I’d heard the night before were proof of how much he was lying.

He was trying to stay away.

And I slept alone.

My hands moved to rest on the glass wall, and I caught sight of my wrinkly fingers. Immediately, I reached for the shower knob and turned it off.

Getting out of the shower, I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my hair, then after wiping my body, wrapped another around it.

I closed the door softly behind me as I slipped out into the bedroom and walked towards my luggage.

It could have been a massive issue, but thankfully, in the first afternoon of my current stay here, Mom and Dad had decided to take a trip back to California to check on Mom’s businesses and grab a few journals Dad had forgotten back at his previous university.

Was it a huge coincidence that happened exactly when I needed to stay at the castle for my safety? Apparently it was.

And silently, I was relieved they would stay out of all this.

They planned to stay for a week.

I hoped it would all end in a week.

Another gust of wind flew across the castle, and the balcony doors began to rattle at the impact. I watched, mesmerized, for a second as raindrops smacked the windows and doors, then slid down to their doom, the branches of trees lashing at the windows in the wind.

In all of this, the wind seemed like the master.

I sighed as I turned to the warm, fluffy bed in front of me. I looked down at my state of undress, then back at the bed again.

A small smile slipping onto my face, I shrugged as I let my towels uncoil from my hair and slip down to pool on the floor.

The night was a stormy one, and I was tired—and alone. Who would possibly know!

I laughed bitterly at that and shook my head as I turned, walked towards the towel rack, and hung the towels.

No one—no one would know. Bryce would definitely not know . . . refusing to even dine with you tonight and all. Screw Bryce, I snapped to myself as I slipped under the covers, goose bumps already making an appearance on my body.

No, love Bryce, the voice in my mind replied soothingly, and I sighed as I turned, then smiled slowly, my head sinking into the cushion.

“Love Bryce.”

It had been only a whisper, but somehow it made me calm; it made my smile brighten.

I nodded as if confirming that, that was what I was going to do before letting my eyes shut for a minute. I was really tired from all the walking I had done around the library today after all.

I had just begun to surrender myself to Somnus when the loud sound of something crashing on the floor woke me up. I jolted up in bed immediately, clutching the bedcovers to my chest, and turned to the source of the sound, my heart beating frighteningly fast.

The balcony doors swung closed and open as the curtains danced crazily in the wind, the light from the tiny night-lights around my room illuminating the broken pieces of the mud vase on the floor.

Then, a loud boom sounded from the opposite side of the room just as its door flew open, and Bryce stormed in, the deadliest look that I had ever seen on his face. He had practically partially morphed into his beast.

Immediately, his eyes sought me, and I shuffled back into the headboard, pulling the covers even higher, my hold on them tightening further.

What was I thinking, thinking that I was alone! Heck, no one was alone with an alpha king!

I groaned under my breath, clenching my eyes shut, as I pressed my head deeper into the headboard, if it was possible.

Instantly, I felt movement and snapped my eyes open. Bryce stormed towards me, and I put a hand in front of me.

“Are you okay?” Bryce growled urgently as he stopped in his tracks, his eyes snapping from my outstretched hand to me.

I gulped and brought the sheets even higher. “J-just stay r-right there. I’m fine!”

Bryce snarled at me as he took a step closer. He now stood at the foot of my bed. “Don’t ever say that again, Theia.”

I frowned. My wavering, outstretched hand went in motion again to stop him from getting to me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was just the wind. Don’t worry.” I looked towards the open bedroom door and the lit hallway beyond it. “Y-you can go back to bed n-now.”

He growled, his golden eyes blazing in the dark. “Stop it!”

I stiffened.

“Please, Bry—”

Then I gasped.

“Stop . . . it.” Bryce seethed against me, his nose now buried in my wet hair.

Sometimes I hated lycan speed.

Just as suddenly, Bryce moved back, and I shivered as I watched his eyes rake my face before zeroing in on the clutched sheets.

His now-dark eyes found mine again, and I felt myself look away, my face hot.

“You’re . . . naked?”

I clenched my eyes shut. His warm breath hitting my neck did nothing but compliment the shiver that passed down my spine when I heard his husky growl; it strangely excited me.

It was official, I was a complete idiot. The hell of an awkward situation seemed more arousing than anything.

Was this the bloody moon’s doing too?

I sighed as I tried to move underneath Bryce, a warning growl rumbling out of his chest.

I sighed again. “Bryce, please, just don’t make this harder on us, okay? Go.”

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Just kiss him already and put both of yourselves out of your miseries, for God’s sake, Theia!

I cringed at my inner self’s rant. I suppose she was right, but I couldn’t . . . What if . . . ? What if he pushed me away? What if he rejected me?

Bryce moved back for a moment, and I tried my best not to look at the naked, solid torso that was illuminated beautifully by the night-lights as it lingered above me.

I internally sighed in relief when, instead of leaving, Bryce leaned closer and buried his nose in my neck.

But my eyes widened and I gasped when I felt Bryce plant a very wet kiss right on his mark.

I clenched my legs together. The wetness pooling down there increased with each kiss on my neck.

Bryce stilled suddenly and pulled back. I felt myself redden when Bryce’s nose flared, and his gaze snapped to mine.

A slow, teasing smirk found its way to his lips before it died down.

“You’ll be okay?” Bryce mumbled as he suddenly got up. He moved towards the balcony doors and closed them.

I felt myself deflate.

Say no!

I met Bryce’s blank stare.

My mind made, I grasped the sheets around me as I got out of bed and took a step towards him.

His gaze slipped down before he carefully dragged it up my form again. I stood patiently waiting for his eyes to meet mine again.

“Come here,” I mumbled softly when they did.

Bryce’s golden orbs blazed, and he visibly stiffened. “You don’t want to do this.”

I frowned. “And who told you? I’ve never said that. You’re the one who runs away all the time. And I’m supposed to be the virgin here!”

Bryce’s eyes burned brighter with their golden flames, and he took a threatening step towards me, his canines now in full display. “Do you even have any idea how much it takes for me to stay away from you around the full moon!”

I brought my left hand up in exhaustion but grasped the slipping sheets again in the next second. Usually the embarrassment from that would deter me, but at this moment . . . I was on a roll.

“Then don’t!”

Both Bryce and I froze, his eyes boring holes into my face, mine shyly tracing his neck. I then lifted my gaze back to his. “Then don’t.”

His eyes hardened, and he looked away. I let out a chuckle, losing hope, as I rolled my own eyes and turned around to get into bed again.

Upon turning back to him, I found his gaze on me. I motioned towards the door, managing to crack a smile. “It’s okay . . . It’s okay. You can go back to bed. I’ll be okay.”

Bryce frowned as he watched me sink back into bed and turn away from him. I heard him let out a frustrated growl, but I heard no footsteps going away.

The thick silence in the room was cut through by my cellphone blaring quite loudly.

I felt my face flame as I quickly leaned to grasp it.


+40 ———— Calling . . .


I stared at the screen blankly for a while, then with a carefree shrug, answered the call.


“Called at a bad time?”

A smile cracked my lips, and I shook my head.

“It’s fine; don’t worry about it. How’s Romania?”

Angelo chucked from the other end of the line, and despite the awkward situation, my smile widened. I was glad to know that my stalker wasn’t Angelo. Like usual, when he was broke on his cellphone, he used the campus landline.

I was happy. Angelo deserved a normal life without any complications. If he were to be on an alpha king’s radar, his life would be anything but uncomplicated.

“Romania’s great. Thought I’d just call and ask you if you’ve left the billionaire yet.”

I heard Bryce growl, and with a wary glance his way, I got back into the conversation.

“Very funny, Angelo.” I chuckled as I shook my head.

Angelo let out a bark of a laugh, then a sigh. “I miss you.”

I smiled. “I miss you guys too. I called Cass yesterday. I’m glad you called.”

“I’m glad too. But I called you to ask you an important question.”

I felt Bryce stiffen on his spot.


There was a brief silence on his end of the line.

“Do we really not have a chance?” he asked.

I stilled, then gasped when the phone was ripped out of my hand by Bryce’s.


“She’s mine! Get your own mate, pup!” Bryce roared into the cellphone before he threw it.

Thankfully, it bounced back on the bed.

I quickly grabbed it.

“Theia, I get that he’s there. Call me later, okay?”

My eyes on Bryce, I gasped as he launched at me and pinned me to the bed.

“She’ll call you never!” Bryce snarled into the phone, then he snatched it and threw it away again.

I gaped.

What was it with these people and my phones!

I glared at Bryce. “You’re buying me a new one!”

Bryce glared back. “Fine! I don’t even regret it; the rotter deserved it!”

My glare hardened. “Don’t call him a ro—”

Bryce groaned, “You talk too much!”

I couldn’t even finish my retort as his lips landed on mine. I stilled beneath his lips for a second before I finally gave in and moaned into the kiss, kissing him back with everything I had.

He growled as he pulled on the sheets, but I held on. His golden eyes then met mine.

“I’m a very possessive beast, Theia—dangerous, deadly. I do not share. I keep thinking about not hurting you because I’m clearly not human; I am more. But you are mine, like I am yours. I know that. You know that. But that’s not enough. It’s never enough. My beast, the other half of me—it’s not enough. If you’ve changed your mind . . . tell me to go; tell me to leave; tell me no, right now—right now, Theia!—because if you don’t . . . I will not stop. I won’t.”

I held my breath as we stared at each other, his golds never leaving my light browns.

Foolish girl! Do it!

I broke our eye contact and directed my gaze at his broad chest. After closing my eyes, I let out a shallow, wavering breath as I opened them again and loosened my grip on the sheets.

I heard Bryce’s breath get caught in his throat, and he immediately caught my chin between his fingers before tilting my head up.

A growl left Bryce. Leaning in, he caught my lower lip between his own lips.

“You feel so good,” Bryce sighed as he slipped his palm down my naked chest, moving it to cup my breast. He then gave it a soft squeeze.

A loud moan slipped off my lips as he carved a path of kisses down my neck and captured my nipple between his lips. The jolts of electricity did nothing but add to the all too familiar tingles everywhere.

“Bryce,” I breathed, moaning right into his chest, as I felt his fingers caress my thigh. I rocked my hips against his hand, allowing the tiniest bits of friction to fog my mind.

Bryce groaned as he rolled his own hips back against mine, which his hands were now gripping.

“Look”—Bryce groaned again—“at me.”

I could feel my hands visibly shake as I lifted my gaze and met Bryce’s.

Bryce lowered himself, and I met him halfway, capturing his lips with mine. They strayed downwards, and I tossed my head back into my pillow, arching my neck, a string of electrical bubbles bursting everywhere in me. I felt as if my whole body were on fire.

My mind was hazy—so much so that I didn’t even know when I’d started tugging at his sweatpants, pulling it down with shaking, impatient fingers. I felt them slide into Bryce’s boxers, and Bryce stilled above me, his already-ragged breathing increasing a notch in speed and roughness.

I tugged at the pants again, and as if Bryce couldn’t contain himself anymore, he blurred out of bed. He returned within a second; only, now he was naked.

A shiver ran down my whole body as Bryce climbed over me and took a nipple into his mouth again, pulling it slightly, teasing me.

I couldn’t believe he was my soul mate. Everything about him screamed power. His body was most definitely the definition of primitive masculinity. Everything from the hard planes of his chest to the thick, large hardness he had resting on my abdomen at that moment showed how powerful a man he was.

I could feel it throb against my skin. A moan slipped from my lips when it throbbed again, and I felt a stream of wetness gush out from my core. Almost immediately, Bryce stilled in the middle of the kiss, then leaned back, his eyes on me.

“I want you so bad,” I found myself moaning as Bryce rolled his hips into me again. His balls hit my clit with a surprise impact, causing a jolt of pleasure to course through me. The tip of his length rested just above my belly button, and I hummed in pleasure as he rocked against me again and again, one of his fingers slipping into my tight, wet passage.

My eyes widened, and I found my hands immediately fisting the white silk of my bedsheets as my back arched into him.

“Want what, love?” Bryce growled into my ear as he nipped my earlobe before putting it between his lips, slowly nibbling and sucking on it.

A gasp left my lips as he added another finger into my core, pumping it in and out at a lazy pace, while rubbing my clit with his thumb quickly. As if sensing my orgasm, Bryce then leaned in and captured my lips with his.

My scream was muffled in his mouth.

I came undone.

“Want,” I panted against him, my hand grasping his hard length as the high from my orgasm subsided slowly, “you.”

A flash of bright gold glazed over Bryce’s eyes before they turned darker. He seemed to still in my arms, and a shiver ran down my spine when I saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down lazily as he gulped.

Even that seemed masculine.

“Theia,” Bryce growled in warning as I rubbed the head of his dick with my thumb, spreading the wetness all over it.

“Please,” I mumbled softly as I ran my fingers along his thick length before grasping it and giving it a long stroke. Bryce’s head fell down into the crook of my neck as his body quivered above me. He hissed, and I felt him licking his lips against my neck, a shaky breath leaving them.

“Theia,” Bryce growled again. I bit back a moan as I felt another jolt of electricity hitting me where only he could get a reaction.

It felt strange, but I felt powerful. His reaction, his slight vulnerability, towards me shocked me as much as it turned me on. I knew that he wanted this as much as I did, that all the “staying away” hurt him just as much as it hurt me—maybe even more than it hurt me.

I grinned.

By the end of tonight, we would mate.

I hummed as I pumped his thickness again, then felt a spark shoot everywhere in me when Bryce groaned against my neck, rocking his hips against me, trying to get more.

My grin turning into a smirk, I removed my hand instead. A low growl rumbled from his throat at the loss.

“That’s it,” he growled as he moved back. A gasp left my lips as my head crashed back into the pillow, and a blur later, Bryce loomed over me, covering my body with his.

I gasped yet again as I felt the tip of his length pushing into my core. My breath hitched in my throat.

I watched, spellbound, as Bryce entwined both his hands with mine and brought them above my head. When he lowered his lips onto mine, I moaned into the kiss before nibbling on his lower lip.

I shivered as I felt him nudge my thighs open with his hips, and he settled against me once more. I then felt him take a sharp breath and opened my eyes just in time to see his golden ones staring back at me as he moved his hips back before thrusting forward.

A loud scream ripped through my lips as Bryce stilled in me. His gaze moved, and he brought his finger to my cheek and wiped away the tear I hadn’t even known I was shedding.

His face dipped low once more, and he brought his lips back to his mark, but he pulled back almost immediately before thrusting himself into me again, breaking through the barrier completely with just one long thrust.

A hoarse scream left me as the pain passed, and the tightening of the coil in my belly made all sorts of pleasure burst in me. I felt my hips buck into his.

“You’re so beautiful,” I moaned and tightened my grip on his arm, turning my head to lightly kiss it.

“I— Ahhh, I—” I panted as I felt his tongue lick his mark. “So full.”

Another growl flew out of Bryce’s throat, and he immediately thrust into me harder, increasing his pace and therefore tightening the coil in my belly faster.

I moaned as his lips reunited with mine, and I hooked my legs around his hips. A hot groan emanating from his throat let me know how much he liked the new angle. He rocked into me even faster and, moving down, brought my left nipple into his mouth, pulling on it to the beat of his thrusts.

“So close,” Bryce growled into my breast, his thrusts increasing in speed to an almost crazy one. My coil couldn’t get any tighter as I matched his movements while moaning his name in pure pleasure.

The coil finally exploded, the sudden sense of release catching me off guard as it slammed into me, spreading throughout my body. I felt everything start going limp, electrical sparks shooting everywhere and leaving me yelling his name, as my body convulsed under him.

Bryce kept on plunging into me as he dropped tiny kisses everywhere before reaching down and, as if on impulse, sinking his teeth into my neck, right where his mark was.

A couple more thrusts later, I felt Bryce release himself in me, a quite loud groan ripping out of his throat. He instantly dropped onto me, the full weight of his body only making me feel warmer instead of uncomfortable. The feel of his canines retracting from my now highly sensitive skin only had me shivering underneath him as I tried to bite back a tiny moan.

“I love you,” Bryce groaned softly as he lifted his head to look at me.

My eyes swelled with tears, and although sore, I leaned forward to capture his lips again. Upon breaking free, I smiled.

“I love you too. I love you so much.”

And that was how Somnus found us just minutes later, in the aftermath of lovemaking, completely spent, and snuggling into each other’s arms.




There it was—again.

A sudden knot of pleasure pulsing in my belly, I tried to move my limbs and turn away, but once again, just as I seemed to make progress, I was pushed back, and the knot pulsed another time.

I stifled a moan and ripped my eyes open. Groggily blinking away the black haziness, I tried to adjust to the light.

My hand reached down, looking for something, and stopped as it found itself running through soft short hair.

A muffled groan reached my ears, and I nearly moaned at the jolt of pleasure it sent coursing through my belly.

I looked down and gasped.

Looking back at me was Bryce, wide awake and smirking. Again, he lowered his face between my thighs and pulled my nub into his mouth, making the familiar knot of pleasure pulse in me.

“Baaabe,” I moaned as he ran his tongue along my soaking-wet slit, nibbling on my nether lips leisurely.

Smirking wider, Bryce removed his tongue from my pussy and moved up. Spreading my thighs as far apart as they could go with his hands, he positioned himself against me, and I already knew I was wet and ready for him.

Looking me straight in the eye, he plunged hard and deep into me.

“Oh God, Bryce!” A loud moan ripped through my lips while I arched into him, wrapping my legs around his hips, and sank my nails into his back before dragging them down as his speed increased.

Bryce looked at me and smirked again. Leaning back in, he thrust from a different angle, and for a moment, I saw stars.

My vision cleared, and our eyes met once more. He was still smirking.

“Good morning, babe.”




The next time I broke free from sleep seemed like it was noon. This time Bryce seemed to be comfortably and sound asleep beside me, with a loose arm around my waist.

A muffled groan escaped my lips as I tried to move my sore muscles, and a spark of sharp discomfort shot out from my center.

I grimaced and tried to move again.

My desire to freshen up really seemed important enough to act on immediately.

A deep blush bubbled up as I let my thoughts wander back to last night, then to earlier this morning.

The man seemed insatiable.

A slight grin reaching my lips, I had leaned in to kiss Bryce’s forehead before I wiggled out of bed. Thankfully, Bryce took my pillow as a temporary substitute, and as quickly as I could, with every muscle in me sore, I rushed towards the bathroom.




The taste of the peppermint toothpaste instantly refreshed my senses as I shoved my toothbrush into my mouth and brushed the bristles against my teeth.

I looked up into the mirror and smiled at my reflection. My cheeks seemed to be glowing, my lips fuller with an eternal pink tinge gracing them. I looked completely satisfied. After I’d cleaned my tongue and spit the gunk into the basin, I concluded that I liked this look on me.

I looked happy.


I froze, then turned to the bathroom door just as it flew open, breaking free from one of its hinges.

I stared, wide-eyed, at a seething Bryce.

His eyes blazed at me as he stormed towards where I was standing and then instantly, wrapped his arms around me when he reached me.

I rested my face against his chest as I waited for him to let go patiently.

“So why the sudden rampage?” I mumbled. After seeing a thin silver scar running from the center of his chest down to the tip of his abs, I placed a chaste kiss there before snuggling even closer to him.

“Thought—” Bryce stopped, his voice husky and gruff, his arms tightening around my waist. “Thought someone stole you.”

I smiled, amused. “Well, I’m here, aren’t I?”

Bryce moved back, and I frowned when his narrowed eyes met mine. He quickly closed the gap between us and hoisted me over his shoulder, then walked out of the bathroom.

He stopped suddenly just in front of our bed, his eyes locked on the floor.

I, however, looked at our bed, or more specifically the red taints on the white silk sheet. Bryce kissed my cheek, providing loving comfort, and I smiled.

“I love you.”

I hummed happily into his chest, basking in the warmth of his endearments. His arms slipped tighter around my towel, then after drawing tiny circles on my abdomen, he moved his palm towards my pelvis in a soft caress.

“Does it hurt?” he murmured as he leaned forward. I shivered at the impact of his warm breath on my neck and face.

“It’s sore,” I mumbled back, and he immediately drew another circle or two there before moving his hands up lazily, his caress a soft whisper.

“I’m going to go clean up now, okay?” Bryce placed a parting kiss on my temple and then pulled the sheets off the bed before moving towards the bathroom.

“Okay.” I smiled, slowly dragging myself into the closet.

Now that Bryce was not holding me in his unnaturally warm arms, the chilly morning air did nothing but send unwanted chills down my body—truly discomforting.

A soft groan left my lips as I slowly dragged myself out of the closet. Another left me as I dropped down on the coverless bed.

Moving was painful.

The door to my bedroom shot open, and still sprawled on my bed, on my back, I turned my head to the open door and the freshly showered and brushed Bryce.

Sometimes lycanthrope speed was a stunner—literally.

My bright yet tired eyes met Bryce’s bright ones as he chuckled and strode towards me. Leaning in, he slipped his arms under my butt and back and, in a quick woosh, scooped me up.

A grin appeared on his lips, and I closed my eyes as if on impulse. Leaning in, he kissed my nose. “Should have warned you about not being able to walk properly for a few days.”

My eyes widened in fright, and Bryce chuckled. “Don’t worry—I’ll carry you everywhere.”

I rolled my eyes but then gave a startled yelp as soon as Bryce began striding back towards the door. We then continued out into the hallway.

I knew where we were going. This seemed like one of the paths I knew well. We turned a corner, and Bryce’s grip on me tightened, but he continued to stride casually forward.

A soft smile played on my lips as we reached the kitchen door. I pushed it open, and Bryce walked in with me still in his arms.

Everybody in the room froze.

Aunt Meryl simply sparkled with happiness, while Matthew and Roman became red with the strangely shy looks on their faces.

I groaned as I felt my face heat up as well, and I hid my blush against Bryce’s neck. Bryce, I was sure, was grinning with pride.

“Oh, good Lord, finally it has happened! She smells like him! Theia, sweetie, I am so proud—very proud! Though, I quite understand your limb dilemma at the moment, so I promise none of the boys will tease you about it!” Aunt Meryl cooed cheerfully as she moved towards us and placed a comforting hand on my leg.

What caught me by surprise was that Bryce snarled at the contact, and immediately, Aunt Meryl removed her hand from my leg but with a knowing smile.

“I need to get used to this,” Roman muttered as he scrunched up his face, which was getting redder.

“Yeah, man! Never thought— Damn, I don’t even want to think about it!” Matthew mumbled, wide-eyed, a constipated look on his face.

I frowned at them and waved a hand in front of me widely. “Shut it! I’ll see what you have to say when you find your mates!”

My frown turned into a smirk as Roman shook his head, turning more wide-eyed. Matthew, on the other hand, was now beet red.

“Alright, you two . . .” Bryce suddenly spoke behind me as his thumb drew tiny circles on my skin.

I nearly moaned when I realized what he was doing.

He continued, “Get out of the kitchen so that my mate can eat without you two blushing like nuns in front of her and my beast can control himself and not actually kill you whenever you glance at her.”

I blushed again as I watched both boys fumble out of the kitchen in quick blurs but only after grabbing hold of a few muffins each.

The sound of the door closing echoed to us, and Bryce immediately leaned into my neck and placed a slightly open-mouthed kiss there.

“You have no idea how much I want to take you, right now, on the kitchen counter.”

I moaned as he whispered that into my ear in a deep, husky voice. Turning my head, I found his lips, and mine collided with them.

“Please, children, not on my kitchen counter! And definitely not when there are muffins on it!”

Bryce and I stilled, then turned to face the woman we had forgotten still occupied the room. Aunt Meryl grinned at us knowingly before she sent a wink our way and walked out of the kitchen.

We both stared at her as she closed the door behind her.

Aunt Meryl had just left the building—not literally.

I felt Bryce turn to me, and I looked back at him. Immediately, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine once more, a soft growl ripping out of his throat. We then turned around and sped out of the kitchen and into his bedroom.

He dropped me on his bed with a thump and, only seconds later, joined me himself, his lips reuniting with mine.

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