Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle (Matthias and Sienna)

Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle Chapter 8

Married My Ex–husband’s… 

Chapter 8 Despicable J*rk 

+10 pearl’s 

The auction attracted affluent individuals from all over the country. After mingling and exchanging pleasantries with the other attendees, Sienna was finally led to a private room on the second floor

The attendant served her some snacks and coffee. “Ms. Ainsworth, here’s the Black Ivory Coffee! brewed specially for you.” 

Kaylee placed a generous tip on the attendant’s tray. 

“Thank you, Ms. Ainsworth. Please enjoy.” 

Although something unpleasant had just occurred, Sienna didn’t take it to heart since she had exacted immediate revenge on the spot. 

The introduction brochure for today’s auction items was placed on the coffee table in front of them. 

The brochure was exquisitely made in a vintage style. She picked it up and fl*pped through its pages. 

There were several auction items that had caught her eye long ago, including a string of emerald rosary beads. As Gloria’s birthday was approaching, she planned to get those rosary beads as a birthday gift for the elderly woman. 

Another item she had set her sights on was a vintage–style manor, which was introduced in the brochure as the official residence of a high–ranking official from over a hundred years ago. 

It was actually the ancestral home of Melanie’s ancestors, which had fallen into someone else’s. hands in the early years. She must reclaim it now that an opportunity had presented itself. 

This manor was also the reason why she had made a special trip back. 

Apart from that, she also aimed to acquire a few pieces of jewelry and antiques if the price was right, 

“I’ll take a short nap. Wake me up when the auction begins,” Sienna reminded Kaylee. 

Meanwhile, Matthias limped laboriously into the private room next door. 

Zavier informed him, “Mr. Johanson, Ms. Ainsworth is in the next room.” 

Matthias was furious to hear that name, and the pain in his foot seemed to have worsened. 

The auction had begun. 

Sienna heard Loretta’s delicate, coquettish voice amidst her slumber. “Matthias, that pearl bracelet is so beautiful.” 


Matthias glanced in the direction of the room next door and loudly declared. “I’ll buy you anything you like.” 

Sienna used to get jealous and make a fuss whenever he was kind to Loretta in the past, so, in an attempt to provoke her, he raised his voice. “Zavier, we must get the bracelet. Spare no expense!” 

Sienna couldn’t help rolling her eyes when she heard that. Lifting her gaze to glance at the large screen across from her, she was filled with disdain. It’s just a pearl bracelet worn by medieval people. Such things are probably excavated from ancient coffins. It gives me the creeps. 

Well aware that Matthias was deliberately trying to annoy her, she couldn’t be bothered to pay him any attention and simply continued to sleep. 

In the end, Matthias secured the pearl bracelet for three times the original price, 

However, he didn’t receive a single reaction from Sienna. 

He was frustrated when his efforts didn’t evoke a single response. Sienna completely ignores me after the divorce! 

The sharp pain in his foot that bothered him from time to time only served to add to his exasperation. 

You’ve got nerve, Sienna Ainsworth. 

After a while, a string of emerald rosary beads appeared on the big screen. 

Kaylee hurriedly woke up Sienna. 

The opening bid for the rosary beads was thirty million. 

Sienna raised the price to one hundred million at the right moment. 

She was rather apprehensive, and Matthias was her main concern. 

As expected, Matthias raised his paddle. “One hundred and fifty million.” 

The crowd erupted in an uproar, clearly shocked by the astronomical price. 

Matthias could almost imagine the infuriated look on Sienna’s face at that moment as he listened to the discussions downstairs. 

The thought of finally putting her in her place sent a surge of satisfaction coursing through his veins. 

Sienna was indeed furious. Matthias was clearly getting back at her for that kick earlier. 

Kaylee appeared tense. “What should we do, Ms. Ainsworth?” 

Sienna’s face darkened. “Two hundred million.“

Chapter 8 Despicable J*rk 

+10 pearls 

As soon as the price was raised, the crowd once again began gasping and exclaiming- Matthias was similarly taken aback. “Has Sienna lost her mind? This woman is reckless!” She’s making it clear that she’s taking the challenge head–on! Doesn’t she know when to back down? 

Matthias was both frustrated and annoyed upon realizing Sienna was truly no longer her original 


A frustrated sensation of losing control over something that used to belong to him gripped his heart, sending panic all over him 

Zavier asked. “Mr. Johanson, should we raise the price?” 

As Matthias executive assistant. Zavier risked his life to warn his boss, “Our target item for today 


Recalling the purpose of attending the auction today. Matthias composed himself and reined in his emotions, 

I almost messed up. 

Sienna finally breathed a sigh of relief when Matthias stopped bidding 

She no longer cared why Matthias wanted to compete with her for the rosary beads and successfully secured them. 

The ancient manor, being the final item of today’s auction, received high acclaim when it was presented. 

This was a three–sectioned manor. located within a park. The surroundings were exceptionally pleasant, a true haven of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of the city 

The park was poorly managed now, so the manor was up for auction. 

The opening bid was set at one hundred million. 

Sienna couldn’t contain her excitement as she looked at the ancient manor displayed on the big 


With a worried expression, Kaylee glanced over at the neighboring room. “Ms. Ainsworth, what should we do if Mr. Johanson causes trouble again?” 

Sienna rubbed her temples. “The price of this manor won’t be low, and it’s of no use to him. Even if he wanted to cause trouble, he wouldn’t do so recklessly. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees.” 

No sooner had she said so than Zavier’s voice suddenly echoed from next door. “Five hundred million

Sienna’s expression changed when she was instantly proven wrong. 


11:59 Fri, 19 Jan 0

Chapter 8 Despicable J*rk 


+10 pearls 

Matthias, you despicable j*rk! 


Married My Ex–husband’s … 

Chapter 9 Competing For The Manor 

+10 pearls 

Matthias raised the opening bid for the manor to five hundred million, causing a commotion in the venue. 

A few influential figures wanted to make their move but hesitated when Matthias did. 

Sienna almost wished she could storm next door and tear him apart. 

Why did he buy the manor when it’s of no use to him? That j*rk is deliberately provoking me! 

Kaylee was upset too. “Mr. Johanson is going too far. Why does he have to compete everything you buy?” 

with you for 

“Don’t worry. Sienna calmed herself down and gracefully picked up the coffee cup in front of her

“It’s just money. I can always earn more. But I must secure this manor today, she continued. 

Kaylee raised the sign. “Five hundred and fifty million.” 

Matthias was dumbfounded. 

Loretta exclaimed in surprise, “Matthias, why does Sienna also want to bid on this manor?” 

Matthias‘ face turned pale. He had set his sights on this house a long time ago, and it was very important to him. To his surprise, Sienna was also vying for it. 

Is this revenge for the rosary beads? 

Ignoring Loretta, Matthias instructed Zavier in a deep voice, “Raise the price! Eight hundred. 


Sienna gasped. This mansion is worth at most eight hundred million to me. I can’t believe he raised the price to eight hundred million right away! Is he crazy? 

Kaylee felt sorry for her boss. 

“Ms. Ainsworth, would you like to raise the price?” 

Sienna gritted her teeth. “Eight hundred and fifty million.” 

I won’t raise the price by too much anyway. I’ll only outbid him by fifty million. 

The two of them completely ignored the other bidders and engaged in a competition solely between themselves. The rest gave up entirely and began spectating the battle. 

Sienna was hot on his heels, not allowing him to succeed, and Matthias felt challenged. 

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