Making Her Remember(TTS#1)

Chapter 2

“You fucking asshole.” I said and slapped hard across his face and strutted outside to the break room.

Who does he think he is? More importantly who does he think I am? I am not one of his sluts, who he can call upon anytime. I just don’t understand. When you have such a beautiful and hardworking girl on your arm, why do you have to cheat? Seeing him like this flared my anger, the anger I always conserved when Richard did this to me.

I shut the door to the break room and leaned my head against it, exhaling deeply. Then realization hit me and my eyes widened.

Shit, I just slapped my boss and that too on his first day at work. If the coffee machine incident was not enough to get me fired, this sure will be.

I made a strong coffee and had a sandwich, which was inside the fridge. Then with much hesitation, I made my way towards my desk but not before looking if he was in there too. He was.

He was sitting behind his desk and was looking at his papers, angrily, might I add. I could even see my hand print on his cheek. Shit, I am sooo getting fired. I should probably open a LinkedIn account and start finding jobs.

I knocked on the door and he ordered for me to come in. I was just going to make my way towards my desk when his voice stopped me.

“Ember, sit down please. We need to talk.” he gruffly replied and I gulped almost audibly but took the seat in front of him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with my rambling, again.

“I am really sorry for slapping you. I know I shouldn’t have done that but can you really blame me? You, out of every favour, asked if I would go on a date with you. And that too you ordered, not asked. Not that I wanted to since you are with someone else. And that made me angry and I thought that how could you do this to Crystal. I mean, I get you have needs but do you have to cheat on her. I am telling you now Brandon, Crystal is the best you can get and she is so pretty and-and, so organized and caring and loving, how can you fucking cheat on her like that?” I shouted and slammed both of my palms on the table with a bang and stood up, taking short breaths and glaring at him. His face looked…constipated. I gave him a confused glare and then he burst out laughing, he even went rolling on the floor.

I huffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest and asked, “Did I say something funny?”

He tried to stop laughing but ended but laughing more and I just rolled my eyes and made my way towards my desk. He simmered down and stood up from his place on the ground only to fall back again when he tried using his office chair as support which rolled backwards. This time I was trying to control my laugh. I just turned towards the computer and pursued my lips, to conceal it. When he finally regained his place on the chair, he started fixing his tie and ran a hand through his hairs. His cheeks were tainted pink from laughing too much and the embarrassment of the fall.

“Sy-Ember, do you know my last name?” he asked when he cleared his throat.

“Ye-No.” I corrected and frowned. Didn’t Crystal tell me?

“Well, I am Bran-” my phone decided to ring at that exact moment and I put one finger in air for him to stop talking. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Max. I frowned because I knew that he never would call me unless it was something urgent, during my work.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Oh thank god, Ember. Come home fast. It is about Amelia. I will explain it all when you reach us.” I didn’t get a chance to reply as he ended the call. From how his voice sounded, he was scared and worried, which made me worried.

I frantically got up and started collecting my work, which I would be completing at home.

“I am so sorry, Brandon. I have an emergency at my house and I really need to go. Please can I take the rest of the day off?” I pleaded.

“What happened? Is everything okay?” he asked.

“I don’t know yet. Please can I leave?” I asked again.

“Sure, Ember. But call me if you need anything.” I nodded and I rushed out the door. Yeah, like I will call him.

I quickly called for a cab and gave him my address.

So, let me make some things clear. Max and Amelia are my two best friends. Max has brown hairs and silver eyes, which I get jealous of, whereas, Amelia is a red-head with green eyes. They both are gifted with natural beauty whereas, me, I look like a hobo in front of them. Talk about insecurities. But nevertheless, they have never treated like anyone else, except their best friend. One more thing, they are huge liars. They always say ’Ember you are so beautiful. You could get any guy you want’.

Yeah, right. Also, Max prefers guys so sometimes we get competitive when we go clubbing and see a guy.

We reached the destination. We three live together in a double-story house with six rooms in which three of them is ours. Three are on the top floor and three at the bottom. Me and Amelia, have taken up two rooms on the bottom floor, whereas, Max has taken one on the top floor because he had some ‘boys things’ to handle. To which we gave him disgusted looks and kicked him out for a week.

I quickly payed the fare and ran towards the front door. I knocked and waited for someone to open while I caught my breath. Man, I really need to exercise more.

Max opened the door with a worried expression and we made our way to Amelia’s room.

What I saw there left me speechless, because there was not one but two Amelia’s.

“Hey, I am Geraldine.”

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