Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 50

Carolyn drove her mother home and went to check on the fairies. It had been a while since she had visited with Foster.

“Foster, it’s me, Carolyn.” She called up into the loft. After a minute or two, she saw Foster flying down to where they had rigged up the microphone and Carolyn put the headphones on.

“Hi Foster. How are you folks doing?” She asked.

“Hello, Miss Carolyn. We are doing just fine. How about you? Your father told us that you went very far away to visit Mr. Colin’s parents?” Foster asked.

“Yes, I did. We brought his mother back with us and his father will be here for our wedding.” Carolyn informed him.

“Have you decided on your wedding date yet?” Foster asked.

“Yes, it will be April 4th. We are hoping the snow will be gone by then but it usually rains a lot so we are going to have it inside at the church.” Carolyn told him.

“We wish you both all the happiness in the world.” Foster said.

“Is there anything you folks need? Have you been warm enough? Have enough to eat?” Carolyn asked.

“Oh, yes ma’am. Your parents have been very generous in sharing their stores of food with us and this structure is very warm but you are still saving your fluff, aren’t you? We appreciate being able to stay here this winter. I think we would have lost many of our elders and even some of the young ones would not have survived if we had tried to stay in the trees.” Foster said.

“Yes, I am. My mother and Tammy are as well.” Carolyn told him.

“That’s great! I cannot express enough how much we appreciate it. I don’t know what we would have done if it were not for you and your family. You can depend on us to help with your plants from now on.” Foster said.

“Hahaha! You don’t have to do that but if you can keep the caterpillars and aphids off of the plants in the fields this coming year, I’m sure my parents will be most grateful. They eat more than their fair share of vegetables every year.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, Miss Carolyn. We will talk to them.” Foster assured her.

“Well, I’m on my way home. I feel like I’ve been away for months instead of just a couple of days and Colin is going to be there soon. Let me or my father know if there is anything you need.” Carolyn said. Foster flew back up to the loft and Carolyn turned off the microphone and hung the headset back up on the nail her father had put in for that use.

She ran in and said goodbye to her parents and then headed back down the mountain. She pulled in just five minutes before Colin and Sarah and that gave her just enough time to use the bathroom and to call Tammy.

“Hey girl. I’m going with Colin and his mom up to their old house but I stopped by the clinic earlier and picked up all the mail. Do you want me to drop it off to you or can you stop by tomorrow?”

“I’ll stop by and get it from you tomorrow. Stuart is due to come over soon. We are going to have dinner in town and then go to the movies.” Tammy said.

“Ok. Have fun and I’ll see you tomorrow. I should be at the clinic most of the day. I’ve been neglecting it lately and need to get caught up.” Carolyn said. “Well, Colin and Sarah just pulled up so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Have fun.” Tammy said and then hung up.

Carolyn greeted Colin with a quick kiss and then he helped her pull her coat back on before they walked out to the jeep. “Mom went slightly crazy at the store. She’s got enough food to feed an army for months. We definitely won’t go hungry!” Colin joked as they walked back to his jeep, hand in hand.

“I can’t blame her. They must not get too much in the way of a variety of food stuff at the Outpost.” Carolyn said.

Sarah had moved into the back seat so that Carolyn could sit up front with Colin and she appreciated that.

“Did you have fun shopping?” Carolyn asked her when Colin closed her door.

“Yes, I went slightly crazy but it sure was good to be in a real supermarket again. The Outpost is little more than a convenience store and is very limited on food stuff. We have the post office, fuel station for both gasoline and propane and it’s the only place a helicopter can land but that’s only when the weather permits. They come twice a month when the weather is nice but it’s been over a month since the last time they were able to get to us and then they were almost stuck there. They had to lay low for 3 whole days before the wind let up enough for them to take off. Luckily they were able to bring us enough fuel for everyone that needed it at the time but if they don’t get back soon, some of them are going to be in real trouble.”

“Mom, won’t you guys even consider coming to live back here?” Colin asked. He worried about them being so isolated.

“Maybe someday but for now we want to stay up there. I might be able to talk your father into coming down for the worst of the winter months but we definitely want to be up there in the summertime. It’s so nice up there in the summer.” Sarah said but then thought to herself. “When you start giving us grandbabies, we’ll be back for sure.” But she didn’t want to put pressure on them to become parents before they were ready.

“I know one thing I’m going to do tomorrow is see if I can borrow a bobcat and start fixing this road. This is a real kidney buster.” Colin said as he tried to maneuver around some of the larger potholes that Carolyn’s trip up there earlier had uncovered only to find others, some even larger ones, right beside them.

“There was a bobcat at the Wainwrights. I bet Mr. Pence will let you borrow it, if he’s not using it.” Carolyn said. “Mrs. Noble, did Colin tell you that Mr. Wainwright passed away a few weeks ago? We found him in his bed. It looked like he had fallen asleep and just didn’t wake up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What about his wife?” Sarah said.

“She died several years ago. I think her grandson dying in the war took the fight out of her.” Carolyn replied.

“Wow. There have been lots of changes up here. Are there any new residents on the mountain?” Sarah asked.

“Not changelings but we do have the centaurs and fairies and even though no one has seen them, we’ve smelled trolls living somewhere along the creek.” Carolyn replied.

“My goodness! Centaurs! And fairies! I’ve heard they exist but never thought I’d live to see them.” Sarah said.

“Well, the centaurs keep pretty much to themselves and live at the very top of the mountain but the fairies are currently living in my dad’s barn. Next time you are over at the house, I will introduce you to them.” Carolyn told her.

“Oh I would love to meet them.” Sarah said.

They finally reached the house and it took them all 3 trips to completely unload the back of Colin’s patrol jeep to carry all of the things Sarah had brought into the house. Carolyn helped her put things away. Both women were grateful that Tammy had even cleaned the insides of the cabinets. It should have been a simple matter of putting things away but Sarah insisted on wiping down every shelf before they started putting things on them.

Carolyn helped but with a small knowing smile on her face since her mother would have done exactly the same thing. In the older women’s way of doing things, no one could ever do things as well as they did them in their own houses. Carolyn would have to remember to bring Mrs. Noble a bottle of the orange cleaning solution when she came the next time.

Carolyn took things out of the bags and organized them on the table so that when she was ready, things would be easier to put away or they were going to be playing the “where do you want this” game all night. Carolyn was hoping to get to spend some time with Colin too.

Colin took the chance to get a shower since the water heater would have had the chance to heat up by now. He still had the things he had taken on his trip in his backpack so we had enough to keep him for a few days.

He was going to stay in his old room while his mother was here, at least until he had to go back to work. He was going to have to give his landlord notice on his apartment as well. He showered and shaved and brushed his teeth and was just tucking his shirt in his pants when he heard Carolyn calling to him. “I’ll be down in a minute.” He called down to her.

“Did Tammy make the beds for you too?” Carolyn asked Sarah while she waited for Colin to come down.

“Yes, they even smell freshly washed. She is very nice, your friend Tammy.”

“Yes, we have been friends since college. She grew up in foster homes and never knew she was a witch until she went through puberty, just like changeling children. She knew I was an “animal soul” she called me when we first met and she shared with me that she had powers.

Those powers have really grown and expanded since she’s been living here and even more so in the past year. We found her parents in December and they are having a hard time accepting that she grew up while they were gone. They lived for a long time in Canada in fact.”

“Really? I wonder where? I know I never heard of any witches living anywhere near our area.”

Carolyn explained about Tammy’s parents having to go on the run and living for the past 20 plus years using very little magic. “They had gotten so weak that they were on the verge of dying. Skinny, pale and so physically drained that if they had tried to live that way much longer, I’m afraid they would have died. They have tried to convince Tammy to give up her magic, to live like “normal humans” but magic is such a part of Tammy that they might as well just shoot her now.”

“I bet. That would be like telling me I can’t transform ever again. If I had to choose between the two forms, I would choose the wolf!” Sarah said with conviction.

“I know what you mean. I can’t spend enough time as my panther either but then it’s easier for wolves than for me. No offense intended but you can be mistaken for a large dog. I’d have a really hard time passing as anyone’s house cat.” Carolyn said and transformed right there and then back again as Sarah began to laugh.

“So true.” Sarah said as Colin came back into the kitchen.

“So good to hear your laughter in this house again, Mom. Wow, you guys managed to put it all away? I’m amazed. I was convinced I’d have to spend the next few days building shelves to hold it all.” Colin teased his mom.

“Let’s see how much he’s complaining about my shopping trip when meal time comes around. Thankfully, I doubt if I have to go back again, at least not anytime soon.” Sarah teased right back.

“Hey, be thankful it wasn’t me! If I had been living where they’ve been living for the past few years, it would take an 18 wheeler to get all of my shopping home.” Carolyn said.

“So no getting snowed in for our honeymoon?” Colin teased her.

“Ok. I’m stepping out of this conversation now.” Sarah said, making a quick retreat. “Would either of you like something to eat or drink?”

“Actually I thought we might all get out and run for a bit. We both need to relearn the grounds and I’d like to show Carolyn around.” Colin said and Carolyn nodded her agreement.

“You two go ahead. I’m looking forward to soaking for a long time in that big bathtub. That’s one of the things I really missed at the cabin. We don’t have a tub that I can stretch out in up there.” Sarah said and then excused herself.

“Ok, mom. We won’t be gone too long.” Colin said and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

“Don’t rush. I’m going to call it an early night anyway.” Sarah said.

Colin and Carolyn left the house and Carolyn told him, “You lead. It’s your land.”

“Before we change, I want to ask you something. Does anything seem off to you about my mom?” Colin asked.

“Well, I don’t really know her all that well but something tells me she seems off to you and you are worried. What seems to be wrong to you?” Carolyn said.

“Well, her energy levels for one thing. And I can’t be absolutely certain but I think she had a dizzy spell in the store earlier. And to say I’m worried is an understatement.” Colin said.

“Do you want me to give her a physical?” Carolyn asked.

“Yes! I’d bet dollars to donuts that she hasn’t had one in a very long time.” Colin said.

“Sure. Not a problem. Bring her down to the clinic tomorrow and I’ll do a complete physical.” Carolyn said. “Now come on, stop worrying until we find something. Hopefully it will be nothing but needing some vitamins. Show me around?” She said with a quick kiss on his cheek before she transformed.

“You know I really do like the white coat.” Colin said before he transformed and took off across the yard. He took her up one boundary and down the other before they ended up at the pond where they had originally planned to get married. Colin stopped and transformed.

“This is going to be a lovely place to have our wedding pictures taken. I’m kind of glad we are not going to do the party here. It would be such a shame to tear this lovely area apart with a lot of people stomping all over it. Hey, did I tell you my dad said he heard there is a water fairy living in the pond?” Carolyn said after she transformed.

“Yeah I’ve heard that before but it’s not true. Maybe a few water snakes but no fairies. Got the bejesus scared out of us when we were kids. Me, Kenny and a couple of other boys snuck down here to swim one hot summer day when I was about 10 years old and a snake swam right at me. I’ve never back stroked so fast in all of my life.

My father lit our bottoms up for us. There used to be a sign warning people away but it looks like it’s fallen over. I’ll need to put that back up before the weather turns too warm. Sure would hate for someone to get bitten.” Colin said. He was so tempted to tell her what he was planning for the day they came up here to take pictures but wanted it to be a surprise.

“Well, right now it’s too cold to be going for a swim. Where to next?” Carolyn said as she blew on her hands to warm them.

“Back to the house, I guess. I don’t want to leave my mom alone for long.” Colin said and then transformed. Carolyn followed suit and they ran along the road that led up to the house. Colin again thought that he would need to get a bobcat up here as soon as the weather warmed up and the snow was melted.

They jumped up on the porch and transformed. As Colin reached for the door knob a strange feeling hit him. “Something is wrong.” He told Carolyn. “Stay here.”

Carolyn hesitated only for a second and then followed him inside.

“Mom! Mom, where are you?” Colin called as he raced through the house. He found her passed out on the bedroom floor.

“Carolyn! Quick!” He yelled as he carefully picked up his mother and laid her on the bed.

Carolyn reached his side within seconds and told him. “Step back so I can take a good look at her.” Carolyn said as she bent over Sarah. Carolyn felt for her pulse and then listened to her heart, wishing she had her stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff. Sarah began to wake up when Carolyn lifted her eyelid to check her pupils.

“What’s going on? Are you guys back already? Do you want some cocoa?” Sarah asked as she tried to push herself upright.

“No, you lie back and rest, Sarah.” Carolyn said as she put her hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back.

“I’m fine. Really.” Sarah tried to object but she was so weak that it didn’t take much pressure from Carolyn to push her back onto the pillow.

“Mom, I found you passed out on the floor so don’t tell me nothing is wrong. You had a dizzy spell at the store earlier too, didn’t you?” Colin accused.

“I told you then I just had a slight headache. I probably passed out because I haven’t eaten yet. We skipped dinner, if I remember correctly but I’ll remedy that right now, if you will just let me get up.” Sarah said.

“No way. You stay right there. I’ll make you something if you really want it but for now, you rest.” Colin said.

“Colin, how about you heat up some soup. I’ll sit with your mom.” Carolyn said and gave Colin a wink that let him know she wanted to talk to his mom alone.

“Ok. But make sure she doesn’t get out of that bed.” Colin said stubbornly.

“Even if I have to sit on her.” Carolyn said and gave him a kiss on the cheek as she pushed him out the door.

Colin felt like a petulant child but he was really worried about his mother so he did as he was told.

“Ok, Sarah. Don’t even try to tell me that something is not wrong because we had a large lunch today so it can’t be because you are so hungry that you passed out. What’s going on?” Carolyn said.

Sarah looked at her long and hard and seemed to be weighing her options. She knew that Carolyn was a doctor and that she had been putting off going to one for long enough.

“I’m not really sure, to be honest, Carolyn. I’ve been feeling kind of weak and get dizzy sometimes for no reason. And it seems like I’ve got at least a slight headache all of the time. Sometimes they are so intense that I can’t stand to be in the light.” Sarah admitted.

“Well, I want you to come down to the clinic tomorrow and let me give you a full physical and we’ll find out what’s wrong. Tell me, when you are in Canada, what is your diet like? I noticed when we were there that you served a lot of starch and meat dishes but no vegetables. I bet you don’t get a lot of fresh vegetables up there.”

“No we don’t but then we are wolves. Meat is a large part of our natural diet.” Sarah said.

“I know. It’s that way for cats too but our human sides require that we have a balanced diet or it will let us know that we need something else. My mom and sister are not into eating meat much but they have learned to tolerate mine and my dad’s need for meat. They get enough of what they need because they eat a lot of iron and protein rich vegetables but even Donna breaks down and has a hamburger with her friends at school sometimes.”

“What is Donna’s animal?” Sarah asked.

“She’s a deer like my mom.” Carolyn replied.

“Most of our dairy products are powdered and the only vegetables we get are canned or frozen, sometimes even the canned stuff is frozen, so I guess we have been lacking in getting some of the nutrients we need to keep us healthy.” Sarah admitted.

“Well, the other thing that can be a cause of headaches is strain on your eyes. When was the last time you had your eyes checked? I noticed you were squinting at the labels on the canned goods when we were putting things away earlier.” Carolyn said.

“Oh goodness, it’s been years and years ago. Do you think I’m going to need glasses?” Sarah asked.

“Maybe but let’s get the physical done and then we’ll go from there. Ok?” Carolyn said as she patted her hand.

Just then Colin came back carrying a tray with a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup, two ham and cheese sandwiches and a big glass of milk. “Here, this should fill you up.” He said as he put the tray across her lap.

“Oh, goodness. I could have come to the table to eat, Colin.” Sarah said.

“No way. You are not getting out of that bed until we go to Carolyn’s clinic tomorrow.” Colin said stubbornly. “Now eat up.”

Sarah started to object until she looked at their faces and saw that neither of them were going to allow any objections. She picked up the spoon and filled it with broth and then said “Well, you aren’t going to stand there and watch me eat, are you?”

“No, we’ll just go clean up the mess I know he’s left in your kitchen. We’ll be back for the tray in a little while.” Carolyn said and took Colin’s arm. She almost had to pull him out of the room. “Come on, let your mother enjoy her dinner in peace.”

Colin followed her down the hall and waited until they were in the kitchen with the door closed. “So what did she say?” Colin asked.

“Now, Colin, you know what is said by a patient to her doctor, the doctor cannot repeat to anyone without their permission but I don’t want you to worry. I’ve got a feeling that there’s nothing seriously wrong with her other than the fact that she’s getting up there in years and they haven’t been getting a good balanced diet for long periods of time and it’s catching up with her. Any more than that, I’m not even going to guess at until I have a chance to run some blood work and a urinalysis on her.

Try not to worry, Colin. If there is something to worry about, I’ll make sure she tells you. Ok?” Carolyn said as she slipped her arms around his neck and then kissed him on the cheek. She could feel that he was shaking slightly.

“Oh, Carolyn, I know they are going to die someday but I’m not ready for her to go yet. I want her to have grandchildren to spoil and maybe even great grandchildren. I’ve never known my mom to get sick with anything more than a cold and she usually manages to miss out on the worst of those.” Colin said as he put his arms around her and pulled her close, burying his face in her neck. “It scares me to see her like this.” He admitted.

Carolyn didn’t know what to say and just held him for a few moments. Then she pushed him away and said “Come on now and help me clean up. Good lord, it looks like you made a 3 course meal in here.”

“I started to make some hot cocoa but I burned the milk while I was looking for the soup in the cabinet.” Colin admitted.

Together they cleaned up the mess he had made and returned the kitchen to order. They walked down the hall to Sarah’s bedroom and found her getting out of bed. The tray was sitting next to her on the bed and all of the dishes were empty.

“I guess I was hungrier than I realized.” Sarah said as they came to the door.

“What are you doing trying to get up? I told you we’d be back for the dishes.” Colin started to scold.

“I know but unless you know of a way you can use the restroom for me too, I’ll have to take care of that business on my own.” Sarah said back tartly.

“Oh, Ok. But let me help you.” Colin said as he started to take her arm.

“Now you stop that right now. I will not be treated like an invalid. I told you I feel better now back off. I need to pee!” Sarah said as she stood up without the slightest sign of dizziness and walked out of the room with her head held high.

“Good lord, is she ever like my mother. What is it with people of that age? They absolutely refuse help unless they absolutely can’t do something without it.” Carolyn said as she picked up the tray from the bed.

“I’ll just go wash these up. Now, don’t fight with her or she’ll get hard headed and start refusing to let me give her the physical tomorrow, if she’s anything like my mom, which she is!” Carolyn warned him.

Carolyn left him in the bedroom and winked at Sarah, who came out of the bathroom just as she entered the hall. She took the tray into the kitchen and quickly washed up the dishes and then put them all away. One final wipe of the counter and she turned to go find Colin still sitting on the side of his mom’s bed, talking to her.

“Colin, I know you don’t want to leave your mom alone but it’s going to be getting dark soon so I’m going to head on out. I’ll go over and see Mr. Pence and ask him about the bobcat, if you want?” Carolyn said as she entered the room.

“Mom, will you be ok long enough for me to take Carolyn home?” Colin asked his mother. He didn’t want to leave her but he also didn’t want Carolyn to have to go home alone, especially since it would probably get dark before she could get there.

“Sure. You go ahead and take her. I’m going to sleep now anyway.” Sarah said.

“I’ll be back as quickly as I can.” Colin said.

“Don’t worry. Good night Carolyn and thanks. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Sarah said, as she settled down under the covers and got comfortable.

“Good night, Mrs. Noble. Sleep well and we’ll see you in the morning.” Carolyn said. “Oh, before I forget, don’t eat or drink anything before you come in tomorrow so that I can get accurate readings on your blood tests.” She said and Sarah nodded. “Ok.”

Colin followed Carolyn out of the house and over to his jeep. He opened her door for her and helped her inside and then ran around and got into the drivers’ seat. He started the engine and then looked over at Carolyn and her heart went out to him.

He looked so worried but she knew that nothing was going to ease his worries until his mother was back to her old self again. She had to agree that Sarah did look very run down. She didn’t want to cause Colin any more worry by asking questions now that she would know the answers to tomorrow so she tried to give him a look of encouragement as she scooted closer to him on the seat.

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