Lycan's Affection

Chapter Someone Has Paid

Jamie walked briskly ahead of Eric, his hands fixing the hilt of the sword around his waist. He stopped for a second, then turned to Eric, who seemed to be lagging behind.

"What is wrong?"

Eric looked up, his eyes wide. "Uhm. I was just..."

"You seem like you do not want to come. I can go on my own if..."

"No. No, I...I need to go. Please."

Jamie gave him a one over, then stopped, facing him. "What happened?"


Jamie swallowed, then walked a step further, holding Eric's gaze. "You have been acting weird ever since we left home. What happened? What did you do with Jenna?"

Eric swallowed hard, them started to shake his head. "I just.."

"Do not lie to me."

"I was..I was just..."

"Talk to me. What did you do with Jenna?"

Eric swallowed hard, his hand trembling, his lips sucked in. "I...I kissed her, Jamie."

Jamie's brows furrowed darkly. "What?"

Eric swallowed, his eyes pleading. "I...I kissed her, Jamie. I know you told me what could happen, I know you told me to stay away, but...but...I swear, I just...I was much harm could a kiss do? But she suddenly...."

"How much harm could a kiss do?!" Jamie suddenly yelled, pushing Eric's chest, his eyes wide.

Eric stumbled back, his brows shooting up in surprise, his hands trembling lightly. "Jamie, I swear I.."

"Do you know what you have just done?! Do you know that you just sinned against every single lycan in this kingdom, including His Majesty?! What is your problem? Even if you felt something, the fact that I told you to stay away, stay the hell away from her should have been enough!"

Eric swallowed hard, nodding. "I know, and I am sorry, but..."

"Get the hell out of my way!" Jamie yelled again, then with a sudden push, rid Eric from his path.

Eric fell in the nearby bushy path, his chest slightly heaving as Jamie trudged back down the silent path they had come.

Eric swallowed, a lump rising in his throat, the only reason he could help crying. Jenna had looked absolutely haunted, and the way she had fell back away from him, like he was a sin, a mistake. It built up, with Jamie's anger and it all felt absolutely horrible.

He swallowed again, then slowly started to stand up, when he heard laughter in the distance. His brows furrowed. This path, according to Jamie was mostly unchartered, and led straight to the palace if you maintained a straight route.

He wondered if it was a palace guard, or probably someone who was completely drunk from the festival.

"I am sure, you feel like you have won. You do not know just how wrong you are."

Eric's brows furrowed. The voice sounded somewhat familiar, and for some reason, maybe the slight angst in the voice that gave away the earlier lack of humor in his laughter, or the words he said, Eric slowly crouched to the floor, his eyes searching to find where the conversation was coming from.

"Of course, I have. Look at your situation, Brandon. It is time you beg for mercy. This is the part where your knees on the floor would look extremely good."

Eric moved even faster, and he suddenly saw it. Blood red eyes that spoke of Alpha blood and he immediately fell back, his hand clasping over his mouth, his eyes wide.

Alpha Alexander. How could he be here?

His heart hammered in his chest, and he swallowed, peeking up to watch, his eyes wide.

Brandon was in the middle of both Alexander and Ian's swords now, and he swallowed. It looked dangerous.

Brandon suddenly gave a small laugh, then shook his head. "Oh, Alexander. You can do what you want tonight, but...I promise you. I will watch you pay for it. Conaan will not let you live."

Alexander gave a small snicker. "You think? Conaan will not know what hit him, just like you. I am sure he will appreciate your loyalty, however."

Brandon took a step forward, and Ian's blade pressed closer on his neck, drawing blood. Brandon turned to the blade that was now stained darkly with the blood, and he smiled, then shook his head.

"Tonight, Alexander. You sealed your own death. I promise you and..." He turned to Ian, and a small smile crossed his lips. "You will die by Conaan's very own hands. That is not something I would wish upon my own enemy. But you are my brother's enemy, and death to my brother's enemies."

Ian looked up to Alexander, who suddenly moved away, leaving his sword. Brandon turned, but before he could speak a word, Ian wielded his sword, tearing Brandon's back open.

Brandon fell to his knees, his lips immediately coloring with his blood, his eyes watering from the pain.

Anderson gave a small sigh. "I hate to see Brandon like this. To think he was the one who deposited my daughter in front of my home."

Alexander handed him the sword, then turned away. "I will take my soldiers away, then. You and Ian can finish up here."

Anderson gave a bright smile as he looked down to Brandon's eyes. Brandon still had his smile, and he gave a small shake of his head, his eyes bloodshot, a long trail of blood falling down his lips.

"It does look like I will have a a gift for Conaan by tomorrow."

Conaan suddenly woke up from his slumber with a start, his eyes wide. He turned to the bedside where he always kept his square head dagger, then reached for it, his steps flailing. He stopped for a second to catch his breath, then grabbed a sword, before staggering to the door, his legs pushing through. He reached the door, then turned the knob and started to let himself out, just as Eleanor came forward.

"Conaan! Where are you going?"

Her hands wrapped around him, stabling him and at the same time, protecting him, and he looked up, his eyes carrying the haunted look of an unsettled ghost.

"Brandon..." He started to say, his hand clasping tighter around his sword. "Brandon is in danger."

Eleanor's brows furrowed. "What? Brandon has not even returned yet and..."

"Brandon should have returned a long time ago. And I can feel it. He is in danger. He needs me right this instant."

"Conaan, please." Eleanor said, stopping him from walking. "You can barely walk right now, even if Brandon was actually in danger, you be would be more of a burden to him than anything else. Please, just..."

"Eleanor! My brother."

She stopped to look up to him, and his eyes were scared. She had never seen him so scared. Like he could see his grief already. Like he was scared of the hole that would be left in him.

Slowly, she swallowed, then immediately nodded. "Of course. I will send soldiers to him immediately. Please wait here. I will ensure they bring Brandon back. Okay? I promise you. Please."

She let go of him, letting him lean his weight on the wall, before she walked away briskly.

Conaan swallowed, his hand on his chest, his eyes wide. His heartbeat was unstable, and slowly, he let himself go on to the floor, then took a deep breath, his throat bobbing up and down. He closed his eyes for a moment, and all he could see was Brandon's face, his voice filling his ears, almost like he was haunting him.

Back at the cottage, Jamie ran into the house, then knocked on Jenna's door, his eyes wide.

"Jenna! Jenna! Open up immediately!"

There was no answer, but he could hear the slight whimpers from inside.


Still no answer, and Jamie moved back, the knocked the door open. She was crouched in a small corner, her face stained with her tears, her body trembling hard as she wrapped her hand around her frame, her head shaking with speed that could almost match her heartbeat.


"Someone...someone will pay. Someone will pay. Someone... will pay."


"Someone...someome will..." She trailed off, as a loud thunder bolt hit her ears, the light flashing through the sky.

She gasped, and grew hysterical, her hands reaching for her brother's, shaking him, like she needed something urgently but could not quite say what it was.


"Someone will..."

"Jenna!" Jamie moved, cupping her face to bring her to focus.

Suddenly, she stopped, then turned to him, fresh tears running down her face.

"Jenna..." He said again, his eyes worried.

"His Majesty...he has paid."

They were the last words she uttered before she slumped backwards, her lips parting to let a small, tired breath escape her lips.

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