Lycan's Affection

Chapter Alliance

Conaan drew back with a small laughter, but Eleanor held on to his arm, pulling him back, so she was voluntarily sandwiched between his body and the wall.

He raised a small brow, his eyes taking hers in. It was dark, and her blue orbs looked like two floating lighthouses in the midst of the endless dark sea.

"Where are you going, my love? I thought we were dying in the folds of each other's skin."

He gave a small snicker. "You are just as wild as I remember you."

She smiled, bringing her hands to slowly caress his face. "Safe to say, my love. You do drive me wild."

Conaan's hands moved, one cupping the left side of her neck, the other hanging delicately around her waist.

"Four days has been way too long," he said, his voice breathy, his eyes closing as his lips lightly brushed hers. "Hopefully, I am soon to lose myself to desire."

Her fingers moved his face gently, her lips leaving small treacherous kisses across the length of his face, then stopping just before she got to his lips. She swallowed, then let her thumb precede her lips, gently caressing the outlines of his lips.

She could see what a mess her gentle poking was making of him, and she slowly leaned, deciding finally to put an end to the torture.

The first taste of her felt like liberation, like a new taste altogether like the ones she had left before was suddenly paling on comparison to her now.

Before Conaan could stop, he wrapped his hands around her, pulling her to him, then swiftly lifted her to him.

Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, and she leaned to reach for his lips, claiming him like she would do it even if the world was ending.

Her hair fell to one side of her face, his hand lacing in her hair, the other hand alternating swiftly between the velvety skin of her shoulders, to her waist.

Suddenly, she felt her back hit the bed, and before she processed it, Conaan was above her.

His hair cast a small shadow above her, his lips casting small kisses across her face, carefully ignoring her lips.

"Conaan," she gave a gasp as he travelled down to her neck.

He took his time, her taste driving him a little crazier each second, her taste seeming to break him apart.

Suddenly, he was face to face with her once more, his eyes raw emotions, his chest slightly heaving.

"I have missed you, Eleanor," he whispered, and she nodded, knowing she could not agree to anything more.

"Me too."

Back at Anderson's residence, a servant stood above him, his hand clasped behind him.

Anderson quickly fnished penning the letter, then tucked it into the envelope and handed it to him.

"Make sure you hand it to him."

The servant nodded, and Anderson watched as he walked away.

"It can not be too long now. I must find revenge for you, Esmeralda. And it will not be the last thing I do, I swear on my blood."

The servant trudged carefully, his eyes sifting around the large estate before he finally exited the compound, then took the single lonely path to the forbidden ouylet. It was the back route that led out of the lycan apital city, and even though there was initiative for it to be completely sealed, it was still not completed yet.

He pushed through the small shrubs, then walked briskly till he got to the fence that would take him out.

He turned around, making sure no one was around, before he turned back, then got his climbing tools ready. Suddenly, he heard a noise, and he stopped, turning.

There was no one within sight and just to take extra precaution, he stopped, then looked around, more keenly this time.

There was o one, and he went back to the wall, then quickly got ready.

Suddenly, the sharp edge of a sword touched his back, and he froze mid climb, his eyes wide.

"Who are you and where are you going to?"

He turned to Brandon's steely voice, his chest heaving in fear. Brandon's eyes squinted as he observed the man. He was holding a single envelope and nothing else.

"I asked who you are!"

Obviously on the last straw, the man turned fully, and before Brandon could counter, he kicked his face, gaining enough time to pull away. Brandon was fast, and he managed to tear through the servant's clothes and a bit of the envelope before he promptly disappeared over the wall.

Brandon cussed under his heated breath before he grabbed the remnant of the envelope and the shirt he had cut off.

On the shirt was a piece of drawing, an exclusive drawing that served as an identifier for the omega servants that belonged to every household.

His eyes squinted as he tried to examine the drawing, before it slowly pieced together. It had half of the beta sign on it, and if he was not wrong, they had to belong to Anderson.

Anderson had inherited Beta Grayson's servants, and Beta Grayson's servants had been omegas trained for war, but did not quite meet the requirements. Still skilled soldiers nonetheless. It explained the quick reaction time, and it only served to agitate Brandon more.

If he was indeed one of Anderson's servants, then it was even worse that he had let him go.

He swallowed hard, then opened the small piece. There was mostly just folds of empty paper and envelope, except for one. On it was a single word that he had cut off, and his blood ran cold.


Did that mean Anderson was going to form an alliance? And if so, then...if the servant was going out, it just meant, he might be going to Polaris. It would not be the first time afterall.

"Damn you, Brandon!" He cussed again, his hand coming to his hair.

It would have been good if he had been able to intercept the letter and show it to Conaan, who would most likely be able to execute Anderson with just that as evidence.

But now, he had only puzzle pieces and a very troubling hunch.

He gave a small sigh, his chest thumping. He had to find more. Anderson and Alexander will never leave them alone until their corpses were discovered like Esmeralda's.

That was one thing he was sure of.

At the humble lycan house, Eric was staring up to Jamie amd Jenna, his lips slightly pursed.

He had asked the same question for what seemed like the hundredth time, and they were giving him the look again.

"You can not just meet his Highness. He is too high up, we are like ants to him."

Eric swallowed, then turned to Jenna. She had a soft spot for him, he had noticed, and he thought he would be able to crack through that.

"Jenna, you at least understand, right? I need to go to him. My friend is missing and I need to know. There are a lot of things I need to tell His Highness."

Jenna turned to Jamie, but he determinedly shook his head, indicating he wasn't going to budge. She gave a small sigh, then turned to Eric, a small apologetic smile on her face.

Jamie walked away, leaving them both as Jenna took her seat next to Eric.

"I wish there was a way, but..."

"Please, Jenna." He brought his hand to cover hers, his eyes looking up to hers.

A moment of silence passed between them, before he slowly withdrew his hand from her, then lowered his eyes.

"I might be able to help," she finally said, leaning closer.

His eyes lit up as he turned to her. "Really, you will?"

She nodded. "The annual festival is coming, and they will need some extra hands who are well versed in medicine to take care of people. I even heard that there is a particular person the queen herself has been taking care of."

Eric nodded, his eyes expectant.

"I could take you with me. But it is in two weeks, and you need to be patient, work on being better and fulfill my condition."

His brows furrowed. "A condition?"

She nodded, her cheeks immediately turning a light pink. She withdrew, her hand going to her laps, her eyes falling so her hair shielded half of her her face.

"Is something wrong?"

She swallowed, then gave a small sigh. "I am just going to say it, and you can reject it if you want."

Eric nodded, a little confused however.

"Can you meet me at the field of flowers tonight by seven?" She said it all in one breath, and Eric struggled for some time to understand.

Slowly, it dawned on him, her eyes scrutinizing him, her fingers nipping at each other.

She swallowed when he didn't reply immediately. "It''s...fine. If you do not want to. Besides, I am just..." She trailed off, then stood up, a small wistful smile on her face as she turned away.

Eric's hand wrapped around her wrist before she could leave, and he gently pulled her back. She let him pull her back, and she sat back, opposite him, her eyes now a little clouded.

Without a word, he let go of her wrist, then came up to her shoulder instead.

He leaned forward, and placed a small, bashful kiss on her cheek. His eyes fluttering to a close, mirroring her.

"I would be glad to," he whispered, then gently let go of her, moving away.

She broke into a big, almost breathless smile, before she nodded immediately. He mirrored her smile as he stood and walked away, a slight jump to her steps.

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