
Chapter CHAPTER 14

The Rogue Luna

Chapter 14: Walking Temptress

Chapter fourteen: Walking Temptress


“Nicholas, come to my office now. Bernard’s voice echoed in my mind through the mind link.

“Perfect. I muttered to myself as I moved away from my desk.

Bernard had a lot to explain after what happened in the hospital earlier, I had been anticipating this. I walked through the mansion towards his office. A few Pack members moved aside as I passed through the hall. I could feel their stares and hear their hushed whispers as I was a leader that was not loved but feared. They respected me because of fear. Many would have opted to have the love of their people but not me. Love was fickle and a pointless emotions that led to stupid and avoidable situation. I preferred fea, it inspired

obedience and obedience menat an efficient and effective Pack.

My Alpha, on the other hand, disagreed with me. He sought the love of his people which he believed earned him their respect. He said we needed to serve others in order to be great leaders but I disagreed with him. There was a saying that it is better to be feared than love if you can’t have both of them. I stood at the office door and knocked twice, waiting for a response.

“Come in.” I heard his muffled voice from inside his office. He looked up from his larger desk and gestured for me to come inside. I closed the door behind me and walked up to his desk and sat down. He leaned into his leather chair and set his paperwork down. He stared at

me for a while, he always does that when he is trying to remind me of my place.

“What was that in the hospital, Nicholas?” He asked.

“What do you mean, Alpha?” I responded and he furrowed his brows.

“Nicholas, don’t play dumb with me. What you did to Elena was out of line.” I wanted to say a lot but I held my tongue. I learned early on that when he had pent up frustration in him. It was best I just let him get it all out before trying to say anything to him.

“What were you even thinking? The woman came to us barley weighing anything and her wolf holding on for their dear life and you come along and terrorize her. We were lucky that she didn’t lash out from all your harassment, Nicholas. You left claw marks on her body, you nearly lost control.” He voiced his mind out.

I sat in my chair silently as I allowed him to have his way. I bit down my tongue to keep myself from not responding to him and instead, I just nodded.

“Are you not going to say anything?” He asked, I wanted to say a whole lot but I knew it would only lead to more confrontation and neither of us needed that right now.

“I am sorry, Alpha. I was only trying to do my job and it got a little out of hand. It won’t happen again.” I responded to him. I was actually lying, if given the opportunity, I would lock her up and throw away the key so she could rot.

Bernard pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, I got used to reading his social cues by now. Whatever his frustrations were, they were not all my fault. I was willing to bet my title that his frustration had more to do with that girl than they did with me.

Normally, if we found a rogue wandering on our lands, Bernard would have ordered for them to be placed into one of the cells until they started talking but he was doing everything possible to make sure that this girl was comfortable.

“Forgive me, Alpha.” The words pained me to say but I knew it needed to be done. I had to play the long game and it is important that I didn’t lose focus.

It is fine, Nicholas. Just stay out of her way. Just leave her a ne. He said to me.

“Yes, Alpha.” I replied.



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I walked through the door heading towards the hall, expecting to see Elena waiting for me by the door but I knew she was Bely to be resting I walked past the living room and found no one and I then walked to the kitchen where I heard some noise but as I was getting closer to the kitchen, all I saw was the maids.

“Alpha They greeted me, I nodded and left them to their work.

Where is she? I followed her scent until I got to the end of the hall where I knew there was a small guest room. But why did Liam put her in that room? This room didnt even have a bathroom and it had an obscure view of the compound, you could barely even see the mountains from there.

I knocked on the door and waited, I didn’t know if she was sleeping or not. It had been up to five hours since I saw her. I was about to turn around and leave when I heard her sweet melody voice from the other side of the door.

“Come in” She said, I straightened my back and opened the door. I found her lying on the small bed, staring up at the ceiling and when she noticed my presence, she sat up quickly.

Alpha Bernard.” She greeted me.

Please call me, Bernard. I walked over to her bed.

Isn’t that a bit inappropriate, seeing as I am not as high rank as you are? She asked.

“I think as my mate, you have the night to drop my title. I watched her eyes go wide at my response.

This is the first time I am acknowledging us as mates. There was no use tiptoeing around the elephant that was in the nuan

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Chapter 14: Walking Temptress

glanced down to her lips and then back to her eyes. I could see every emotion circulating behind them like a tidal wave. Her tongue darted out to wet her perfectly plump lips and I did everything in my power not to groan at her actions.

She is a walking temptress and she didn’t even know it. I don’t know who leaned in first but suddenly, the space between us was slowly disappearing until we were mere an inch away from each other. I could feel her hot breath fanning my face. All I needed to do was lean forward and my lips would be on hers. I watched her eyes flutter closed as she anticipated what I was already aching to do. I only needed to close the distance and take her lips against mine. My wolf was urging me as my eyes fluttered closed.

No! I pulled away from her and dropped my hand from the side of her face. Her eyes snapped open and I could see the rejection on her face. Her eyes held a lot of hurt but as quickly as it came, it faded away. She cleared her throat, scooting further away from me. I wanted nothing more than to pull her into me and finish what I started but I didn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to her to show her a dream that could never become a reality. I am already engaged to be married.

“I am feeling tired all of a sudden, I think I need to sleep more.” She murmured and she was about to lay down when I grabbed her shoulder.

“You should sleep in one of the rooms upstairs. They are far more comfortable and you will find it easier to sleep there.” I said to her.

“I can’t go upstairs, Liam said I shouldn’t climb the stairs because I might fall, that is why he put me in this room.” She responded.

“I am fine here, Bernard.” She added and the way she said my name was like honey to my ears.

“Then I will carry you.” Her eyes widened.

No, that won’t be necessary. I am fine here, Bernard. The room is cozy and warm, it is comfortable for me.” It was too late because I already scooped her into my arms, carried her in a bridal style and started walking towards the stairs.

She didn’t try to fight me or pull away from my hold which I was grateful for. As I walked through the corridor, she rested her head in the crook of my neck. The familiar scent of vanilla and rose petals filled my lungs as I felt my wolf stir. I tightened my hold on her as I began to ascend the stairs. I looked down at the woman in my arms, completely taken by her beauty. All I could think about at the moment was how right it felt to have Elena in my arms.

She fit just right like the space was specifically made for her. Being this close to her made every little worry and burden I had been carrying throughout the day feel weightless.

Oh, moon goddess, what kind of cruel joke are you playing? I thought to myself.

Chapter Comments



I feel sad for the the other girl. but I’m glad he got his girl. now he has to stop the beta from finding out who she is realllllly.



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