Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 6

Harsh Reality

The next day I woke up with someone nudging me. I thought with me being unresponsive they might leave but the person stopped for a moment only to start again.

I opened my eyes expecting Tah rushing me to get ready for the ceremony. But seeing mother, smiling down at me, forced me to accept the harsh reality. I smiled back at her before she retreated back.

I looked around for the clock and was surprised to see it showing one in the noon. One night of crying had drained out all my energy; I definitely can’t develop this as a habit. By this I meant the crying.

I noticed that Tah was not around. Maybe she allowed me to sleep in sensing that I was not myself. I will have to talk to her soon.

I could hear uncle Orion and dad somewhere in the house.

Not wanting them to sense that something was off with me, I decided on a shower immediately.

I cleaned up extra neat and put on some clean clothes before going down to the kitchen.

The little snack I had yesterday couldn’t be called a proper dinner. A skipped breakfast along with it made my stomach growl in hunger.

Tah was eating at the counter while mother made bacon.

Dad and uncle were in the living room discussing some pack works.

“Hello my sweet old men.”, I said going towards them.

I hugged dad and kissed him on the cheek before doing the same with uncle.

“Hello, babygirl. How was the ceremony? I heard from your mother that you found your mate.”, uncle said wiggling his eyebrows with a knowing smile.

He was around 40, with brown hair. He had amber eyes similar to my dad.

For an alpha, he was one hell of a convivial and outgoing person, a contrast to his son.

“Ceremony was good, uncle. And yeah, I did find my mate.”, I said sitting between them.

Dad was beaming, mostly at the thought that his daughter is his best friend’s son’s mate and that she would be becoming the Luna.

Oh dad, if only you knew what it was like.

“In all seriousness, tell us if he doesn’t treat you right. I will beat him down until he realizes his mistake.”, uncle said turning to me.

How I wish I could tell you the truth?

“Yeah, I will give him a nice beating for mistreating my baby.”, dad added.

“Are you speaking of the same person I think you are?”, uncle asked in fake shock.

Here they go again, childish banter.

“Sweetheart go and have some food while I give this sick man a lesson on how to be good alpha.”, dad said to me and turned to his friend. Uncle smiled and nodded at me like a child before pretending to glare at dad.

I smiled at their craziness before going to the kitchen.

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