Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 34

Michael Miller

Day cares were turned into safe places. Secret hides were dug inside them in such a way that the female and children could stay in. Guards were posted outside the houses surrounding the daycare so that anyone who tried to get inside would misinterpret the hiding place.

After Daniel suggested it, we sat down and made a list of places which might be suitable for it. Daycare made the first priority in it. While the guards made sure to get the places ready, the others trained.

We were currently in the alpha office, waiting for Kira’s father to arrive. He had accepted to come after lots of persuasion. At that moment, the door to the office opened and in he came along with Kira. Speak of the devil.

Michael walked in as if he owned the place. He had the aura of authority surrounding him. He had a sharp eye when it came to judging a person. It explains why Noah shriveled under his gaze. Having such qualities always came along with characteristics such as short-temper, intolerant.

He sat in front of the table and looked at uncle. He had brunette hair and gray eyes, just like his children.

“What have you called me for?”, he asked in a rough voice.

“I would like to apologize for everything your daughter had been in the past days, in the first place.”, uncle started.

“What do you think you are doing? You think your apology will make any difference? You treated my child as if she was a play thing. What kind of behavior is that? She might not have been a part of this pack, but she required at least some security considering her as an alpha she is. And what is this thing that I hear your son neglecting my daughter for a land?”

At that, I gasped. The room remained silent while all the pairs of eyes turned on me. Upon seeing me, he seemed to have gotten further furious.

“You! You are the one responsible for all the things my daughter faced, aren’t you? If it had not been for you, he wouldn’t have come for my daughter and she wouldn’t have ended up hurt. You home wrecker. If he had rejected you then you should have left him, but no, you had to tag along throughout. If it hadn’t been for you, my daughter wouldn’t have been kidnapped.”, he shouted.

Daniel and dad had taken a protective stance before me so that he couldn’t make a move towards me.

He turned towards uncle.

“I heard that the vampires had declared a war on your pack because of her. Such a bad luck she is.”, he said.

Uncle growled at him along with dad and Daniel.

“Do not growl at me!!”, he snarled.

“Listen carefully, I shall not provide you with any sort of help. If needed I might as well aid the vampires themselves.”, he barked and went out of the room.

“Dad!”, Kira spoke for the first time since arriving, running behind him.

“This is all because of you. The war started because of you. Now no one is ready to help us either, because of you. You are indeed a bad luck. A big one at that.”, Noah said acidly.

“Noah! Out.”, uncle yelled at him.

“I am your son for goddess sake. Take my side for once.”, he barked back.

“Leave, before I think of disowning you.”, he threatened him.

He left the room for the second time in two days, grunting.

“Don’t take his words to your heart. He is no one to judge you.”, uncle consoled me.

“When more than one person agrees with it, it must be true right?”, I asked.

“No, you shall not think as such. Neither of them knows anything about you. Their words are not to be taken into consideration, they are invalid.”, uncle said.

There was a knock on the door which made us look from where I was sitting on the couch.

“Father would like to talk to you.”, Kira said.

We nodded and organized ourselves before he came in.

“I meant the words earlier, and I am known to be a man of his words. I am doing this only for my daughter. I shall send in troops to help you by evening.”, he said looking at uncle.

“Thank you very much, Alpha Michael. Your help is very much appreciated.”, uncle said holding of his hand.

He shook his hand nodding, before leaving the room along with her.

I dismissed myself and ran behind them.

“Kira?”, I called for her.

She turned around and looked questioningly at me.

“Can I have a word?”

“Dad -”

“I will wait for you in the car.”, he said, before leaving.

Once we were along I opened my mouth to talk but even before I could utter a word she held up her hand.

“If you are here to thank me about earlier, then don’t. I did it for my own selfishness. I did it because I love him.”

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