Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 30

Discovery in Hana’s Death

Third person’s POV

Next day seemed to take forever to arrive for the alphas and the betas. In the morning, once the witch gave the signal, Richard slowly shook Carol from her sleep.

She slowly came into her senses. She opened her eyes to be met by a worried pair of Richard’s. She smiled at him warily before realization slowly settled in her. She sat up slowly with the help of Richard and Daniel. She looked around until her eyes landed on a pair of shining silver of the person sitting in front of her.

She looked at her muddled. She seemed familiar but her memories of her were blurry.

“How are doing dear?”, she asked.

“I have been better, but yeah, compared to other day I feel good.”

“Do you feel any kind of irritation on the back of your mind?”

“No, except for my body pain I don’t feel any kind of disturbance.”

She nodded understandingly.

“That will subside in time. Take plenty of rest.”, she told her.

Carol’s POV

“Can I ask you something?”

She nodded her head asking me to proceed.

“Will I be able to escape him?”

“As of now you are safe from him, but I don’t know about the future.”, she said in a somewhat low spirit.

“Is there no other solution to it?”, I asked still persistent.

“There is nothing that I know of. But one can hope. I will seek for a solution for it.”, she said with an encouraging smile.

I nodded back with a small smile on my lips.

“Then I shall take my leave. I will get back to you if I get any solution.”, she said.

She left after pressing on my forehead for a moment or two.

Zach took leave along with her saying he shall drop her on his way. He left after saying a short goodbye and a take care.

Once they both were gone, Daniel sat on my bed, which was being balanced by extra wood logs, while dad and uncle sat on the couch.

“Now can you tell us what happened?”, Daniel asked me putting his arm around my shoulder. I nodded at him before starting my story.

I told them everything about what happened when I was kidnapped, my conversation with the vampire king, Asher being my mate, my escape, weird behavior of Liza near the Serene pack.

Finally I explained the reason as to why I ran from the hospital.

“I didn’t have time to read the letter Asher gave me, so when you suggested about me having vampire blood, I knew something was weird. So I ran here to read the letter, which I knew had the answers. Along with other things it also talked about the reason as to how I was a vampire. According to Asher, he was told that the vampire king had saved mom giving his blood which I seemed to have consumed too. The reason as to why she died, he doesn’t know.”

“So that is how you have vampire blood in you?”, uncle asked still not very sure.

I nodded my head with conviction.

“Now that I think about it, we did find some traces of vampire blood in her body after she gave birth to you, but we couldn’t find anything further as she was already dead by then. I guess her wolf couldn’t handle the vampire blood in her vessels. Since you were just a pup and your wolf had not developed, you didn’t have any problem until yesterday.”, dad said still in deep thoughts.

“Has your wolf been awfully quite for the past few days?”, Daniel asked.

I nodded.

“That was because your wolf side was competing for domination which was new to her. Even though she had been used to the other side being present in you, she wasn’t used to competence. Try to keep her active as much as possible. In that way, you have some help in suppressing the vampire king who has occupied your mind.”, Daniel said.

After that they told me what happened since yesterday, and I grimaced at how manipulative and aggressive I had behaved even though it hadn’t actually been me.

Our conversation was cut short by a call to uncle.

He answered it and put it on loudspeaker.

“You have to kill the Vampire King.”

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