Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 16

Decrypting the encrypt

“He is watching us.”

“What?”, I asked looking at him confused.

“The vampire king, he is watching on us.”, Asher said.

I looked around pretending to be dazed to see if anyone was around.

“I don’t see anyone around.”, I said having checked all corners.

“You can’t locate the spy, but with my vampire skills I can tell when a person is within my locality. That is my specialty.”

“Does every vampire have a skill?”, I asked, shocked by the fact.

We might have fought many vampires and been to many wars but we never knew such facts. At least I never knew.

“We can’t talk too much, we will look suspicious.”, he said.

Even though he was right, I needed answers. If not by talk, then how will I get my answers?

“Once we go into your room I will give you a letter, read that only after you have safely escaped this place. Hide it securely so that no one sees it.”, he said, as if answering my question.

I seriously feel like these people can read my mind.

“What does this letter you speak of has?”

“Answers to your questions.”

I nodded not really knowing what to do.

“But why are doing all this? Aren’t you afraid that you might go against your father?”

“He is not my father.”

Third person’s POV

The guard made sure that the pair had gone back inside the house before going to report to the king.

“Your Majesty.”, he bowed to the vampire king who was at his table writing something.


“The prince and the girl went outside to the barren land.”

“Did you find anything suspicious?”

“No, my lord, they merely had any conversation except for a few, which seemed like he was telling about the place.”

“Keep a close watch on them. Don’t let them slip away from your eyes.”, he said motioning for him to leave.

What they didn’t know was that they already had someone turning their back to them finally getting the chance to seek revenge.

But what they didn’t know didn’t hurt them, right?

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