Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 4


Still feeling the static moving across her hand, it traveled up her arm. Chloe felt kind of shocked by the sensation. It was all from a handshake with a handsome guy. She stopped for a second to get herself together before going to training at her new job.

Margo was waiting for her inside but she did not say anything about her tardiness. She informed her not to be late again as a warning. Then she brought her over to register to show her the basics. Also, she went over the rules and took her to the back to show her around the kitchen. Margo introduced her to the chef and other kitchen crew members.

Next, told her to shadow her in her section with taking orders. Margo gestured for Chloe to gather the leftovers and provide menus for patrons. Then asked her to prepare the next set of tables. Chloe was running around until the ladies were dismissed to go on their break.

"Okay, I am going to ask why did you not question me about that guy who was talking to?" Chloe asked.

"Well, I don't think it is any of my business. But be careful around that guy." Margo said cryptically to Chloe.

"Why?" Chloe questions.

"I know him from old university and things are not well for us right now. Our families hate either is all I am going to say." Margo said leaving Chloe back in the break room.

Chloe gathered herself and went back to work. Margo was silent toward her but only answers Chloe when she asks questions. Otherwise, the conversation from break still stuck with Chloe for the rest of her shift. Then her shift was over for the night.

Chloe came back to her apartment and saw another note from the landlord. She did make her payment that same morning. Her landlord is just a greedy jerk that always asks for more money. Chloe crumples the note on her door. She sighed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. Then goes over to the computer to see what deadlines she has to do before tomorrow.

Chloe spent time working on her writing until about two in the morning. Then she went to bed. The night flew by and she has woken up by the banging on her door.

"Coming," Chloe said getting up from her bed.

The banging continues until she nearly ran to the door. Chloe opens the door. She saw Thomas at the door.

"What brings you here Thomas Klein?" Chloe asks.

"Margo told me about last night. She is concerned about your meeting with Lucius the other day. I will tell you the same warning about him. He is not the best person to be around." Thomas said and left.

Chloe was confused about what Thomas had said. She thought about Lucius anyway. Not going to care about what her friends think. It was her life and their opinions do not matter.

Most of the day, Chloe spent freelance writing and managed to finish three projects. She turned them into her clients to review. Got up to see Cody wanted to go for a walk to the dog park. Gathering the leash and her coat.

Cody spent most of the walk sniffing the ground and telephone poles to use the bathroom. He smelled a familiar scent and tugged on the leash. Looking up, she saw the white-blonde hair of Lucius petting her dog. Walking over to them.

"Hi," Chloe said when she was near enough.

Lucius got back up and said, "Hey"

Chloe and Lucius looked at either for a second. Then Chloe looked away from him and put her hair behind her ear.

"So, what brings you out? Did you want to hang out to maybe get to know either?" Chloe asked him.

Lucius thought about it a second and shake his head. He held out his arm for too take. She took it. They walked until they got passed the diner. Then let go of his arm and grabbed it again after adjusting the leash.

They ended up at the bar not far from the diner. Chloe nodded at Ian who was working the bar. She took Lucius to the table in the corner. They sat down and the server brought over their drinks.

"How are you finding Billings so far?" Chloe asks resting her arm on the table and looking at Lucius.

"It is different from being back in Ever Green. I have been finding it a lot louder than dealing with a college town. I told myself I will stay a while to find out my roots here. I think a special someone made me think about settling down somewhere to discover that part of me." Lucius said.

"Is that special someone has to do with me?" Chloe boldly asked.

"Maybe," Lucius said.

Chloe and Lucius throwback drinks. Also, beginning to feel a bit drunk. They both started laughing at either.

"Gosh, I am starting to feel wasted from drinking that wine." Chloe sat trying to get up but almost fell over.

"Here, let me help you." Lucius grabbed for her arm. He walked her to the bathroom. Then stopped outside the door. Looking down at her. He kissed her. The kiss only lasted for a second before pulling away.

Chloe went to the bathroom after kissing Lucius for a second. She washed her hands and went back out. Lucius was waiting for her outside the bathroom.

"Did you want to get out of here?" Chloe asked.

"Sure," Lucius replied.

Gathered their belongings and paid for their drinks then left. They held hands on the way back to her apartment. Chloe outside her door and kissed him to tell him was okay to spend the night.

Lucius stopped to sit on the couch. He took her hand and laid her down on the sofa to continue the kiss. Their kissing was getting more intense. Chloe thought about stopping but she thought not to. It has been a while since she has been with anyone physically. She started to tug on his shirt to show her intention.

Lucius for up and pulled his shirt off and threw it accidentally on the dog. He laughed at where it had landed. Then takes Chloe to the bedroom not breaking the kiss either. Placed her onto the bed and made love to her for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Chloe woke up with her head pounding. She was wondering why she was naked too. Remembering she slept with Lucius last night. Looking beside her and he was still asleep. Then lost in her thoughts, someone was knocking on the front door. Quietly, getting up and grabbing for a robe.

Chloe walked down the hallway and answered the door. Margo was standing outside in the hall.

"Can I come in?" Margo asked.

"I don't think will be the best time. Maybe come back later. I have a guy company over." Chloe whispered.

"Okay," Margo said and walked away.

Chloe closed the door and took a deep breath. She got dressed and shook Lucius awake. Told him that she had fun last night and should do it again. Lucius soon left after another make-out session. Chloe got to work on more freelance projects until late into the afternoon.

Margo came by after to talk to her about what Thomas said. She soon left to get ready for work. Chloe had to work that night as well. Going to the diner that night she saw Lucius was there. She knew he was the section that was assigned to her by the manager that night.

Chloe was prepared to do her job by herself without Margo shadowing her. She made a few mistakes and also apologized to the couple in her section. Luckily, they were accepting. Chloe knew not many people were accepting of her mistakes and complained to her boss. The night flew by, and Lucius did not stay for long. He ordered and then went back to the hotel he was staying at. Chloe thought about him on break. Margo picked up on it.

"Are you thinking about Lucius again?" Margo asked.

"I do not know what you are talking about?" Chloe answers.

"I recognized his leather jacket on the chair in the living room back at your apartment. You slept with him last night?" Margo exclaimed.

Chloe only smiles and walks away. She leaves the diner and goes home. Lucius was waiting at her door when she got into her apartment. He follows her and hugs her. They talk for a while then Lucius leaves. Chloe turns in for the day.

Before sleeping, she thought about Lucius and how much getting to know them was the best thing for her right now. She does not want to mess it up.

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