Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 21


Getting back to the compound after being out shopping with Margo and dealing with the encounter with Joe. Chloe sat behind the wheel and cried. She sat there until there was a knock on the driver's window. Lucius knocked on her window. He saw her tear-stained face. Then he opens the car door and gets her bags. Both go inside.

"What happened?" Lucius asked.

"It was Joe. He grabbed me. Luckily, Margo was there to get me away from him."Chloe told Lucius. She was still sobbing.

Lucius hands her a tissue. Which she takes it and thanks him.

Gathering herself and grabbed the bags. Then put them in the bedroom closet. She did not want to worry about those at the moment. Chloe spent the better part of the day resting after the stressful ordeal.

Lucius left the apartment to give time to herself. He probably went to tell Ian and the beta about the encounter. Comes back to the apartment to wake Chloe up.

"I told Ian and his beta about what happened. They are going to talk to my father later today." Lucius said. Then her phone rang.

Picking it up and saw it was Margo calling. Chloe jumped off the bed and went towards the living room to talk to her.

"Margo, Thank god you called," Chloe said with relief.

"I am fine. The only thing I will tell you. The slimeball followed me back to my apartment. Luckily, Ava was able to restrain the creep. I threaten him. I don't care if it was a bad idea." Margo sarcastically said.

"Thank god for that girl or I think he would kill you," Chloe said.

"He tried to bite me but I fought him. Then threw him out. Like I said threatened him." Margo told her.

Lucius came out of the kitchen to listen to her conversation. Both girls talked some more before hanging up. Lucius knew now that Joe threatened Margo and Ava. He sat down to watch TV. Chloe decided to work on her book. The idea of her book changed and she decided to write about her experiences with dealing with a stalking ex-boyfriend. She changed the names and the plot was to be different.

It was late afternoon when there was a knock on the door. Lucius got up to answer the door. He notices his father standing on the porch. Chloe stopped typing to look up. She waved at Miles.

"How are you guys?" Miles asked putting his coat on the armchair.

"You know how we have been, Dad," Lucius commented.

"I want to be sure that you know what you are asking me to do with Joe is the thing you want," Miles asked.

"Yes, I want you to arrest Joe or stake him," Lucius demanded.

"Okay, I need this to be discreet and his master needs to be here for him to be killed by a stake with permission," Miles said.

"How are you going to get his master out here? He does not leave Pennsylvania at all." Lucius commented.

"I will have to set a meeting with him and convince him to come here at night. Since he is an ancient vampire and the sun might be a problem." Miles told Lucius, "It could take some time for him to want to meet with me."

Chloe sat watching Lucius and Miles exchange with either. She sometimes wondered what his mother was like. But she knew not to ask either of them about her. Looking at her laptop, Chloe went back to typing her book. She was lost in typing to notice both of the guys leaving the apartment to talk in private outside.

Thirty minutes have gone by before Lucius came back. He shuts the apartment door and sat down on the couch again. Chloe put away her laptop and rubbed her eyes from staring at the screen.

"What did you and your father talk about?" Chloe asked standing up.

"Just council stuff that happened and finalizing some information regarding Margo and Ava. My father told me that they were free to go about their lives." Lucius said.

"What information regarding Margo and Ava?" Chloe asked.

"Four months ago, there was an incident that happened at Margo’s house that involved the death of her parents. Ava was living with her at the time. The former head of the council was murdered by Ava. She was defending Margo’s parent's death. They ended up on the run for a while and ended up here." Lucius said but left the fact that he was involved.

"I see why Ian took them in and protected them when they first arrived four months back," said Chloe.

"It’s going to make her sad on her wedding day walking down the aisle. She has Ian to do that. If he wants the job." Lucius comments.

"Her wedding is in late summer. I will be in my third trimester and hope I don't give birth during it either." Chloe told Lucius.

Lucius laughed at her comment. He leaves the room to go to bed.

Chloe spent the last hour of the day before going to sleep. She cleaned up the living room and threw away any old papers that were not needed. Then cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes. She only cleaned the bathroom because it could use a scrubbing. Doing all this cleaning helped her clear her head and deal with stress in a good manner. Finding out her best friend lost her parents and how did Ava come to live with Margo in the first place?

Going to bed that night just thinking about what Lucius told her about Margo. Margo and Thomas never mentioned why they left Pennsylvania and the new information now made sense. She could sleep restlessly and tossed herself awake. Her mind would not turn off. She decided to work on her book some more to further its plot. Hoping writing would distract her until she was tired again.

The next day, Lucius comes out to the living room to find Chloe asleep on her desk. He comes over to shake her awake. Taking her notebook and pen from her hand. Chloe only groaned and went back to the room half asleep. She slept until late afternoon. Nothing else happened during the time she was sleeping.

"Chloe?" Lucius said shaking her awake, "We have a doctor's appointment in two hours. So, you need to get up and eat something."

Chloe jarred awake and said," Thanks for reminding me. I completely forgot."

Rushes over to the bathroom to shower and eat something before getting on the road to Jefferson for their doctor's appointment. Lucius grabbed Chloe's bag to put a snack to have on the road so she would not have to stop for a snack. They rushed out the door and spent another twenty minutes trying to find a parking spot once arriving in Jefferson.

The receptionist already knew who they were because Chloe only mention her name and was sent back to the office. Chloe was nervous and excited to see if she was having twins.

She undressed and the doctor just came in when Chloe hopped up on the table. Lucius sat on the chair staring around the room and not looking at the doctor.

"Mrs. Swartz, you are here to see a normal check-up and we are going to see how healthy the baby is. We will answer any questions at the end. Shall we begin?" Mrs. Clemmons said.

Mrs. Clemmons checked Chloe and upon turning the screen she saw Chloe's question on the screen. Chloe was pregnant with twins but the gender was not visible yet. They left soon after holding ultrasound images. Chloe would keep the news to herself for now. Both of them went home and spent the rest of the day reading up on twins.

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