Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 14


Watching from afar, Joe watched Chloe and Lucius. He watched them bring out boxes to the car. Knowing that Chloe was moving out of the crumpling apartment. They all thought he was gone and back in Pennsylvania. That was only a rumor. He refused his master and didn't listen to return. It will teach his master a lesson in messing with him.

"Hey Carson, Did you hear anything from Ian about his new guests moving into his territory?" Joe asked.

"No, why do you ask?" Carson questions Joe.

"Because my ex-girlfriend and my ex-friend are moving into his territory. They probably told a lie to leave your territory a day earlier. I see them with boxes getting moved into their car. I am guessing the landlord finally put the eviction notice on her door." Joe explains what he is currently seeing at the moment.

"Ian is great at telling very believable stories. He might have to tell a fib to get them to leave. It would logical if Chloe had an issue with her pregnancy being that she is in her first trimester. For example, she ends up having a miscarriage." Carson told Joe.

"Wait, she is pregnant. Okay, that could be reasonable to leave suddenly." Joe agrees with Carson on the probable reason.

After hanging up his phone, Joe realized that his ex was pregnant. Since he was wondering why Lucius was staying with her due to the unborn child. Her parents must be thrilled about her pregnancy out of wedlock. He bets that her parents want her to get married soon to other family members from asking questions. Joe laughed to himself at the torture.

Joe sat in the car that he stole from a random man on the road. He drank the guy's blood until he died. Buried his body in the woods somewhere. His friend is still unconscious in the backseat. His neck still bleeding from the fang marks left behind. He did not care either, just hoping no random human comes walking passed the car to see it.

Deciding to call Ian to play with his head was the game he wanted to play to scare everyone. He was about to open his phone when a knock sounded on his passenger window. Looking up, Miles appeared outside the car. He looked pissed.

"What are you doing here?" Miles angrily asks.

"I thought I would stay longer-term. I will not bother Chloe and Lucius. I thought of spending time with some old friends," Joe explained innocently.

"I saw your car sitting here watching my son and Chloe again. I should not say this is even your car due to the unconscious guy in the backseat. If my son finds you here it would cause problems and I don't think he needs that right now. That girl is important to him now. You have to move on." Miles said leaning on the car.

The unconscious guy in the back started to stir and gradually got up. He looked at Joe and Miles. Not beginning to ask where he was either. Joe jumped on the guy and bit his neck again. The guy tried to scream but Joe was too quick. There were only grueling sounds then silence. The guy flopped onto his side when Joe was finished. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Miles shrank away from the messy backseat.

"You better clean that up," Miles said before turning to go back into the hotel.

After talking with Miles, Joe took a trip outside of town to deposed the body in the car. He dragged the dead guy under the bush to hide from the people. The animals will eat his corpse. Joe ran back to the car and drove back to town. Driving by, he noticed Chloe and her friend leaving work for the day.

Joe was not planning on kidnapping Chloe and her friend. He just wanted to see her and see if the story Carson told him was true. Noticing that Chloe saw his face but did not want to acknowledge him either spoke many volumes to him.

"How about this bridal shop? We can look in here to see what dresses they have." Chloe told her friend.

"Chloe, do you think this would be the best time to start dress shopping? We might do that later after getting the color scheme for the wedding first. We need to bring Ava with us next time." Margo asked, "Especially since we don’t know if we have to change your size once you start to show."

"Okay, you have a point. Did you run any ideas by Thomas?" Chloe questioned Margo.

Joe only heard a glimpse of their conversation about wedding planning. He guess it was her friend that was getting married not Chloe. Who knows maybe that was around the corner. He thought about calling it a day and went back to the hotel. Miles did get him a room to stay in. He needed to check-in.

The woman at the front desk looked up from whatever work she was doing. She put aside the papers and asked, "How could I help you?"

"A friend of mine check in a room for me. My name is Joe Chavez." Joe told The clerk.

"Oh, here you are. You are in room 304. Have a great stay." The clerk.

Bidding the clerk a thank you and he left for his room. Going up, he saw a maid cleaning the room across the hall, he started to feel thirsty again. He never thought the return of drinking human blood would be this bad. The burn was still in his throat and he grabbed the maid towards his room. He bit down on her neck and began to drink until he was satisfied. The maid was passed out in the bathroom in his room. Joe went to bed soon after.

There was a knock on his hotel room door, Joe was still full of sleep. The maid had left when he was in deep sleep. Miles was standing outside the door dressed in a suit. He barges into the room and sits down on the loveseat.

"Did you attack someone else today?" Miles sounded angry.

"The burn is still in my throat. I should never have started drinking human blood again. It has been three months since I quit the last time." Joe explained.

"You should be more careful. A maid came running out of your room screaming bloody murder about being attacked by a vampire. This information will get back to Ian. He will know you are back in town. Unless his pack mates already informed him of your presence. Keep a low profile. Miles told Joe and left the room soon after.

After Miles left, he decided just to chill in the hotel room for rest of the day. Maybe the entire time he is here so Ian won't hunt him down. He only told his master he will only stay until tomorrow anyway. He needs to get sleep and then leave first thing in the morning. Joe could head north away from Billings, Montana to get away from everything. That was what he going to do.

The next morning, Joe freshen up and checked out. Then he left Billings for now. Hoping things will be chill when he returned in a couple of months.

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