Love to Hate You: An Enemies-to-Lovers New Adult College Sports Romance

Love to Hate You: Chapter 17

Olivia and I arrive at the party arm-in-arm.

BU played their fourth game of the season and came out victorious.  Which means a celebration is in order.  The fact that it was a tight contest and could have gone either way only means that students will turn out in droves.

Speaking of tight…

I’m embarrassed to admit that I spent a fair amount of time watching Carter’s ass in those form-fitting white pants.  Say what you want about the guy, but he has amazing…


It goes without saying that I shouldn’t think about or watch Carter’s backside.  Especially during a football game.  I’m there to support Noah.  And I genuinely enjoy football.  I grew up watching Noah play.  I’m not like Olivia, who sits in the stands and has no clue what’s going on.

But still, I couldn’t take my eyes off Carter.

I need to shake these thoughts loose.  With excessive force, if need be.  I can’t allow myself to trip down this path.  Carter and I are in a good place, and I don’t want to rock the boat.

The plan for this evening is to have a few drinks and make out with a cute guy.  And it doesn’t necessarily have to be in that order, either.  I need someone to take my mind off a certain dark-haired football player.

That shouldn’t be too difficult, right?

BU has its fair share of hot guys.  It’s one of the perks of attending a school that has roughly ten thousand students.  The hunting grounds are always plentiful.

As Olivia and I make our way to the door, we’re greeted by a hulking guy who appears to be missing a neck.  I bet he could easily bench press a VW Beetle.  Most girls would be intimidated by the sheer size of him.  I’m not. Owen’s a big, squishy teddy bear inside.  Added bonus, he knows his way around a kitchen and makes the best lasagna I’ve ever tasted.  And that’s saying something because Aunt Marnie is a phenomenal cook.

“Hey, Owen!” I greet with a wave.

He plays the part of bouncer well.  As soon as he sees me, his face lights up.  “Hey, sweet cheeks.  How ya doing?”

Owen’s on the football team and he’s extremely effective at his job.  I’ve heard rumors that he’s skipping his senior year and entering the NFL draft this spring.  If that happens, there will be a massive hole in the defensive lineup.

“Pretty good.  Although not as amazing as you.  That was an awesome sack you had in the first quarter.  That guy didn’t know what hit him.”  I laugh.  “He probably still doesn’t know what hit him.”

Owen grins and wraps his arms around my body, giving me a monster hug.  “Damn straight, he didn’t.  Gotta shut that shit down right from the get-go.  Know what I’m talking about?”


Owen leads the conference in sacks.  He’s one of the best linemen Division I football has to offer which is probably why he’s looking to turn pro early instead of sticking around for another year.  Can’t blame him for that. 

Once he releases me, Owen glances around.  “Where’s your cuz?  Haven’t seen him since the game.”

“He headed out of town for the weekend.”  I shrug.  “Some family party for Ashley.”

I’m still pissed at her for the plus-sized modeling comment.  That girl can kiss my plus-sized ass for all I care.

With exaggerated movements, the linebacker moves his considerable bulk from side to side, waving his arms in the air.  “Gonna miss an epic celebration tonight.  We gonna get wild!”

He may be an amazing football player, and a decent cook, but his dance moves leave something to be desired.

I laugh.  “Tell you what, I’ll have a few drinks for Noah and we’ll call it even.”

Owen shakes his head and chuckles, spearing a thick finger in my direction.  “You do that, sweet cheeks, but don’t have too many.  Walker will have my ass on a platter if anything happens to you.”

I roll my eyes because we both know that what he said isn’t an idle threat.  I might be twenty-one years old, but Noah treats me like I’m in kindergarten and as helpless as a baby bird. It’s frustrating.

“Well, what he doesn’t know…” I let my voice trail off, hoping that Owen agrees.  Then I point to Olivia, who’s standing at my side.

I really need to loosen her up.  She needs a man as bad as I do.  Maybe more so.

“And I’m not alone.  My bestie is here with me.  We’re using the buddy system tonight.”  I wave a hand in the air.  “So, no worries.  It’s all good.”

He arches a dark brow and gives Olivia a thorough perusal.  “Yeah, looks like I’ll be keeping an eye on both of you lightweights.”  He jerks his thumb toward the party raging inside.  “Get in there, ladies, before I change my mind.”  As we scuttle by, he shouts, “Two drinks each, max!”

I wave a hand over my shoulder.  “Sure, sure,” I agree, having no intention of following his directive

Noah is gone for the night, and I’m a free woman.  I can do whatever I want.

The possibilities are endless as I glance around at the ensuing madness. Music vibrates off the walls as the bass reverberates deep in my bones.  A strobe light flickers overhead.  People dance with their arms raised.  Laughter and chatter surround us.  The mood is festive and exuberant.  Red plastic cups are the standard accessory this evening because everyone has one.

I nod, satisfied with my surroundings.  I haven’t seen it this crazy since the start of fall semester.  I need a distraction, and this will do the job nicely.  I grab Olivia’s hand and drag her to the kitchen in search of liquid refreshment.

I’ve been here a ton of times with Noah.  A bunch of football players rent this house, and I know all of them.

Once we zigzag our way to the kitchen, I catch a glimpse of a freshman football player manning the keg.  I push my way to the front of the line, giving him a bright smile.  “Hey, Dylan, can we get two cups?”

He looks up from the glass he’s filling and flashes me a grin.

Dylan is handsome, with clear green eyes, light brown hair, and an easy smile that lights up his face.  He’s a player and a shameless flirt.  Every time I see him, he has his arm around a different female.  

 “You got it, beautiful.”  He fills two plastic cups and hands them over.

“Thanks, Dylan!”

And then we’re off, navigating through the thick crowd.

I take a thirsty swig and end up draining half the glass. Olivia sips daintily from her red Solo cup as if she’s attending high tea with the Queen of England.  I doubt she’ll have more than half a glass.  But it’s good to see her out and loosening up.

She needs this.

And so do I.

I have to put a stop to whatever’s going on in my head regarding Carter and move on.

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