Chapter 30

Chapter 30


“Mummy, are bad people coming again?” My baby worries, frantically looking around us and I hasten my steps to my dad’s room.

“Yes, baby. We need to be careful, and I want you to be brave for me like last time okay?” I whisper, and his heartbeat speeds up. I don’t know when this will end. My baby needs to grow up in a more peaceful environment.

“Mummy, let’s go home. Bad people are not at our home” He whispers and I halt in my steps. The people we considered family are the ones that turned out to be the bad people. He never asked about Leo from the day he saw him hurting me.

“Baby, don’t you want to stay with daddy and grandpa?” I whisper and resume walking.

“I want. Will Daddy protect us?” he whispers, tightly wrapping his arms around my n*eck.

“Yes, and if we leave, he will be so sad. You don’t want your dad sad, right?”

“I want to protect him”

“Then let’s stay and protect him, okay? Your dad is like a superman, and he will chase the bad guys away, you will see” I whisper placing him on the bed but he holds me tight. He is scared.

Last time they almost killed me in front of him, and I am sure it is an experience he doesn’t want to witness again.

“Mummy, please don’t sleep again” The tremble in his voice makes my heart sink. I sit on the bed and hold my baby closely.

Please, goddess, protect us.

“I won’t sleep, I promise” I blink away the tears welling in my eyes. I know I’m saying it so he will be less worried but in case anything happens to me, my son will be in danger. No one is around the house and I’m shi t scared.

We will be fine. You will see, sleep baby” I k*ss his hair and cradle him to my chest.

Baby, are you okay?’ Jace’s worried voice sounds in my mind. Dad


promised to be here but he hasn’t arrived yet. After this, I will force my wolf to shift. I can’t continue being this helpless.


‘Yeah, we are fine’ I mutter k*ssing my son’s head.

I am coming’

Minutes later, the sound of a door shutting starttles my son, and he starts whimpering. His hands tightly clutch my top and he starts releasing slow sniffles. He is crying.


“Baby, it’s just Daddy, okay?” I whisper when I smell my mate’s scent. Liam quickly sits up and expectantly stares at the closed door.

‘In my dad’s room, The door bursts open and my worried mate appears in front of us.

“Daddy, you left us again” My baby starts crying as he lifts his hands for Jace to pick him up.

“No, baby. I am here” When he quickly picks him up, Liam instantly presses his face into his n*eck.

“Bad people hurt mummy and me when you leave us” he cries harder and I immediately stand up. This is so heartbreaking. I blink away my tears and walk to my dad’s bathroom. I can’t watch him break down like that.

“I am sorry baby, I will never leave you again, okay? I promise. I won’t let bad people hurt you again” I block away their voices and wash my face. Liam trusts his father. How can I bring a being into the world and fail to protect him? I remember when that woman slapped him so hard that I felt it on my fingertips.

I couldn’t do anything. If his dad didn’t show up, we would have been dead already. How can I be this useless?

“Ana” Jace worriedly knocks on the bathroom door. I can feel his perturbed feelings. He still blames himself for his mum’s actions and I don’t like it.

“I will be out in a second” I grab one of Dad’s towels to dry my face and hands.

I am sorry” My mate instantly grabs my head, and places it on his chest immediately I open the door. “I am sorry I left you vulnerable. Sorry I made you scared” He places frequent k*sses on my head, and I bite my


lower l*p to stop myself from crying.

Liam just calmed down, and I can’t stress my mate with my crying agains So I take in deep breaths of his scent and hold on to him.

Muminy, don’t be scared anymore, Daddy is here now, he will protect us His little fingers touch my chair, and I nod without looking up. I can’t believe I let him sense my fear. Whom am I kidding, I was shaking as f u c k.

“I love you” he murmurs and I sniffle.

“I am okay, thanks” I quickly pull away from Jace and I am glad he understands I need to compose myself. No matter how down I am feeling, I can’t let Liam see my tears.

However, the pictures on Dad’s bedside table caught my attention. Dad, a woman, and a little girl. They are all smiles and my hurt clench when I remember how the young family was ruthlessly torn apart.

My hands clench around the edges of the picture until my knuckles turn white. I will never forgive anyone who participated in that crime, and I pray Dad won’t let them go.

Before I could return the photo to its stand though, a memory flushes in my mind so fast and I gasp. The woman in the photo looks so familiar to


I remember seeing her one day in Canada.

There was a day Nia visited Leo at work, and when I entered the office unannounced, she quickly closed the door and said they were in a meeting.

A woman was kneeling on the floor, but I didn’t get enough chance to look at her.

She was disheveled, unlike in this photo though.

With everything happening, I won’t be surprised with anything anymore.

But Dad said they found a b*dy in the forest.

‘Dad?’ I have to make sure.

‘Baby, you are okay, right? I sent your mate to you’

Dad, did they leave?’

‘No, she says that she has something that belongs to me. I think she is bluffing, Liam and you are okay’

Goddess, it’s true then.


Dont let them go, Dad, they have a woman in the photo’

What photo, sweetheart?’

“The one in your room. The family photo’ I hurriedly whisper and it goes silent


I call again again but what follows is a loud terrifying growl. A growl that violently shakes the ground beneath us.

A howl of an enraged wolf.

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