Love Bites

Chapter 29

The girls finished shopping, each carrying several bags back to Lily’s BMW.

“Thankfully, it has good trunk space,” Abby said, and they all laughed.

They piled in and lily drove Abby home, then stopped off to get dinner, letting Kayla pick.

Pulling up, the grabbed their shopping bags and Kayla asked, “All of them?”

“Might as well. I’ll keep an emergency stash here… just in case.”

Kayla giggled and said, “In case of him or me?”

Lily gave her a win and said, “Yes.” Lily grabbed the dinner bags and a few clothes bags and they walked into the house.

“Mom?” Kayla called.

“In the den sweetie,” she answered.

“Set the bags on the stairs and I’ll get them after I put dinner in the kitchen,” Lily told her.

Kayla set the bags down and walked into the den. Her mom took one look at her and jumped up. “Oh my God, sweetie. You look so different.”

Kayla looked at her feet. “Oh no,” her mom said raising her daughter’s chin. “No self-deprecation. You’re so beautiful. Cory was right. It didn’t take much for them to transform you from pretty to gorgeous.”

She used her index finger to pull some hair back and tuck it behind Kayla’s ear.

No girl anymore. All woman. And I’m glad you switched back to your glasses. They fit you. You look more grown up, more mature.”

Kayla blushed at the attention.

“Like I told Cory, I know you two are close, and that will never change, but you also need your individuality. Now you’ve got that. One’s a new man, the other’s a new woman. I’m proud of both of you.”

Kayla gave her mom a big hug.

“Now, where is the miracle worker of ours?” Sophie asked.

“Right here,” Lily said walking in. “Dinners on the table. Time to eat or it will get cold.”

Kayla walked off and Lily turned to follow, but follow Sophie stopped her. “Just a second young lady. Well…”

Lily smiled. “Young works.”

Sophie nodded. “As for the twins, I don’t think I can ever repay you for what you’ve done.” Lily opened her mouth, but Sophie stopped her, raising a finger. “Knowing them, they will both take care of that part on their own but know that on top of that you have my gratitude. Anything I can do, just ask.

“Now, as for this,” she said waiving a hand at the TV and surround sound system, “and all the other, um, upgraded replacements you’ve provided… I can’t accept these.”

“Yes you can. It’s the least I can do. I’d say it was only money, but it’s not even that. For me, this is not even a monthly interest payment. It’s not the money. I didn’t even know your husband for twenty-four hours but he’s been the closest thing to a father I’ve had in, well, 300 years. As for Cory, well… we’re both old enough not to mix words. When he’s ready, I intend to marry him. If he chooses to grow old, so will I, right beside him. I love him. And all that’s mine is his.

“Kayla is like, and one day will be, my sister. That makes you my mother. In-law at least. Since you’re his mother too, then we’re family. And since we’re family, what’s mine is yours. So, get used to it.

“That being said, anything you just want, not need, call Trish and tell her. She’ll get it and deliver it to you. No matter what it is. Car, boat, jewelry, getaway bungalow, summer home in France or Switzerland, whatever. Anything over half a million and she has to get my okay first, but…”

Sophie just shook her head.

“Sophie…” Lily said with a sigh. “Just know the offer is open if you ever change your mind. You’ve got Trish’s number. She’s my personal buyer, so she’s on retainer, day or night.”

“I-I can’t,” Sophie said.

“Oh, come on, haven’t you ever wanted a private Chippendale show?” she said, winking at the woman.

Sophie blushed and said, “No.”

Lily shrugged and said, “Don’t know what you’re missing. There are perks to having money. Now, dinners getting cold, and the twins are coming downstairs.”

Sophie listened but didn’t hear anything until both were downstairs, headed to the kitchen.

Lily shrugged and said, “I’ve got really good hearing too.”

She took Sophie’s hand and pulled her into the kitchen to eat. Kayla had chosen Mexican for dinner and Lily had stopped and picked up enough food to please everyone plus have leftovers. They ate, then cleaned up and Sophie went back to the den to relax and watch TV.

The twins both grinned and thanked Lily for the TV and making their mom happy. “I’ll get paid back,” Lily said with an evil grin.

Cory bushed but Lily added, “By both of you.” This caused Kayla to blush too. “Man, you guys are too easy. Come on girl, we have things to do,” Lily said taking Kayla’s arm. “Go entertain yourself, Cory.”

Lily and Kayla disappeared upstairs, closing Kayla’s door behind them. Cory went upstairs and decided to play video games to pass time, hearing the girls giggle every once in a while. He tried to ignore the two in the other room, feeling slightly left out.

While trying to win a race while evading police because he was speeding, he heard Lily in his head. Cory, we need your help. Come in here please.

Pausing his game, Cory got up and walked over to Kayla’s room. Opening the door, he walked into the room a few steps before stopping, mouth dropping open.

Both Kayla and his sister stood side-by-side wearing identical lingerie. Each girl’s tan offset by the light lavender color of the material and a fringe of cream-colored lace. Bras proudly displaying ample cleavage, Lily’s slightly larger. Panties, what there was of them, were high cut, showing off fit thighs and slim hips of both.

“So, who’s this look better on?” Lily asked.

Cory’s brain basically vapor locked as he stood there, mouth agape.

“Cory?” Kayla asked, concerned.

Cory turned around, took a step, and nearly stumbled. Regaining his balance, he walked out of the room.

“Oh crap,” Lily said. “I’ll deal with this,” she said taking off after Cory.

Cory had gone back to his room, she saw, setting on the floor in front of his TV, game controller in his hands, but not playing. He was staring at the frozen TV, not even blinking.

Lily walked over, removed the controller from his limp hands and sat sideways in his lap. She put her left arm around his neck and looked into his vacant eyes. “Talk to me Cory. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Still looking straight into his eyes, she saw no reaction. It was as if his brain ceased functioning. Like he was on automatic pilot. With her right hand, she turned his cheek gently and tried again. “Cory, listen to me. To my voice. Come back to me.”

He didn’t react. She snapped her fingers twice in front of his eyes. His pupils dilated open, then returned to their prior size.

Damnit Cory, don’t you leave me, Lily said directly inside his head.

Cory blinked. Lily snapped her fingers in front of him again and he jerked back slightly. “Say something, Cory.”

Life came back into his eyes. “What’s wrong Cory?” she asked again, out loud this time.

He eyes lowered. At first, Lily thought he was looking at her cleavage, which was basically right under his nose, but then she realized he wasn’t. It was like he picked a spot behind her and managed to look through her and focus on that spot.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

There was a small shake of his head, easily overlooked if she hadn’t been staring at him so intently. “I can’t read your mind. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help.”

“I need to be alone,” Cory said softly.


“I said I need to be alone. Alone, as in by myself. Please leave,” he said with more force.

Lily straightened up and removed her arm from around him. “You… you want me to go?” she asked in a small voice.


“Okay. We’ll I’ll be in Kayla’s ro-”

“No,” he interrupted. “I mean, the house. Go. Get your stuff and leave,” Cory said coldly.

For once in her life, like was unsure of what to do. She loved Cory and he was pushing her away. She slowly leaned forward and kissed him, and he winced at the touch.

Not sure what else to do, she would do what he asked. She got up out of his lap and walked to the doorway.

Right before she got there, she heard a bang and pop from behind her. She spun and saw that Cory had thrown the video game controller into this TV, shattering both into pieces. “I love you Cory,” she said softly before walking out of his room.

By the time she walked across the hallway into Kayla’s room she was in tears and trying her best not to break out into sobs.

Kayla hadn’t moved and looked at her, alarmed, when she saw her state. “Lily, what’s going on?”

Lily came over and hugged her, saying, “I don’t know. He told me to leave.”

“We’ll go back to what we were doing. He’ll get over it or figure out what’s wrong and come back.”

At this, Lily couldn’t hold back any longer and started sobbing, telling Kayla, “No… he said to leave… the h-house. He wants me gone.”

“What the… No, you’re my guest too, he can’t do –” Kayla said but Lily interrupted.

“No. I’ll do what he asked.” She let go of Kayla’s hand and quickly pulled on her clothes haphazardly. Her clothes on, Lily picked up her shoes and socks, kissed Kayla on the cheek and said, “Keep it all. You look great in it and it’ll all fit.”

Lily turned and nearly ran out, still crying, while Kayla called after her. “Lily. Don’t go. Come back Lily. Please…”

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