Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 21

Chapter 0021
Lucius did not give her the chance to fight back. He picked her up with ease, flipped her around, and pinned her against the bed.
The pain increased, and Violet could only clench the bedsheets in order to reduce the
Meanwhile, Oliver remained smiling happily in the newspaper on the floor.
Would he help her if he knew that she was being mistreated?.
“Stop lying to yourself. He loves Emily and hates you. He would definitely want someone to torment you like
Lucius is doing right now.”
Violet’s tears spilled down and made the bedsheets wet, but she bit down on her bottom lip and refused to
make a sound or beg for mercy.
Her stubbornness only served to stir Lucius up. All he wanted to do was make her submit to him. A battle of one trying to make
the other submit and the other refusing to thus started, and it lasted for an entire night.
When Lucius left, Violet felt like she had been run over by a truck. Even her breathing was really soft. She kept her eyes opened
while she cried soundlessly. Hickies and bruises marred her entire body. Not a single inch of her was unblemished.
Lucius took a bath and got dressed. The cruel monster changed into a handsome and indifferent monster. He radiated
nonchalance while he buttoned up his cufflinks. Then, he left while stepping over the newspaper.
Violet fell asleep.
She had a dream. In it, Oliver came to save her on a white horse. Delighted and upset, she hugged him as she cried while he
cradled her face and kissed her.
It was hard to believe, but, feeling touched, Violet lifted her head to kiss him. Oliver suddenly turned into Lucius and pushed her

Violet woke up with a cry. Her face was covered in sweat. She hugged herself in helplessness and noticed that she was lying in
his bed. The messy blankets reminded her of the humiliation and torment she suffered yesterday, and she trembled.
If God would just give her a knife, she would plunge it into Lucius’s heart without hesitation.
She hated that man!
Violet had missed breakfast and lunch because she had been sleeping, so she forced herself to eat something for dinner. Even
so, she felt listless. The punishment that lasted for the entire night made her feel even more lethargic than being sick for ten days
straight. She returned to bed and fell asleep.
Violet jolted awake in the middle of the night and noticed that Lucius was asleep next to her. The dim light
during the day. He was also not as imposing as before.
Violet got out of the bed and went over to him as she mulled over the possibility of killing him by strangling.
Lucius was a vigilant man and woke up when Violet got out of bed. He opened his eyes when Violet lifted the
chains. It shocked Violet so much that she trembled in fear, and her hands froze in the air.
“Thinking about killing me?”

He was always able to guess her thoughts. Perhaps it was due to the light, but he did not look as ruthless and wild as usual.
Even so, the disdain in his eyes was obvious. He was very clearly questioning her ability to kill
Violet did not even bother denying it.
“I thought you scoffed at the thought of even touching me. What’s the deal with yesterday, then?” Violet would rather he use
other methods to torture her instead of humiliating her like that.
“Do you still love me?” she asked, because she knew that he hated Agatha and wanted to make him coil in
“Are you finally admitting that you’re Agatha?” He sat up and grabbed her neck in one swift motion before she
could react.
He did not use any strength, but the calluses on his fingers made Violet’s skin tingle with the tiniest hints of pain. His touch
brought the fear of death because she knew that he was merciless and could kill a person
without batting an eyelid.
Her plan just backfired in her face, didn’t it?
Lucius tightened his grip around her neck and practically lifted her up. “This is another form of punishment.”

He was arrogant and treated himself as someone superior to everyone else. As far as he was concerned, he was God, while
Violet was no better than dirt. He could do whatever he wanted to her.
All Violet could see in his eyes was her rigid figure.
Violet rose on her tip-toes and grabbed his hand to try and get him to loosen his grip so that she could breathe, but his grip
remained so tight that her eyes rolled back. Her chest screamed in pain from the lack of
When she thought she was going to die, he let go, and she fell on the floor with no strength left.
“Just how long... do you intend to punish me?” she asked. She was so upset that her voice became choked up.
“Who knows? Perhaps for your entire life. Perhaps I’ll even continue punishing your corpse after you die.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line, and his expression became dark.
Violet trembled.
Lucius was truly the embodiment of hell!
No longer in the mood to talk to her, Lucius got into bed again. Meanwhile, Violet sat on the floor with her fists clenched. In the
end, she could only loosen them. No matter what, she could not win against him. Butting heads with him only brought her misery.
She climbed back into her bed and forced herself to shut her eyes while tears rolled down her cheeks.

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