Lost in your love

Chapter 19 Separation

Since then, in addition to Gail's work, Gail hadn't talked to James. James knew he was wrong, but no matter how close he was to Gail, Gail always ignored him. Sometimes, she tried to avoid James. Although the incident didn't affect her work, Gail still didn't like James.

On Wednesday morning, James received a letter from another city. It was sent by Julie. It said:


I've left, there will be nothing in this city that I miss anymore. When I saw you that day, I was very happy. Although the person who accompanied you is not me, I can see that you really love that girl. I hope you can treat her well in the future.

I wanted to know why you left without saying goodbye two years ago, but now it's unnecessary. I don't want to break our original peaceful world. I used to love you so much, but your leaving made me understand that there is no eternal thing in this world, including love. Now I still love you deeply, but I am willing to bury this love deep in my heart. Perhaps time will give this love back to me.

Once I hoped I can see your smile every day in the rest of my life. But fate is fond of joking with people. The more you want, the more you can't get it. Sometimes, I stared at the mirror in a daze, hoping to find us in the mirror, but what I saw was only the loss of confidence.

James, I want to go to a place where no one knows me. Maybe I can settle down and restart my life. In the past two years, I've been looking for you, but you seem to have disappeared from the world. Before you left, you didn't tell me where you were working. Your call didn't go through since that day. Maybe you hate me, but why don't you give me a reason to hate me? In the end, I don't know what I did wrong. Please don't look for me. I believe you will not look for me.

Forgive me for saying goodbye to you in this way. I hate leaving so quietly, but I don't dare to see you again. I'm afraid that I won't leave you after I see you. You don't know how much I love you, and you don't understand how I had been through these years.

"James, I can see that girl loves you too. Don't let her down. Hurt is the most fearful thing for a girl. I've tried it before, and I don't want a second girl to be hurt inexplicably like me.

Perhaps we were too young at that time. We didn't cherish each other, and we didn't know how to communicate with each other.

If time could go back, I would still choose you without hesitation.

If we were still together, I might have found your familiar eyes in the crowd.

Even if my love is over, I wish you live a happier life than I do.

I've left,, maybe a few years later when I come back, you have been a father, and I have been a mother. At that time, will we also smile at each other, and talk about our past. No matter what, I still long for the day we meet. Maybe you will stand on the elevated platform of Golden Pagoda Temple and look at the magnificent river town; maybe you will walk leisurely on the streets and alleys of the NF City hand in hand; maybe you will sit in the conference room and show your endless talent.

James, I won't say any more. It's almost time for me to leave. Take care of yourself.

Love you, Julie.

James had been looked at this letter for a long time. He knew that Julie had truly disappeared from his life, but why did God do this? When James completely forgot Julie, she suddenly came into his own life. If Julie hadn't shown up, James would restart his life.

James quietly left the desk and came to the place where Gail worked. He wanted to distract himself from the sadness caused by the leave of Julie, but Gail was not in the working area. James asked several employees if they had seen Gail, but none of them said they did. All of a sudden, James had a feeling that he was about to lose Gail too.

He took out his phone to call Gail, but her phone was turned off.

James felt like his whole world was on the verge of collapse. He hurt the hearts of the two girls at the same time. How could he forgive what he had done.

As soon as James returned to his office, he sat on the chair, lost in thought. His heart broke as he felt so tired.

"Maybe leaving is the best choice." James thought.

"Mr. James, I heard from Kate that you are looking for me?" A familiar sound came into James's ear.

Staring blankly at the girl standing in front of him, James didn't say a word, just let the tears roll down his cheeks. At this moment, James finally realized how much he cared about Gail. James thought he was going to lose the whole world, but God didn't take Gail away from him.

Seeing that James was so agitated, Gail had no idea what had happened. She just stood in front of him without saying a word.

"Where did you go?" James calmed himself down.

"Oh, Mr. Liu asked me to print a document." Gail brought her mind back.

"Why is your phone turned off?" James complained.

"I don't know. I didn't take it when I left. Maybe it's out of power." Gail asked in confusion.

"Gai, will you let me know when you go out In future? I thought you would never come back." James complained.

"What?" Gail was confused.

Seeing that James cared about her so much, Gail was happy. After all, no one had cared about her like this before.

Although the God was not fair when it came to love, sometimes God would connect the two lonely hearts together when he was asleep.

The encounter between Gail and James may be just what god did when he was sleepy. Since the God had arranged the relationship, they would not waste it.

"Gai, will you come to me if we get lost one day?" Asked James abruptly.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Gail was very confused.

"She's gone."


"Mindy, she's gone. Here's the letter Julie wrote to me." James handed the letter to Gail.

Reading the affectionate message in the letter, Gail finally understood why James was so agitated. She didn't know what else she could do, but what she could do was to stay by his side in the future. She felt sorry for him, but sometimes she was too powerless. Time would prove everything.

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