Losers: Part II

: Chapter 6

Jess’s scream pierced the quiet morning air, accompanied by the rumbling roar of the Bronco’s engine. She sped down the narrow dirt trail, the suspension creaking with every bump and dip, the massive tires kicking up plumes of dirt.

I hadn’t held on to the seat this hard since the first time Jason took me drifting.

Manson couldn’t stop laughing as we careened wildly around a sharp turn. Apparently, staring death in the face was funny to him. Hell, I liked risky business too, but if I was going to die, it needed to be on my terms.

Trusting that Jess wasn’t going to send us flying off the side of the mountain felt a lot like gambling with my life, but damn, the adrenaline rush was wild.

Jess cackled like a mad woman as we drove through the creek, splattering mud all over the doors and windows. A bump was coming up on the trail, but she didn’t slow. She put the pedal to the metal and sped up, sending us flying over the crest with all four wheels off the ground.

“Jesus Christ, woman, you’re going to murder us,” I said, sliding across the seat when she wrenched the wheel hard to the left.

“How am I supposed to jump if I don’t go fast?” she said, yelling over the music we had blasting from the stereo.

She finally brought us to a stop. She was laughing breathlessly, her hair disheveled from the wind whipping through the cabin. Her denim shorts were unbuttoned, her bikini top deliciously close to baring a nipple. She turned in her seat to look back at me, as did Manson. They both had similar expressions of wicked amusement on their faces.

“Did I scare you, Lucas?” she said, giggling when I wrenched open the door. I stepped out, pacing as I appreciated being back on solid ground for a few moments.

“I guess she can drive, huh?” Manson said, getting out of the passenger seat. He wasn’t wearing a shirt today and hadn’t bothered to fix his hair, leaving it to dangle in his face. He looked so happy that it was impossible not to return his smile.

“Yeah, I guess she can handle herself,” I admitted as she came around the front of the Bronco.

Manson swept her up into his arms to kiss her. I wasn’t much of a voyeur; I got too impatient, too eager to participate. But the two of them together were just so damn sexy, it was impossible to look away.

“It’s beautiful out here,” Jess said. She came to my side once Manson let her go and reached up to scrub dirt off my cheek with her thumb. I hadn’t expected her to touch me there, but I surprised myself and didn’t flinch.

Every time she touched me, it felt like she left a mark on me. My skin felt hot, almost electric, anytime her fingers came in contact.

“Is that a dock?” She suddenly jogged back down the trail, toward the water. The creek widened into a river here, and there was an old wooden dock that extended into the water. Jess walked out onto it, the boards creaking as her shoes thumped across it.

“Too bad there isn’t a boat,” she said as Manson and I joined her. “I could go for a lazy float down the river.”

“It gets less lazy about a mile downstream,” Manson said. “That’s why there isn’t a boat anymore.”

“Damn foolish,” I said, shaking my head as I remembered the story he’d told me about that death-trap boat. “That’s what happens when you go places without me. You suddenly lose your sense.”

“You would’ve been right there in the boat with us. Don’t lie,” Manson said, reaching over to shove my shoulder playfully. “I didn’t even have a scratch on me.”

“Ooh, I’m sensing a juicy story here,” Jess said. She turned toward us, motioning for us all to sit down. “What happened?”

Already knowing the story, I pulled out a cigarette and lit up while Manson explained.

“Remember how I told you that the first time I came up here, it was just me and Daniel?” he said. “Well, Daniel wanted to try acid. We got a couple tabs from Vincent. We took ‘em, spent an hour wandering around looking at shit. Then Daniel came up with this idea that we’d float down the river in the damn boat.” He rolled his eyes, as if he’d been innocent in the whole situation.

“It may have been Daniel’s idea, but you agreed,” I said. He’d never be allowed to live that incident down.

“I’m a stupid fucker when I’m tripping,” Manson admitted. “But yeah, we got in the boat. I don’t know if you’ve ever floated down a river tripping balls, but it’s fantastic. Until we hit the rough part.”

Jess’s mouth formed a silent “Oh” of surprise. A far more subtle reaction than I’d had when I first heard about it, but I’d gotten better since then about not flying off the handle with my temper.

“So that was the end of the boat,” he said.

Rolling my eyes at how simply he’d wrapped up the story, I said, “You forgot the part where the boat splintered to pieces on the rocks and you nearly drowned. Daniel is lucky I didn’t fucking strangle him for that.”

“It’s sweet that you were worried for him, Lucas,” Jess said, and I sputtered in protest.

“Ain’t a damn thing sweet about it. This fucker nearly gave me a heart attack. Almost drowning in a river that can’t be more than five feet deep.” I shook my head. “So damn foolish you could throw yourself on the ground and miss.”

“So, what I’m hearing is that a wooden boat isn’t durable enough,” Jess said. “But if we had a few swim rings…”

Manson nodded, holding his arms out as if to say that Jess was thinking in exactly the right direction. “That’s what I’m saying. We need some floaties.”

“You’re both out of your damn minds,” I muttered.

Jess got to her feet, and I didn’t realize what she was doing until she flung her bikini top onto my lap. She took a running leap off the end of the dock, cannon-balling butt-naked into the water.

Cold water splashed toward Manson and I, splattering across the dock. The moment Jess surfaced, gasping for breath, she let out a shriek.

“Holy shit, it’s cold!” she said. The water was deep enough to come up to her shoulders with her feet flat on the ground. She ducked her head down, and when she surfaced again, she spat a stream of water at us. “Come on, get in! Unless you’re scared of getting wet.”

Manson and I exchanged a look, but we were too slow for her. She cupped her hands and splashed the water toward us, showering us with cold droplets.

“Oh, you’re in for it now,” I said. Springing to my feet, I discarded my clothes and leapt in after her. She was right — the water was frigidly cold. But after a few moments, the temperature became bearable. I swept my arm through the water and splashed it over her face, leaving her gasping.

“Rude!” she cried, splashing me back. I ducked beneath the water so she couldn’t get me, swimming over to pull her down. She struggled and squirmed, laughing as we broke above the surface. “Manson, help!”

He was grinning as he stood up and pulled off his pants. He leapt off the edge of the dock, turning in mid-air before he splashed into the river beside us. He surfaced, and while I held Jess’s back against my chest, he crowded close to her front.

“You don’t look like you’re here to help me,” she said, as he grinned wickedly down at her. She swiped her hand through the water, catching him by surprise and drenching him with the splash.

“Is that how we’re playing, then? You brat.” He pushed his dripping hair out of his face, and Jess tried to flee.

But I held her captive so he could splash her. Her skin was so slick as she struggled that she slipped away from me. She swam away beneath the water with Manson in pursuit, surfacing with a scream as he grabbed her ankle. They wrestled for a moment; Manson easily overcoming her to lift her from the water.

“Let me go!” she said, splashing as she kicked.

“If you say so…” He launched her into the air, her cry comically cut off as she plunged back into the river.

Manson and I exchanged a look as she flailed to the surface. He grinned, and I immediately plunged under the water. It was murky beneath, but I spotted Jess’s legs and swam up behind her.

Grabbing her around the waist, I lifted her up. She was slippery in my arms, almost impossible to hold on to. But her strength was diminishing. She was breathless, cursing at me and laughing in the same breath.

“There’s my vicious little fucktoy,” I said, unable to resist biting tenderly at her neck. Manson came up beside us, and her breath hitched as he traced his fingers over her skin.

We held her between us; touching, kissing, savoring her. The warmth of our naked skin pressed together in the cold water was uniquely pleasurable, and my cock hardened as I ran my hands over Jess’s body.

“If you’re going to keep fighting your masters, then we’ll have to teach you a lesson,” Manson said.

Jess whimpered as she reached her arm back to grasp at him. Her chest was against mine as I held her, my cock poised so damn close to sinking inside her. Subtly moving my hips, I rubbed my length over her clit. She lifted her eyes, and they were so full of need that I couldn’t resist any longer.

Manson caught my eye over Jess’s shoulder and said, “I think she wants to be punished, pup.” Jess groaned softly, gyrating her hips against me, the slick feeling of her flesh making tingles of pleasure prickle up my back.

We dragged her over to the dock and lifted her partially from the water. Her chest rested on the dock’s old boards as her legs dangled into the water, the river coming up to her mid-thigh. I was able to stand without needing to tread water. I grasped her hips, squeezing her as I leaned over to kiss her beautiful ass; one kiss on each cheek.

“What do you want, fucktoy?” I said, grazing my teeth over her skin before I smacked my hand down and spanked her. She gasped, the sound heavy with pleasure.

She looked back at us, her pupils dilated, her beautiful lips forming the words. “Please punish me, sir. Punish me for being a bad girl.”

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