Lorenzo: A Grumpy/ Sunshine, Dark mafia Romance (Chicago Ruthless Book 3)

Lorenzo: Chapter 25

Mia groans. The position I have her in showcases her pussy to perfection, but her arms and legs must be starting to ache, which is too bad because she’ll have to remain there a little while longer. Her hazel eyes flash with desire as she glares at me. The fire in her is such a fucking turn-on. I love stoking those embers and igniting that spark.

Grabbing the base of my shaft, I squeeze hard and groan at the instant relief. My gaze falls to her spread thighs that are literally dripping with her cum. So fucking beautiful. I bend my head and lick a drop trickling from her pussy, and she whimpers—desperate for more even after what I just did to her. I could train her so well … Except I no longer do that.

“Fuck!” I grunt. She tastes so damn good. Part of me wants to bury my head between her legs and eat her until she comes again, but my cock’s so hard I’d probably blow my load doing it. I’d rather come inside her than anywhere else.

She breathes my name, and it makes my aching cock weep. I need inside her before I explode.

I place the tip of my cock at her dripping entrance, and she sucks in a breath that makes her beautiful tits shudder. I take in every perfect curve of her body. So helpless and in need of a good fucking. My balls draw up into my stomach at the thought of sinking all the way inside her wet cunt. She cries out as I give her a little more, and I relish the sight of her stretched wide around me.

Cupping her juicy ass with one hand, I give her more, making her thighs tremble. I dust the tips of my middle and pointer fingers over her swollen clit, and she keens, her body bucking on the ladder but pinned in place. So fucking beautiful. So fucking desperate for my cock.

“P-please?” she begs, but I go on teasing her, drawing out our pleasure for as long as I can. Only when I can’t bear the exquisite torture of not being balls-deep inside her tight cunt for another second do I allow myself to drive all the way in, filling her with my cock and making her scream my name so loudly it echoes around the library.

Her pussy squeezes around me, hugging my dick as she coats me in her slick, silky juices. “Holy fuck!”

“Oh, god,” she pants, her gorgeous tits heaving with every breath.

I wrap my free hand around her slender throat, squeezing just enough that she can feel the pressure on her windpipe but not enough to hinder her breathing, which is as fast and ragged as my own. I pull out and sink back into her again, overcome with the sweet relief of being buried deep inside her.

Tears run down her face, and her pussy grips my cock like a vise. I’m so close to losing myself in her sweet scent and her tight, wet heat. I’m so close to losing myself in her. My sunshine—burning me up from the inside out.

“Oh, Loren—” The rest of my name is cut off by her cries of pleasure as she’s taken under the wave of another orgasm. She comes loud and hard, soaking my cock with her cum and milking me so thoroughly with her hungry squeezes that she tips me right over the edge with her. I bury my face in her neck, rolling my hips and grinding out every single drop of my cum. Unable to move, my body sags against hers, my hands still on her throat and her ass.

When I finally look up, she has the sweetest smile on her face, as though I haven’t just tied her up and fucked her relentlessly. “You okay?” I work to free her feet from the handrails. She winces as I do, stretching out her legs and rolling her ankles.

“Mia?” I ask softly.

“Okay is not a word I’d use to describe how I feel right now, Lorenzo,” she says with a soft laugh.

“So what is?” I reach behind her to untie her wrists.

“Umm.” She presses her lips together, deep in thought. “I can’t even …” She shakes her head. “That was incredible. I feel like I could sleep forever and run a marathon all at the same time.”

I pull her hands free and rub mine along her forearms to help the circulation. “You’re not in any pain?”

“I ache.” She sighs dreamily. “But no, I’m not in any pain.”

She’s moving her arms and legs freely and has that goofy smile on her face. My ray of sunshine can take the kind of fucking I enjoy without even breaking a sweat. But I guess I already knew that. Mia Stone might just be the strongest woman I’ve ever known.

“Good.” I stand straight and pull her up with me.

“I do, however, have nothing to wear to get out of this library and back to my room without raising an eyebrow or two.” She holds up the remnants of her dress. “And this was one of my favorites by the way.”

I wrap her in my arms and kiss her forehead. “I told you I’ll buy you twenty more.”

Her body leans into mine, fitting perfectly, as though it belongs there. “Just one will suffice.”

“I’ll buy you twenty, then I won’t have to feel guilty when I tear the next one off you.” I chuckle.

She gasps, but the wicked glint in her eye tells me she can’t wait for next time. She looks around the library and back at me. “But seriously. What am I going to wear?”

I untangle myself from her and unbutton my shirt. “You can wear this.”

She watches me, eyes trained on my fingers as I unfasten each button. “And what will you wear?”

I hand her my shirt and look down to appraise my own attire. “My pants.”

She pulls off her torn dress and places it on the ladder behind her before sliding my shirt over her arms. Something about her wearing my clothes makes a primal instinct take hold, but I shake it off. She’s not mine. This is just sex. Mind-blowing sex, but just sex.

She arches an eyebrow. “You in your pants and me in your shirt? People will know.”

“The only people who matter probably already know,” I remind her.

She smiles wider. “I guess that’s true. But actually I have some work to finish up here first.”

“So do I. I did actually come in here to work before you distracted me with this ass.” I squeeze it for emphasis.

“I was simply putting books away when I was accosted from behind.”

“Is that so?” I silence her with a kiss. She tastes so fucking good. My cock twitches again, and I force myself to pull away from her before we end up fucking on the floor. “Finish your work in here and then I’ll escort you to your room to make sure to protect your modesty.”

She flutters her eyelashes at me. “Such a gentleman.”

“We have work to do, sunshine. So behave yourself.” I give her one hard smack on her ass, making her squeal.

Whenever Mia reaches for a high shelf, my shirt rides up and reveals a glimpse of her perfect ass encased in those white cotton panties, and by the time I finish what I’m working on, I’m once again hard as fucking stone. I can think of nothing but burying myself inside her.

I shut down my computer and make my way over to where she sits cross-legged on the floor, poring through a stack of old letters written by my great-grandparents.

She looks up when I approach, her eyes shining. “These letters are truly beautiful. Have you ever read them?”

I hold out my hand. “No. Come to bed.”

She bites her lip. “I haven’t finished what I was planning on doing today. I got caught up in these.” She holds out a letter as evidence.

“So you can catch up tomorrow. You’re helping us out, Mia. There’s no deadline on this stuff.”

“It’s a good thing you guys aren’t paying me.” She places the letter to one side and grabs my hand, allowing me pull her up. “Because I’d definitely get fired,” she adds with a soft laugh. “This stuff is all so fascinating that it’s going to take me forever to get through it all.”

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her body close to mine. “I’d much rather pay you in other ways, sunshine.” I trail my lips over her neck and she shivers.

“Me too,” she murmurs, melting into my body like hot wax. “You could pay me in orgasms.”

“Hmm.” I bite down on her neck and suck, causing her to gasp, before soothing the sting with my tongue. “How many are you owed for today’s work?”

“At least another two, I think,” she purrs, snaking her arms around my neck and curling her fingers in my hair.

“I thought I might have a credit after those three I gave you earlier. Remember? When you drenched the floor with your cum?”

Still kissing her neck, I feel her skin heat up. “Well, they were back pay.” She giggles.

The corners of my mouth curl up. “Back pay?”

“For all those times you made me stare at your hotness all day but didn’t even so much as kiss me.” She tilts her chin up, giving me better access to her neck.

“In that case, you owe me at least half a dozen blowjobs.”

That makes her laugh out loud. Then she fixes her beautiful hazel-green eyes on my face. “You’d better take me to bed so you can collect then.”

A couple of hours later, I lie back with Mia’s body draped over me, completely spent and satisfied. She made good on her blowjob promise, and I fucked her twice as a reward. I don’t want to get up, but I always leave after she falls asleep. Sleeping in the same bed would make this feel like something more than it is. Something more than sex, which is all it can ever be.

She sighs contentedly and snuggles into the crook of my shoulder. “Tell me about being a Dom,” she says, taking me completely by surprise.


“You were a Dom, right? Are a Dom?”

“I was. Not anymore.”

She lifts her head, the spot between her eyes pinched in a frown. “How does that work?”

“How does what work?” I snap unintentionally, but I have no clue where this conversation came from and I don’t particularly want to have it.

“You were a Dom but now you’re not? I just assumed if you were into that, it would always be your thing,” she says with a shrug.

“I was Anya’s Dom. I won’t ever be anyone else’s.” Hopefully that’s enough to shut down the conversation.

“So, you never had other submissives before her?” she presses.

I close my eyes and lick my lips, trying to stem the annoyance bubbling inside me. “Yes, I had other submissives.”

Her frown deepens. “So, you’re a Dom, not just Anya’s Dom.”

“I will never be anyone else’s Dom, Mia,” I bark at her. “That part of me died with her.”

She blanches at my tone, but she’s relentless. Propping her chin on her hand, she tilts her head. “But why?”

I swallow a thick knot made of guilt, sadness, and regret. “Because I swore I’d never be that for anyone again. Not after her. That part of my life is over.”

She opens her mouth as though to reply but quickly closes it. “What?” I demand, against my better judgment.

“I just … I guess that’s all good if it’s something you have no interest in anymore, but if you’re only closing that part of yourself off because you think it’s the right thing to do …” She looks at me with eyes full of pity and I can’t fucking stand it. “Well, that makes me sad for you.”

Tension hardens my muscles. “I don’t need your fucking pity.”

“I never said I pitied you, Lorenzo. I don’t.”

I glare at her. I’ve never known anyone to be so infuriatingly difficult to argue with. She never takes the bait. Like she’s programmed to defuse situations. Fuck, I guess she is.

“Why are we even talking about this?” I ask with a sigh.

“Because I was interested. The BDSM lifestyle fascinates me.”

It does? She lays her head back down on my chest, snuggling close to me again like I didn’t just berate her. “But if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s okay. I understand.” She yawns loudly, and her breaths even out as she falls asleep.

Instead of leaving immediately, I hold onto her and think about her fascination with the lifestyle and what a good submissive she would make. I had half a dozen subs before Anya, each different from the other. They all required a different kind of Dom, but no matter what the nature of our relationship, they all fulfilled the same need in me—the need for complete control.

Gazing down at Mia’s sleeping form, I wish that I could give her more. I push the envelope every damn day with her as it is. Every day I let her in just a little further, let her see more of my shattered soul. Someday soon that’s going to have to stop.

Or her heart will end up looking like mine.

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