Little Phoenix

Chapter XI

It’s been a month since Vesper’s death and I’m not much of an ally. Whenever I’m on the field, I don’t remember what I do. Doctors say it’s a side effect of PTSD. Blacking out and then waking up with no memory of what happened. Some doctors tell me that it’s possible for me to have DID—Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is another trauma disorder—now, because that’s also an effect of DID. But it doesn’t matter to me at this point.

I heard someone enter the tent and yell, “Get ready for battle! The Prosopoeias are coming! Elias, you too!” All of us get off our beds and immediately get ready. I picked up my dagger holster and put it on my left thigh. I grabbed my gold dagger sheath with my dagger in it and put it in my holster. I stand up and grab my katana holster from off the floor.

I put the holster around my waist and put my sheathed katana in it. I grabbed my pair of black combat boots and put them on, quickly lacing up the laces and buckling the buckles. We all exited the tent once we were ready. Instead of elements flying all around, bullets were blazing and lightning crackled in the sky.

I felt a bullet embed itself into my skin, pain shooting through my arm. I hissed in pain and ran towards the cliff near our tent. I jumped off the cliff and outstretched my wings. The wind caught me, allowing me to glide for a few feet. I flapped my wings, sending me higher into the air. I flew at the Prosopoeians at high speeds, distracting all of them.

I watched one of the Prosopoeia wave his hands through the air and as he did so, thunder cracked. So he’s the one in control of weather. Kill him and this fight will be easier. I flapped my wings again, using the wind to force myself forward. I unsheathed my katana and sliced the Prosopoeia’s head off.

Almost instantly, the sky cleared up. Now to find the guns. My wings flap, pushing myself higher in the air. My eyesight seemed to sharpen and I scanned the battlefield, searching for the guns. Alizar was fighting against two Prosopoeias, Alizar using her magik to the fullest extent.

Finally, I found the gunmen, recognising them as human. No wonder they have guns then. Only humans would have guns against supernaturals. I feel a bullet pierce through my left leg followed by a bullet piercing my stomach. Pain shot through my body as blood soaked my clothes. My leg began to fall numb asI flew at the gunmen and sliced all of their heads off with my wings.

The effect was immediate.

The gunshots stopped and battlecries were let out. The Omnis all charged at the Prosopoeia, weapons held high. I dove downwards, heading towards Alizar. I outstretched my wings when I’m a few feet from the ground, forcing myself to come to a stop. I landed next to Alizar and she yelled something as I charged.

Then everything went black.

After two years, the war had been yet to win. Though, the side I’m on—the Omnis—is likely to win. Everywhere we go, we win our fights. And the people on the other side of war—the Hosticillus—are even starting to take bets on us.

It’s been a few months since Vesper’s death and I’m not much of an ally for them anymore. I have nerve damage in my left leg and my entire left leg is numb. Without a leg brace, I can’t walk. And, I’m not usually allowed on the battlefield anymore; when I am allowed on the field, I don’t remember what I do. But the worst part is the PTSD that has followed, haunting me.

But I guess that it doesn’t matter at this point.

I’m sitting on my bed, reading through some of my old poetry when I heard the door open. I immediately go to grab my dagger, only to remember that it had been taken away after last time. I looked around, seeing one of my military groupmates—Alizar. She told me, “General Gladen wants to see you.”

I nodded in acknowledgement. I shut my notebook and stood up from my bed. I put on my shoes and my uniform top, buttoning it up. I neatly tuck my uniform top into my pants before going to exit my isolated room.

I wonder what she wants.

I was given an honourable discharge and it’s been half a year since then. Not much has happened. I was able to return home and the war was won, but everything was just depressing. Devika was always careful of what she said and so were the twins. I was numb; nothing made me happy, not even Maewyn.

I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and I heard my door open, followed by Styrmir saying, “Devi dexite mi tu decarro ves quie ves tenaoe a litteraie.” I wonder who it could be from. The last time I got a letter from someone unknown, it wasn’t anything good. I barely nodded as I forced myself to sit up. I got off my bed and walked over to Styrmir.

She held her hand out to me and I took it, the two of us making our way downstairs. We walked down the stairs, my wings dragging against the stairs as I walked. We entered the kitchen and I saw Devika preparing dinner as Silas sat at the table. I let go of Styrmir’s hand as I walked over to the kitchen counter.

I leaned against the counter, putting my hands on the counter top. I pushed up, pushing my body up so I could sit on the counter instead of the kitchen table chairs that had backs to them. My wings moved out of the way so I didn’t sit on them as I sat myself down on the counter. Devika nodded her head at the letter sitting on the counter and I got the hint.

I picked up the letter and opened it. I hesitantly pulled out the letter, and began reading the letter.

“Cara Mes. Tempest,

This es Mes. Psykus Fry. Ai am a delatius cendux by Fabula-Co, quees es a fabuliae vexillietas. Ai vellaem tu collievenio ves; audirio vestor mendaxe circae illi bellum and vestor mendaxe en commuralis. Pluraes reses haev fuite audivio circae ves qia of vestor sorties as an ex canonicis sicarius of illi patriame and une of illi princeps of illi princeps sicariie as benae.

Cenctis of vestor senixe militia sumuha socieos haev licete mi tu collievenio aos and illies was solemisi una locus they vella nilite famae magkanoe circae, ves. Ai vellaem tu novi why that es.

Sis ves accipios this invocatio, sodes novi that this collievenio movolos vadoe on sem per illi reqies of illi collieveniies Ai haev faktem per vestor senix militia sumuha socieos. Tu centagi mi tu accipios this invocatio fer illi collievenio, modoe ardeeae this litteraie and illi theka. Sis ves sunt eundo tu accipios this invocatio, ardeeae modoe illi litteraie. Illi litteraie and theka haev magik en them tu bellicuma tu mi utrume ambo are coctilis. Sis ves accipios this invocatio, sodes idoneis mi at illi Fabula-Co structaedificia en Sylva, Carkish porro this Venuris-day, illi X of Primis.


Psykus Fry

Ete nota illi delatius qie vulte tu audirio vestor mendaxe.”

I sighed once I finished reading the letter. Devika asked, “Wot is it?” I answered, “An invitation to an interview.” Devika asked, “Are you going to go to it?” I shrugged, “I’m not sure yet.” Devika nodded in acknowledgement, “I think you should.” I barely nodded to acknowledge her words before shrugging once again.

Why the hell not?

I walked into Fabula-Co and was immediately greeted by an unfamiliar voice saying, “Ms. Tempest! Over here!” I looked over by the receptionist desk, seeing a girl with red hair and green eyes waving her hand in the air to grab my attention. I walked over to her and assumed, “Ms. Fry?”

She shook her head, “No, I’m her assistant, Iliza. She sent me to get you.” I nodded in acknowledgement and Iliza told me, “Follow me,” as she turned around. She began walking away and I followed her. I was taken into a room full of cameras and lights. I was directed around like a doll, being told what to do and where to go.

I sat down on the chair next to Psykus’s chair, a small table in between our chairs. I heard, “Cameras are recording in five…four…three…two…and one.” Psykus stared directly at the camera in the centre and she started, “Good morning, everybody. It’s Psykus and today I’m here with war hero, Elias Tempest.”

Psykus turned to look at me and she asked, “How are you doing today, Elias?” I hesitated before answering, “I’m doin’ good, I think.” Psykus looked at me with confusion, “You think?” I answered, “Aye.” Psykus nodded before asking, “What was the war like for you, Elias? All you comrades told me that you were one of the most affected by the war. Why do you think that is?” What question do I answer first? The first one?

I made my decision and started, “The war was bloody. I don’t know much about what happened outside of the Valante Military. I was given an honourable discharge about half a year ago, a year after my boyfriend was killed.” Psykus nodded, her face turning from curious to solemn—as if she knew exactly who I was talking about.

“Vesper Wyndelle, right?” Psykus asked. How does she know? Is it from the other interviews? I nodded, “Aye. Um…I think that I was one of the most affected by the war mainly because I was the only one drafted in the Valante Military group, the rest of them enlisted. It might also be because of Vesper’s death.”

Psykus nodded solemnly. She reiterated, “So you were the only one that was drafted for the war in the Valante Military?” I nodded in confirmation “Aye.” Psykus nodded, “How did you survive as easily as you did against the Banshees screams and the Prosopoeians abilities?”

How do I answer this question? I hesitated, “Uh…wings,” my wings barely lifting up before falling back down. Psykus nodded deeply, as if I had given an extremely detailed answer. Psykus asked, “Do you have any quotes that you say whenever somebody’s putting you down or you want to lift somebody’s mood?”

I nodded in agreement, “Aye, I have a few.” Psykus asked, “Would you mind telling us?” motioning to all the cameras. I shook my head, “Not at all.” I looked up, thinking of quotes I could say. There’s that one from Devi, Styrmir, Silas, or me.

“I’ve been through hell and back. Trust me when I say this, you didn’t break me. You don’t have that much power.”

Psykus smiled, “That’s a good quote.” I nodded in agreement and Psykus looked at her watch, “Unfortunately, we’re almost out of time.” Psykus and I both stood up to shake each other’s hands. We firmly shook each other’s hands and I pulled my hand out of her warm grip.

Psykus asked, “One last thing, is there anything else you’d like to tell the people?” motioning to the cameras with her right hand. I nodded and looked right at the camera in the centre. I started, “Mom, I hope yeh’re proud of me. Thank yeh for everythin’.”

Psykus nodded and I continued, “And to everybody who told me I couldn’t make it, fuck yeh. To everybody who told me I was only a disappointment—yeah, yeh Dad—fuck yeh too. I fuckin’ made it! I proved everybody wrong!” I grinned widely and added, “So if a ‘disappointment’ like me can make it in the world, so can everybody else. Don’t let anybody put you down, not even your ow parents.”

Psykus nodded nostalgically, “Good words.” Psykus looked at me, “Thank you for allowing me to interview you, Elias.” I nodded, “Of course.” I heard someone yell, “And cameras are off!” Psykus told me, “Once again, thank you.” I nodded, “No problem.” I turned around and walked away, exiting the building so I could start my flight back to Caelum. One thought echoed through my mind.

Just what happened that day?

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