Little Phoenix

Chapter VIII

I stood next to Vesper in line with the rest of the people in the Valante Military group. My posture was straight for once, as if I had a spine of steel. Sweat was sliding down the side of my head, my nose, the back of my neck, and behind my ears—pissing me off—but I didn’t even attempt to wipe the sweat away. Doing so would reveal a weakness.

We were told what to do and timed as we did so. Then we repeated the drill until everybody was struggling to stand. Once everybody was struggling to stand, we moved onto the next drill. By the end of the day, my body was burning with pain and small wheezes left my parted lips as I tried to regulate my erratic breathing.

Vesper was laying on the ground and if not for hearing his gasping breaths, I would’ve assumed he was asleep. The drill sergeant yelled, “More push-ups! Keep going until yeh feel like your arms are going to fall off.” I gasp for breath before getting in a plank, waiting for the signal. The drill sergeant yelled, “Down!”

I bent my arms, lowering myself to the ground as I bunched up my wings, so they stayed on my back. We all yelled in unison, “One!” We repeat this process until Vesper and I are the only ones left still doing push-ups. I whisper to myself, “One more…” forcing my arms to push me up. My arms shook as I did so, locking my elbows before I lowered myself again, my nose barely touching the ground.

I force my arms to push me back up, my arms shaking. My elbows locked as I gasped in relief and the drill sergeant yelled, “Down!” Push yourself to the limits. I watch as Vesper collapses as I lower myself to the ground, my nose barely touching the ground. I wheezed, “One hundred,” feeling like I was barely able to breathe.

My arms shake as I try to push myself up, sweat dripping down my nose. My face feels on fire as I bite my lip. My body is hot and covered in sweat, my tank top sticking to my body. The drill sergeant yelled, “Down!” My shaky arms lower myself to the ground and before I can push myself up, my arms give out.

My hovering body drops to the ground and I’m left unable to get off the ground. The drill sergeant yelled, “Get your asses to bed!” My arms were shaking from the intense training I had put them through. I forced myself off the ground with Vesper’s help, and we both made our way to the tent. I got to my bed and I flopped down onto it, falling asleep the instant my head hit the pillow.

I stood in front of the dummy the drill sergeant had given me. We had to fight against a dummy before being given the permission to spar against other people—some with restrictions. I get set before beginning my punches and kicks. Right leg, left leg, roundhouse kick, kick to the gut, right uppercut, left uppercut, right throat jab, and wing hit.

My wings came into contact with the dummy’s head and his head was flying off. I forced myself to get set on again. Right leg, left leg, roundhouse kick, kick to the gut, right uppercut, left uppercut, right throat jab, right tornado kick, and left tornado kick.

My left foot came in contact with the dummy’s side and the dummy was sent flying off to the side. I gasp for breath, small wheezes leave my parted lips as I try to regulate my erratic breathing again. Sweat was sliding down the side of my head again and I forced myself to wipe the sweat off of my forehead.

I’m hunched over with my hands pressed against my thighs, trying to stay standing with my trembling legs. I’m unable to regulate my breathing as pain shoots through my ribs. I forced myself to stand up straight and the drill sergeant walked over to me. He asked, “What’s your name?” I answered, “Elias Tempest, sir!”

The drill sergeant nodded in acknowledgement, “What was your occupation before the war?” I answered, “A certified assassin of the country, sir!” The drill sergeant nodded before telling me, “Yeh have permission to spar against other people. Go spar against Alizar over there,” pointing over to a tall girl with pale skin and black hair.

I nodded and strode over to the girl. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to face me. The first thing that I noticed was that she towered over me. The next thing I noticed was her red-tinted skin. She must be a Veneficis. She asked, “What?” her voice cold. I told her, “The drill sergeant told me to spar with yeh. Yeh’re Alizar, right?”

She nodded, “Yes, I am.” She looked me up and down, her eyes stopping on my wings. She nodded, “Alright. That sounds good,” clearly confident in herself. We took our starting positions, standing about 1 metre apart. I heard the drill sergeant yell out, “Sparring matchings, begin in three…two…one!”

I charged forward and as Alizar dove to meet me, I pushed myself up over her head and skidded to a stop just in time for Alizar to turn around and grab me. I sidestepped away, Alizar’s hands just barely missing me. I spin around, lifting my right leg to kick Alizar back.

Before my leg could hit her, she caught it and twisted my leg around, sending me flying back. I pressed my hands against the ground right before my back hit the ground, allowing me to roll backwards. My feet hit the ground and I launched myself forward. I tackled Alizar and the two of us tumbled to the ground.

I pulled my legs to my chest before Alizar could make her move for a “finishing” blow. I shoved my legs forward, sending Alizar above my head and over my body, sending her into the air. As she fell to the ground, I pushed myself off the ground. My body ached with pain. Alizar lunges forward, flying towards me.

She manages to grab me, throwing me through the air. I outstretched my wings, slowing my fall and allowing me to land on my feet. I spun around and charged towards her. Alizar lifted her fist to punch me in the face as soon as I was within punching distance. I ducked underneath her fist, upcutting her in the chin.

My fist collided with her chin and Alizar was launched backwards into the air from the force of my punch. I flew forward as Alizar landed, punching her in the gut. Alizar flies back into a tree, the tree cracking. The tree falls onto the ground as Alizar stands up. Alizar charged at me and I sidestepped, wrapping my arms around her before launching her towards the fallen tree.

Alizar hits another tree, the tree snapping in half. The broken tree began to levitate and it was thrown at me. I easily ducked under the broken tree, watching it fly past my crouched body. Using my distracted mind, Alizar launches herself forward, using the tree for momentum. Her fist collided with my gut, pain burning in my gut.

I quietly hissed as I grabbed Alizar’s arm and twisted it, before throwing her over my shoulder. Alizar groans in pain as she hits the ground. I set my hands on her head like I would to snap her neck. Alizar taps out, saying, “I give.” I laughed and let go of her. I hold my hand out to her and she takes it. I pull her off the ground, letting go of her hand afterwards.

I told her, “You’re really good at fighting.” Alizar nodded in agreement, “As are you.” I barely nodded and the two of us went back to sparring against each other, Alizar letting out more of her magik abilities. As we did so, one thought ran through my head the entire time.

I can’t let myself bury another loved one again.

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