Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 31: Checking the Wounded

Checking the Wounded

Minutes later, Kida and Emma entered the healing chamber. With the exception of the table Hanna had been on, all the tables were occupied. They went to each of the thirty tables, checking on the patients. The crystal was still working on most of them, which meant that most of them were still asleep. They came to Izanami, Myra, Tasha, Jennifer, Trinity, Sakura, Jasmine, Hitomi, and Althea lying in the same area. The machine had finished with Trinity, Jennifer, and Hitomi. The trio, however, remained sound asleep. But the machine continued working on Izanami, Myra, Tasha and Sakura, who had taken the worst of the treatment from the guards. Althea lay next to Izanami, still comatose as the healer worked on her internal injuries. Kida stroked Myra’s hair, looking into her face. Emma checked on Izanami, saying, “She is looking much better now than when we first brought her in. Most of the bruises are gone.”

“Same here,” Kida answered, turning to Sakura. “It is a barbaric crime for them to have been treated so badly.” She and Emma moved on to Tasha, Jennifer, Jasmine, and Hitomi, closely checking each of them.

“Indeed,” Emma agreed while checking Tasha. “They’re extremely lucky to have survived. I can’t even comprehend what they went through. The level of abuse they endured is obscene.”

“That it is,” Kida murmured while checking Jennifer’s pulse. “It’s obvious they had some strength in them to take what they did. I’m happy Hanna was able to get them out in time. Had they been left tied to those pillars, they would have died inside a day.”

“I know,” Emma stated while checking Jasmine’s vitals. “I pray the Ancient of Days wreaks his vengeance on the Emperor for what he did to these poor girls.”

“So do I, Emma,” Kida stated, walking to the last table where Selina lay unconscious. Kida looked at her long lost sister as she lay there in an oversized short sleeve gray T-shirt that reached midway down her thighs. Tears dripped from Kida’s eyes as she reached out and grasped Selina’s hand very gently.

Emma noticed her reaction while checking on Althea. Walking over to Kida and Selina, Emma asked, “Is everything all right?”

Kida sobbed quietly, saying, “Yes. You must understand that I haven’t seen my sister since I was eight.”

Emma put her hand on Kida’s shoulder, saying, “She will be all right, you’ll see. Come on. We need to get some help to move these people out of here that the healer is done with so others can make use of it.”

Kida nodded and leaned over, kissing Selina on the forehead before she went out. “Get well soon, sister,” she said softly as she and Emma walked away.

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