Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 17: Strike Teams Assembled

As dawn approached, Hanna strode boldly into the portal chamber with Kida, Electra, Emma, and Muriel to see her strike force assembled. A hush fell over the teams as Hanna walked through their midst wearing the same scorched coat and armor she’d worn in the pits of Acheron. The sword of Thoth Caverias lay slung over her shoulder. Her scorched attire gave her a fierce, almost ghoulish appearance. Magnus looked at her in awe as she walked up to the console where Elias stood.

“Whoa! Look at you!” Elias beamed. “You look like you walked through the fires of hell.”

Hanna grinned wryly, saying, “That is truer than you think. I’ve fallen into the Abyss and survived.” Addressing the assembled teams, she announced, “Friends, brothers, sisters; we stand on the very cusp of the Abyss. The deeds done in the next few hours may very well shape the fate of the world as we know it. The Emperor has sat unchallenged in his fortress for too long. Today, we take the offensive and the battle to him in his very house. Today, we show him we are not afraid of him anymore. Today, he will learn the price of his genocide and evil. I will not sugar coat this for you. This is not going to be easy. This rescue has no precedent. Some of you may not come back. Some of you may be maimed for life or worse. But remember one thing as we pierce the darkness to retrieve our friends and allies. The Lord God of heaven...the Almighty Ancient of Days, is with us. He will grant us success in our rescue. This isn’t an attack to depose the Emperor, but merely a simple extraction of people who need to be free. It’s my goal to retrieve my wife Selina, Nicodemus...who was so violently taken in my absence while I was here in Antilla, the cyborg entity known as Josephine...who was responsible for my mutation, and any prisoners we find. We will strike hard and fast, and vanish into the mists with our prize. Now, is there any among you who are doubtful and hesitant to go. Speak now and you can back off with no threat of being branded a coward.”

Hanna looked over the crowd and saw Arabella standing with her team. She walked to her, seeing fear in Arabella’s eyes. “Do you really want to do this, Arabella?” she asked gently. “I know what a gentle soul you are. This is going to be a very bloody affair, much worse than the fight outside at Solomon’s Passage.”

Arabella looked down with dismay, and Hanna said, “Amacia is not the place for you. Why don’t you stay here with Kida and Electra? You’re a doctor. Your skills are needed here more than with us.”

Arabella looked at Hanna with tears of gratitude beginning to well up in her eyes, saying, “Thank you, Hanna.”

Hanna grasped Arabella’s hands gently, saying, “You have been far more useful to us with the people here than on the front lines. I tell you what you can do. Get everything ready to receive wounded for I’m sure there will be some. John!” Morrison moved closer and Hanna said, “I know you wanted to come, but I think you should stay with Arabella and help prepare things here.”

“But!” Morrison protested.

“No buts, John,” Hanna ordered. “I need you here more than with me. Besides....” Lowering her voice, she added, “She needs you. Work with Joshua. Get everything ready to receive us. I suspect there may be quite a few people who will need medical attention. I know Selina will. Can I trust you with this task?”

Morrison sighed, a bit disappointed that he wasn’t going to see action. “Yes. You can trust me, Hanna,” he said in resignation.

Hanna patted him on the shoulder saying, “Don’t be so glum. You will get to see action soon enough, probably more than you may want if we pull this off.”

Morrison smiled and stood beside Arabella. She smiled at Hanna as she grasped Morrison’s hand. “Thank you,” Arabella said again.

Hanna smiled at her, and then turned and walked through the assembled teams like a general reviewing her troops before battle. She looked over them as she walked through. Pausing at the Sons of Thunder, Hanna said, “So fellas; ready to take it to the Emperor?”

Hunter raised his weapon with a resounding, “Yes, ma’am!”

“What do you call that weapon, Hunter?” Hanna asked, admiring the weapon. It appeared to be a large spear ten feet in length with a wicked serrated ten-inch spearhead on one end and a twenty-inch circular blade on the other end wrapping around the spear’s shaft.

“I call it the guillotine,” Hunter hissed with a smile. “It’s a weapon of my own design.”

“Very well named,” Hanna chimed as she moved on. Looking at Enoch as he stood beside Hunter, she saw him decked out in full armor, plate and chain mail with two large swords on his back and a large dagger on his hip. The armor looked ancient with an image of the Roc emblazoned on the breastplate. Its wings were spread wide in a menacing fashion with its head lifted to the sky, screaming. The claws were pointed forward and to either side with an enormous sword in its right claw and a strange starburst in its left. Hanna’s eyebrow rose as she glanced at the Caverias signet on her finger, seeing the exact same thing on it. On Enoch’s brow sat a strange armored headband with mysterious runes and figures etched into it. Hanna thought he looked like an ancient king ready to go into battle. “Where did you get that armor, Enoch?” she asked. “It doesn’t look like normal armor to me.”

“It’s an heirloom of our ancestors,” Enoch stated. “This armor has been passed down for generations through the Caverias line. Legends say Gordo the Ilmarinen forged it in the foundries of Srandi for Thoth himself as one of three armors for the King of Amacia. It’s supposed to have the power to protect its wearer from the Darkness. As a gesture of goodwill to Tsang Chi of Atlantis, Thoth allowed one of his personal armors to be housed here in the Red Tower. However, he insisted that only one of the Caverias line be allowed to use it, and then only when the Emperor presented a clear and present danger to the world and galaxy. To insure that his will be followed, Tsang Chi set it in a special vault that could only be unlocked with the genetic markers of the Caverias line through DNA scans. I’ve waited all my life for the moment when I could don our father’s armor. Now that day has arrived. I only pray I may honor our father by using his armor in our cause against the Emperor.”

A rumble of awe raced through the teams when they realized Enoch wore the armor of Thoth Caverias himself. Hanna looked closely at Enoch in the armor and suddenly remembered the picture in his bedroom of Thoth and Ariel. A smile crossed her face. “I thought I recognized that armor,” she crowed. “It’s just like the armor Thoth wore in the portrait hanging in your quarters. I didn’t think I’d actually see it. Wear it with pride and honor, big brother. Even if it’s a replica, it’s magnificent, and suits you well. All you’re missing is the Caverias sword on my back and the Caverias Seal hanging around my neck with the Seal of Khitia. Then you’d match the picture.”

“You honor me, little sister,” Enoch answered, bowing to her slightly. “I only hope I can prove worthy of our father’s armor.”

“You will,” Hanna chimed pleasantly.

“Are you sure you want to carry the Caverias Seal into battle?” Enoch asked. “It’s a very important item.”

“My instinct is yes,” Hanna stated, pulling out both seals from beneath her armored shirt as they hung around her neck on their chains. “The Caverias Seal has power similar to that of the Griffin Seal of Khitia. The Griffin Seal saved me from Lord Baal in the pit of Acheron. I have no doubt of that. Together, they should protect me from any dirty tricks the Emperor may have for me.”

Noticing the Caverias Seal and the Griffin Seal of Khitia glowing, Andrew asked, “Why are they glowing, little sister?” His armor rattled softly as he pointed at the seals.

Hanna’s eyebrow rose. “Intriguing,” she murmured. “These items seem to know each other the same way the Medallion and Relic know each other.” Removing the Griffin Seal, she slowly moved it away from the Caverias Seal. The glow on both of them diminished noticeably as they separated. Hanna brought them back together and the glow increased.

“Whoa,” Hunter murmured. “Strange.”

“Yeah,” Hanna agreed, hanging the Griffin Seal back around her neck and stowing both seals beneath her armored shirt. “It is. It’s even making my chest tingle slightly. Whatever is making them do this feels good. I feel energized.”

“That’s a good thing,” Enoch stated. “You’re going to need it, little sister.”

“I know,” Hanna chimed, moving on in her inspection. She stopped at Morpheus and his team of hybrids. He had chosen well. The fastest and most powerful of the hybrids stood ready to fight with Morpheus, who stood with his staff and sword, clad in chain mail armor under his cloak. “You guys ready to fight?” Hanna asked them. They roared in unison that they were ready. She could see that they were more than ready. “Good choice, Morpheus,” she said, patting him on the back. In seconds, Hanna stood among Xavier, Amelia and the Cimmerian team. She stopped and looked at the Cimmerians, chuckling.

“What’s so funny?” Amelia asked.

“I suddenly found it amusing that I have a team of the fiercest barbarians on the planet fighting with me. I’m sure glad you’re on my side,” Hanna called to them pleasantly. They laughed and cheered her. Hanna suddenly became serious as she confronted Amelia and Xavier, asking, “Amelia, are you sure that you want to do this?”

Amelia looked at Hanna seriously, saying, “You remember what I said. I promised that I would come with you. Besides, there’s a demon of my past that needs slaying there. I’m sure that between us we can slay that demon.”

Hanna touched her on the arm, saying, “We both do. It’s good to have friends like you.”

Xavier smiled, saying, “We stand with our friend. You asked for help and here it is.”

“Thanks,” Hanna replied, smiling warmly. She moved on to Magnus and his team. Among Magnus’ group were Corso, Joel, Liu, and a mixture of people from Cushar and Arionath.

“Ah, my friend; so the day has finally come that we stand together,” Hanna declared, extending her hand to Magnus.

Magnus reached out and took Hanna’s hand, shaking it firmly, saying, “It is an honor to stand with you, Miss Beowulf.”

Hanna nodded, replying, “The honor is all mine to have such a noble creature to stand with me. Many can learn from your loyalty.”

Magnus smirked, declaring, “To the end, my friend.”

“To the end,” Hanna agreed, finally releasing Magnus’ hand from their handshake. Turning from Magnus to Corso, Liu, and Joel, she said to them, “My friends; it is good to see you here.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Corso replied. “Finally, we have a chance to take it to the Emperor and pay him back for all the trouble he’s given us.”

Hanna smiled tightly, saying, “Don’t forget what we are after. Our job is to move in and out as quickly as possible, retrieving our friends.”

Corso nodded, smiling wryly. “Of course, milady,” he crowed menacingly. “Anything you say.”

Hanna’s expression narrowed at Corso’s dangerous tone, but she eventually smiled, saying, “Don’t worry, you’ll get your chance for a little payback with this mission. Just don’t go overboard.”

Corso’s eyes gleamed. “Don’t worry,” he reassured. “We won’t do anything that jeopardizes this rescue. I swear it.”

Hanna gave Corso a thumbs-up as she walked back up on the platform. Turning around to face the teams, she called out, “All right, last chance. Anyone who doesn’t want to go, say I.” Dead silence filled the portal chamber. “Very well then people,” Hanna declared. “One last bit of instruction. If you happen to encounter the Emperor, RUN. None of you are capable of handling him. Watch out for the Dark Riders too. They may be prowling about as well. Are there any questions?”

“I have one,” a voice rang out.

Hanna zeroed in on the voice and saw Seras among Magnus’ team. “What’s your question, Seras?” she asked.

“How are we to know who is friendly?” Seras asked.

Hanna smiled, saying, “Very good question, Seras. Okay, let’s start out by saying that if you see the Nemesis, he’s with us. The prisoners will obviously be with us if Nemesis has done his job properly. As for anyone else, especially the guards, if they do not resist your advance, they are to be considered friendlies. If they attack, defend yourself. We are not going in to wipe out all life in the Black Fortress, just bring out those who want to leave. Any more questions?”

“How are we to find our way around in there?” Xavier called out.

“Magnus knows the layout of the fortress. We also have Nemesis and the head jailer who know the place, especially the dungeons. The jailer will be especially useful in releasing the prisoners,” Hanna replied.

“Is he with us too?” Kahn called out.

“Yes,” Hanna stated resolutely. “Believe me; I have enough insiders in there that we should be able to get around without much trouble.”

“So what are we waiting for?” one of the hybrids named Po asked enthusiastically.

Hanna laughed, saying, “You’re right. So what are we waiting for?” She went to the platform and said, “Elias, let’s find Nemesis.”

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