Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 13: Hope Spreads

Hope Spreads

Thanks to the Captain and several others, including the jailer, word spread like wildfire the Beowulf’s coming was nigh. It even reached the Harem where one of the guards brought the news to the women as he and a dozen other guards brought food and water to the women. When he delivered the news, Myra was still hanging on the pillar, barely alive. But she was not alone for now Tasha, Jennifer, Izanami, Sakura, Jasmine, Hitomi, and Trinity were tied to the columns in the same manner. The guard whispered it to Myra as he gave her some water and some bread. “Hang in there, Myra. Just a little longer. She’s coming,” the guard whispered almost inaudibly to her as he fed her. Myra was in agony, but the news managed to bring somewhat of a smile to her face. The guard repeated the news to Tasha, Jennifer, Izanami, Sakura, Jasmine, Hitomi, and Trinity as he fed them in turn. Trinity begged the guard to cut her down from the pillar, but he refused, fearing for his own life. However, he assured her that it wouldn’t be much longer that they would be bound in that fashion.

As he left with the rest of the guards, Lola begged the guards to lengthen her chain so she could tend to those on the pillars. They once again refused, fearing the Emperor’s wrath. Trinity cried hysterically, being in great pain because of the way she was bound. Jennifer wept softly because of the pain. Tasha was delirious, and Izanami, Sakura, Jasmine, and Hitomi were barely aware as excruciating pain wracked their bodies. Myra was beginning to die as her own weight pressed down on her organs. She made a bold effort to speak to the other women tied as she was, but could only make a hoarse call just above a whisper. “She will come,” Myra whispered. “We have to believe. She will come, sisters.” Her words faded away as she passed out. Tasha, Jennifer, Izanami, Sakura, Jasmine, Hitomi, and Trinity didn’t hear them. But those who were chained close by just out of reach did. Lola became the defacto leader of the Harem and she called for the sisters to pray for the deliverance of Myra, Tasha, Jennifer, Izanami, Sakura, Jasmine, Hitomi, and Trinity primarily, and then for them all. They prayed for Selina as well and for Hanna to return as Selina said she would. The prayers were fervent and sincere, rising as fragrant incense before the throne of God. The prayers elicited an immediate response.

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