Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter The Nightmare

The next morning, Tessie shook Timber awake.

“Wake up, Timber! It’s time to eat and get ready for school!” Tessie said.

“What happened...?” Timber asked.

“I’m just a bit nervous is all...” Tessie said.

“Grandma? Did you have a nightmare?” Timber asked.

“How did you know?!” Tessie asked.

“Nu did as well when I visited her,” Timber said.

“Okay... Well... It was just a nightmare... I’ll be fine...” Tessie said.

“What was your nightmare about?” Timber asked.

“A beast arose and brought terror to Fairwood and the entire world...” Tessie said.

“That’s the same thing Nu had a nightmare about! What kind of beast was it?” Timber asked.

“I can’t tell you that...” Tessie said.

“Neither could Nu...” Timber said.

“Just... Please be safe...” Tessie said.

Timber ate a bowl of cereal her grandmother provided and then got ready for school.

“You could take the bus... It might be safer...” Tessie said.

“Grandma, I like to be a wolf when I go to school... It feels great to rush through the fields as a wolf...” Timber said.

“You could be the next victim...” Tessie said.

“I can fight...” Timber said, “And if I see who or what is causing everyone to vanish, I can alert the police and they can stop it from continuing!”

“Alright... But don’t let your bravery turn to defiance...” Tessie said.

“Thanks for letting me stay here... Grandma...” Timber said.

She then transformed into a wolf and ran away.

Timber arrived at school just in time and went to her classroom. The intercom came on again with another loud pop.

“Attention students and staff... Dillon Ralf Wade and Monica Gladwyn are still missing along with Lillian Defiant Smith... That’s not all though... After the chilling discovery of blood in the cafeteria, Domenic Duke Carter Oliverson has gone missing... We think he may have been murdered... Salina Franklin has also disappeared along with one kid who was from the elementary school, Joyce Ray... We have no idea what is going on and nobody has told us anything... If you see anything suspicious at all, please inform us or the police right away... Thank you!” the intercom said and then turned off with a click.

“Well, students... Looks like we’ve just lost three more...” Mr. Wallis said. He then looked at Timber.

“What?” Timber asked.

“Your sister is missing too?” Mr. Wallis asked.

“Yes,” Timber said.

“Just wondering...” Mr. Wallis said, “Today we’ll be talking about comparing negative numbers!”

The whole class groaned.

“What? Can’t I teach an actual lesson?!” Mr. Wallis asked.

“No,” one kid said.

“Shh... Let’s begin!” Mr. Wallis said.

He began to yak away while etching numbers and symbols onto a black board. All the other classes went about normally too, Mrs. Courtenay continued reading Legend of the Wolf Girl with her class, Mrs. Nicholson taught on the history of Fairwood, which also included mentioning Timber Wolf and PineCone Smith, and Mr. Walker taught Biology. Towards the end of the school day before lunch time, the intercom came on again with a loud pop.

“Attention all students, I’d like to remind you that school busses are available to go to any of the Fairwood villages. These buses will offer you some protection as you return to your homes. I highly recommend taking one. Thank you!” the intercom said and then turned off with a click.

Everyone in line to go to the cafeteria looked at each other in fear. McKenna made sure to keep a close eye on Timber to make sure she wouldn’t murder anyone. Ronald showed up and told her to stop it, but she didn’t listen. This time, the cafeteria was clean. There was no sign of anyone ever getting murdered in there. The kids whispered among themselves as they made their way to the lunch line. The cafeteria ladies were acting as if nothing had ever happened in the cafeteria.

“Hey, Ronald... Did you see anything?” Timber asked Ronald.

“No... I saw nothing...” Ronald said.

“Okay... Just wondering...” Timber said.

Today for lunch was baked chicken breast, a whole wheat roll, and a side of instant potatoes that still had some powdery stuff in it.

“Yuck...” Ronald said, brushing some dry potato flakes onto the table.

“This food isn’t as good as it usually is... I wonder what happened...” Timber said.

“And it’s not like they can’t afford better... Nothing costs anything,” Ronald said.

“Everyone else seems to like it, though,” Ronald said.

Timber looked around and saw everyone happily eating their food.

“I guess it’s just us then...” Timber said.

After lunch, everyone went to recess. Outside, Timber kept feeling as though someone or something was watching her. She kept looking around nervously, but she saw nothing and no one. A branch snapped somewhere nearby so Timber quickly looked in the general direction that the noise came from. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

“Timber!” Ronald called out.

Timber didn’t hear him.

“TIMBER!” Ronald called out again.

“Mm...” Timber mumbled.

“TIIIIIIIMMMMBERRRRR!” Ronald called out a third time.

“Ronald,” Timber spoke, “Why are you yelling?”

“You weren’t listening,” Ronald said.

“What’s wrong...?” Timber asked, turning to face Ronald.

“It’s time to go home... You’ve been just sitting there staring for a long time...” Ronald said.

“Oh, okay...” Timber said and got up.

Ronald turned to leave, but he paused and said, “Stay safe, Timber...” He then left.

“Right, you too!” Timber called after him.

He glanced back at her one more time before disappearing into the distance. Timber turned into a wolf and ran out of the school yard. Halfway through Fairwood Field, Timber felt a weight drop onto her back. Surprised, she barked and whipped around, trying to shake off whatever got on her back. Whatever it was, it did not let go of her. She felt it bite her ears so she flattened in surrender. The weight left her back and she turned her head to see what it was.

Standing there in the field only a short distance away from her was a wolf. It wasn’t just any wolf though; Timber quickly recognized it as her sister!

“Lillian! Oh boy, I’m so glad you aren’t dead! I was afraid that whatever got those other kids had gotten you too!” Timber cried out.

“Humph... I’m not too happy to see you, pathetic scrap of fur...” Lillian grumbled. Her claws were out as though she was ready to attack.

“Have you seen what happened to the missing children?” Timber asked.

“Missing children? Hmmm... When did that happen?” Lillian asked, glaring at her sister.

“While you were away... McKenna thinks that I killed someone with Ronald’s help...” Timber said.

“McKenna...? And where does she live again? I always forget...” Lillian said.

“I don’t know... Why?” Timber asked.

“I’m only curious...” Lillian said.

“Where have you been staying?” Timber asked.

“None of your business!” Lillian snapped, growling at Timber.

“Well, I’m just glad you’re alive,” Timber said.

Lillian turned away.

“Have you hunted lately? I hear there is plenty to eat in the woods,” Timber said.

“The woods... Hmm... Yeah, I’ve hunted! How else would I have survived?!” Lillian asked.

“Okay... I’ll just leave you alone now...” Timber said.

“Where are you headed?” Lillian asked. She tilted her head a bit to one side.

“I don’t know... Grandma’s house probably...” Timber said.

Lillian sniffed the air and licked her lips as though she just smelled a great meal cooking.

“Grandma would be happy to know you’re alright,” Timber said.

“Go home before I hurt you...” Lillian growled.

“Okay... See you soon...?” Timber asked.

“Now!” Lillian snapped.

Timber fled.

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