Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Scotty Hepburn

Timber shattered the window and as soon as her paws hit the ground, she took off running. It hurt to run, though. The stitches felt like they were going to be ripped out if she kept running. She ran and crashed into someone again. She tumbled backwards.

“Oof! Sorry!” Timber cried out.

It was Fraizer again.

“Umm... Aren’t you supposed to be in the hospital resting...?” Fraizer asked.

“I escaped! Oh... But I didn’t bring my things... Do you think you could sneak in there and get me my sword and shield...? And my tunic... I... I’m not exactly wearing anything in my human form...” Timber said, “Well, the hospital gown, but that doesn’t feel right...”

“Oh! Yes, of course... Can’t have you running around mostly naked...” Fraizer said and ran off.

Timber sat down and licked her aching paws. She was turning gold again and so was her diamond. She kept looking around cautiously in case the officers were going to find her. Maybe they’d understand her though... Fraizer returned carrying Timber’s stuff. Timber got up from the ground and approached him.

“Here, I got your things. The alarms were going off in there so nobody saw me take your stuff,” Fraizer said.

“Thank you... Um... What’s your name...?” Timber asked.

“Fraizer,” Fraizer said.

“Oh! That’s a cool name!” Timber said.

“If you’re going to hide, you should do it now before they find you,” Fraizer said.

“I have a favor to ask of you,” Timber said.

“Huh?” Fraizer asked.

“Could you help me locate Scotty Hepburn...?” Timber asked.

Fraizer toppled over backwards and Timber looked hurt.

“Why?! Why would you want to find him?! He does bad things to little girls like you!” Fraizer said.

“Does he?” Timber asked.

“Yeah! He’s kidnapped the princess many times, but even when we think we’ve killed him, he somehow comes back!” Fraizer said.

“I must speak with him... He can heal my friend Ronald...” Timber said.

“Are you sure...?” Fraizer asked.

“Certain!” Timber said.

“Fine, I guess you deserve to know... Look up,” Fraizer said.

Timber looked up and noticed a very tall stone and brick pillar that reached into the sky past the clouds.

“What’s that?!” Timber asked.

“Scotty’s Tower. He had it built with the help of thousands of clones,” Fraizer said.

“Oh! Scotty’s Tower...? Then can I find Scotty Hepburn there...?” Timber asked.

“Yes... That’s where he’s been hiding... I must warn you though... He’s probably going to ask something of you in return for his help...” Fraizer said.

“Oh no...” Timber said.

Fraizer stooped to the ground and pulled a chunk of grass up. Under the grass was a stash of gold coins.

“Here, take some bucks... He might be willing to take this in return,” Fraizer said.

“Woah! So money does grow from the ground here!” Timber said.

“Heh... Appears so... In fact... Here,” Fraizer said as he stopped to the ground again.

He yanked up more grass and scooped up the coins, placing them in front of Timber. Timber carefully grabbed the coins in her mouth and put them in a small bag attached to a belt wrapped around her wolf body.

“Hey, you didn’t have a bag earlier...” Fraizer said.

“I guess I do now!” Timber said.

“Go change into your tunic behind that big tree in the bushes before you go to Scotty’s Tower,” Fraizer said, pointing to a specific tree. Timber nodded, grabbed her lavender tunic and went behind the tree to change clothes.

She came back out fully dressed. She still had the bag wrapped around her waist. Fraizer smiled.

“So... Just head north-west. At the very corner of the kingdom, you’ll find the entrance to his tower,” Fraizer said.

“Thank you...” Timber said before starting her journey to Scotty’s Tower.

Even though Scotty’s Tower appeared to be over 100 miles away, Timber got there in a short amount of time as though she had only gone to somewhere a few miles away. Timber hesitated at the tower door, but then knocked loudly. Her knocking echoed through the building. At first, Timber was afraid that nobody would answer the door. A man with medium length hair that was dyed light purple who had blood red eyes had answered the door.

“Yes?” the man asked.

“Hello... Umm... Are you Scotty Hepburn...?” Timber asked.

“Are you with the police...?” the man asked.

“Not that I know of, no,” Timber said.

“Then yes, I am Scotty Hepburn!” Scotty said. A huge evil grin came across his face as he looked at the little girl on his porch.

“I need to speak with you...” Timber said.

“Oh? Do you...? I don’t get visits from pretty young girls very often... Come on in!” Scotty said.

He opened the door wider and Timber stepped inside. A bunch of boys Timber’s age that all looked exactly the same and were dressed exactly the same peered over the long spiraling handrails on the stairs to see who had entered their home.

“Don’t mind them... Those are my minions...” Scotty whispered to Timber after reading her mind.

“There’s so many of them... And they all look the same...” Timber whispered.

“Eh, they’re clones,” Scotty said.

“May I ask you a question before I discuss the important thing I came to you for in the first place?” Timber asked.

Scotty whirled around and used wind power to shut the door. He then focused his attention on the little girl.

“Why were people trying to stop you from seeing me?” Scotty suggested after reading Timber’s mind again.

“How do you know what I’m thinking?!” Timber asked.

“Eh, magic...” Scotty said, adjusting his cap.

“But why were people trying to stop me from seeing you...? You don’t look dangerous...” Timber said.

“Hah! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks! Are you a comedian back where you came from...?” Scotty asked.

“No... Just answer me... I’m so curious!” Timber cried out, pulling on her ears.

“Well... Hmmm... Where should I begin...? Oh yeah! My name is Scotty Hepburn, I am currently about 2,078 years old and I am a sorcerer. My special talent is using wind to cause chaos, but sometimes just my presence causes people to freak...” Scotty begun.

“Are you seriously going to read me your whole autobiography...?” Timber asked.

“Well... No...?” Scotty said, sweating nervously and hiding a book he was reading from.

“Please just get to the point...” Timber said, looking bored.

“Alright! Alright! You win! They tried to prevent you from seeing me because I am what they call “The most dangerous person on Earth”! They even awarded me a trophy! I’ve been to prison before, but a young lady bailed me out. I killed her on accident. I purposely killed my teacher though. I also get a thrill out of kidnapping little girls! Specifically your age! And I tricked the king of Mycono into allowing me to build my tower into the heavens, cloning my son, and marrying his daughter without needing his permission! Ah... Good times...” Scotty said.

Timber was afraid, but she stayed where she was.

“Hmmm... Whatever you came here for must be really important if you haven’t run away yet...” Scotty said.

“Yes! It’s very very important! I need you!” Timber said.

“Need me?” Scotty asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You see... My best friend decided he wanted to be like me... So he took a potion... Unfortunately, he could not handle it... He became a wild beast like my sister... I had to kill my sister because it was far too late to save her... But since Zephynna told me you exist and that you have magic... I decided to come find you... I believe that you are the only hope... You can save my friend... I just know you can!” Timber said, falling to her knees in begging fashion.

Scotty just stood there staring at Timber as though she just told him the most shocking thing ever. Timber was crying. He reached out and patted her head as though she was a dog.

“Well... You are a very pretty young lady...” Scotty said.

“Will you please help me save my friend...?” Timber asked, giving Scotty her best puppy face.

“Ah... Sure... But I don’t do things for free. There will be a price,” Scotty said, crossing his arms defiantly.

“I have some money I can offer...” Timber said.

She pulled out the coins she had placed in her bag earlier. She showed them to Scotty.

“Really? 50 bucks? Is that all you can give...?” Scotty asked after glancing at the coins.

“I’ve come from Fairwood... We don’t use money there...” Timber said.

“Well, I’ll take those bucks from you, but I want something more,” Scotty said.

“What more do you want from me...? I have nothing left to give...” Timber said.

“Ah, recently I was down in the Town of Seconds and I found myself wandering down a dark alley. While there, I discovered a rickety old shop...” Scotty said.

“Get to the point already!” Timber said.

“Shhh... Patience, my dear... Patience...” Scotty said, “Well, I found that the old rickety shop specialized in magic. It was meant for sorcerers like I! I felt right at home there! Well... Not entirely since it wasn’t a giant tower reaching into the sky... But you know what I mean!”

“And what happened there...?” Timber asked.

“I found a neat spell book, but I found that it was all spells that required a wand! Now, I never use a wand! All my magic comes from my mind! So you know what I did?” Scotty asked.

“You got a wand...?” Timber asked.

“Yesssssssssss! It was very long! Almost a foot long, I’d say! And it wasn’t bendy or anything, it was completely rigid! Ah! So I guessed that would mean I wouldn’t accidentally snap it!” Scotty said.

“Okay...? So what does this have to do with me...?” Timber asked.

“Well, as I was saying before, I never use a wand! And since I never use a wand, I’ve never used a wand! So... I have no idea how to use it... None of my minions would allow me to practice on them... They all think I’m pathetic!” Scotty said.

“Oh... Okay?” Timber said, tilting her head in confusion.

“Would you please...? Please... Let me practice with my brand new 11 inch rigid wand on you...?” Scotty asked.

“Um...” Timber said.

“I promise to heal your friend afterwards!” Scotty said.

“If that’s true... Then I’ll let you use your wand on me...” Timber said.

“Perfect! Wonderful! Such a kind heart! You, you are a beautiful young lady! Now... I must warn you... If I get these spells wrong, it will hurt... However, all spells from this book, using this wand, are reversible!” Scotty said.

Timber gulped nervously. Scotty whipped out his wand; it was pretty long as he had said it would be!

“Hold still...” Scotty said.

“Okay...” Timber said, starting to cry a little.

“Hmmmm... This page looks good for beginners...” Scotty said.

Scotty pointed his wand at Timber and then swished it downwards. Timber shrank down to the size of a Mouleepole. Scotty laughed and approached her.

“Eek! Don’t step on me!” Timber shrieked, her voice made higher pitched than normal.

“You’re so tiny!” Scotty said.

“I don’t think I like this too much... Something or someone could scoop me up and swallow me whole!” Timber squeaked.

“There’s a huge list of things someone could do to a creature your size, and it isn’t pretty!” Scotty said with a laugh.

“You are going to turn me back to normal...? Right...?” Timber asked.

“Hmmm...” Scotty said and yawned.

Timber held up her now tiny shield and hid behind it.

“Of course I’ll return you to normal! I may be evil, but if I ate you or let my minions eat you, I’d have no one left to practice on!” Scotty said.

“Oh! Thank you, Mr. Hepburn!” Timber cried out, putting her shield back on her back.

“Call me Scotty, please...” Scotty said with a sigh.

“Right...” Timber said.

“Reverse!” Scotty cried out, pointing his wand at Timber.

Timber returned to her normal size.

“How about we do the opposite...” Scotty said.

He pointed his wand at Timber and swished upwards. Timber suddenly grew very tall and so her head was at the top of the third floor.

“Woah! Now you’re tiny, Scotty!” Timber cried out.

“No, you’re just giant...” Scotty said.

Timber bent down and picked Scotty up.

“Hi, Timber...” Scotty said.

“Hi, Scotty,” Timber said.

She then proceeded to pretending like she was going to swallow Scotty up.

“AHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOO!!!!” Scotty cried out, squirming to get away.

Because he was squirming, Timber accidentally dropped him and he fell into her mouth and almost went down her throat. He used his wind powers just in time to escape. He floated back down to the ground.

“Reverse!” Scotty cried out.

Timber shrank back down to normal size.

“Never, ever, do that again...” Scotty said, wiping the saliva off of himself.

“Sorry, Scotty...” Timber said.

“I have a lot more spells I’d like to try out...” Scotty said.

“Okay, what’s next?” Timber asked.

Scotty smirked and pointed his wand at Timber. He swished it in a circular motion once and then tapped the wand nine times. Timber’s belly suddenly became very round and nearly ripped her new tunic. Timber fell over backwards, being unbalanced.

“What did you do?!” Timber asked.

“I don’t know, whatever the book said!” Scotty said.

“Ugh... Whatever you did, I can barely breathe!” Timber said, panting and gasping.

“I guess that would be useful for stopping people from attacking me... You can’t attack while out of breath, now can you?” Scotty asked.

“Not at all... It feels terrible!” Timber said.

“I’ll reverse it,” Scotty said.

“Please do it now...” Timber begged.

“Reverse!” Scotty called out.

Timber was returned to normal again.

“Let’s try something a little more advanced!” Scotty said.

“Oh no...” Timber said.

“Don’t you trust me...? Remember, all spells from this book are reversible!” Scotty said.

“I trust you, Scotty...” Timber said.

“Alright...” Scotty said and twirled his wand a few times; he pointed it at Timber and called out, “Kablooie!”

Timber fell over dead.

“Reverse!” Scotty called out.

Timber began breathing again and came back alive.

“You killed me, didn’t you...?” Timber asked.

“Yes, yes I did... To prove a point!” Scotty said.

“Okay... Carry on, I guess...” Timber said.

Scotty twirled the wand a few more times, pointed it at Timber, and called out, “Kablam!”

Timber flew backwards as though being punched in the face with a lot of force. Her face was all bruised up and she was bleeding. She wailed in pain and agony.

“Reverse!” Scotty called out.

Timber was put back on her feet and all damage done by that spell was gone as though it never happened. Scotty let his wand teeter back and forwards between his fingers four times and then pointed it at Timber. She suddenly developed six more legs!

“Ahhh! I’m a spider!” Timber cried out.

“Reverse!” Scotty cried out.

Scotty practiced many more spells with his wand. He made Timber jump up and down uncontrollably, he made her head increase in size, and he even turned her into a baby! Scotty seemed to enjoy the torturous spells the best as he always got a good laugh out of seeing Timber’s reaction. There was one where she lost her arms, one that made her keep crashing into the wall, and another than made her skin feel like it was on fire!

After all those spells, Timber was exhausted. The clones had been watching her, sometimes wishing they could rescue her from the spells.

“Daddy! Where are you going to put the sleepy girl?!” one of the little boys cried out.

Scotty thought for a moment and snickered before saying, “My bedroom.”

“What?! No!” the little boy cried out.

“I was only joking! Ugh... Eh, I’ll find somewhere to put her...” Scotty said.

“If you make her tiny again, you could put her pretty much anywhere!” another clone said.

“Please, no more spells... I’m exhausted...” Timber said.

“Right... She could be put anywhere... It’s a huge tower, I’ll find somewhere...” Scotty said.

“I wanna touch your wand!” one little boy said.

“No! No touching!” Scotty cried out.

The little boy did not listen and grabbed hold of the wand. He tried to yank it downwards to free it from Scotty’s grip, but he shrank down instead.

“Eep! I’m tiny!” the little boy said.

“Yes, and I’m not reversing it either,” Scotty said, “That’s your fault!”

“Wait, you’re just going to let your son go around like that when he could possibly get killed?!” Timber asked.

“He’s disposable... My real son is locked away in a chamber so he won’t die or get old,” Scotty said.

“It still feels wrong... He’s my age...” Timber said, pouting.

“Fine! Take him then... I can always make more! He can be your little pet,” Scotty said.

He scooped the tiny boy up from the floor and placed him on Timber’s shoulder.

“Pet...? Isn’t he human...?” Timber asked.

“No. He’s the clone of a Shadow Person who is the son of a Mouleepole and a normal human,” Scotty said.

“Hi...” the little boy squeaked.

“What is his name?” Timber asked.

“I’m pretty sure that’s Mungo Clone 515... I’ve had to deal with him many times!” Scotty said.

“Can I call him just Mungo?” Timber asked.

“NO! Mungo is the name of my son, it would be wrong to call that failure the same thing I call my son!” Scotty said.

“How about just Moon, then...?” Timber asked.

“Find! Whatever! Here, I’ll lead you to your room!” Scotty said and stormed off.

Timber walked after Scotty with the tiny boy still on her shoulder.

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