Kings of Hell

Chapter 3

Wendy’s POV

“I set up this subsection for ULTRA,” Casey has formally introduced me to a small base inside the military ground base – just outside the city, with a view of the sister city in sight.

Andromeda is just outside the first window, an illusion in the sky is no longer apparent. I can see it’s strange skyline. Like a toy city over a large expanse, no green. Just hard packed, dry yellow ground all around. It was for the FC military to train.

I’ve just walked past this window into a kitchen, a table to discuss meetings, a ton of computers – and doors leading off into bedrooms and private bathrooms.

I walk around while the Shadow Mayor leans back on the shut door and crosses his arms over his chest.

Glancing at Casey’s face – he seems proud of what he’s achieved here.

I decide to compliment him.

“You did a great job, it’s cozy,” I smile, and when his eyes focus on me I quickly spin to hide my blush. His eyes are easy to drown in, black endless pools of mystery… or misery.

“I’m sorry about your family,” his tone is low and kind… he is consoling me.

However, at the mention of my family… argh.

I feel a surge of ice through my spine.

“We were migrants,” I admit, while my back is turned from him, “From Atlantis. Seeking refuge,” Casey is silent, so I turn to see him patiently waiting for more, “It was all a lie… my parents were…” I gulp, wondering how much I should tell.

“You don’t have to tell me everything right now, just eat something,” Casey interrupts, but then makes the decision to come forward and he goes for the fridge.

He grabs milk, a bowl and a cereal box.

I sit on a stool opposite as I watch this kind human make me a bowl of food.

Then he pushes it to me.

I’m entranced by this kindness.

“…thank you…” I whisper as I shyly pick up the bowl, sipping from the side of it.

“…no,” Casey sounds worried as he quickly hands me a spoon, “You don’t have to use your hands, Wendy.”

As he speaks to me, I’m staring at the milk, swirling it around the cereal.

I take the spoon and I hold it a little tight, and I nod my thank you.

I take a few more sips with the spoon and I want to see his reaction.

“My parents… abused me,” I speak to the bowl, and then I look up slowly to see Casey’s face.


He watches me critically.

“Did you kill them?” Casey asks point-blank. I almost drop the bowl. How did he know? Um. Shit. Forgetting the cereal, I quickly hide my hands on my lap, and I shake my head, “The door’s locked. You’re not running anywhere, so sit still,” Casey warns me, but then he surprises me again, “…you’re safe in here… no one’s going to hurt you... do you understand?”

“Listen, sir. I wasn’t… abused in the way you’re thinking of,” I reach up one hand and I pick up the spoon, which is hard to do – I hated instruments that looked like this. I turn it around to hold the handle and press it to my skin, “…I was abused like this… strange things…”

“Substances? I knew you weren’t right, kid – we need to run full diagnostics on your health,” Casey is just being kind.

But the word diagnostics reminds me of what they had been doing to me.

My heart explodes into a panic.

Fuck him.

“NO!” I scream it at him, clenching the table, “No, fuck your diagnostics.”

It’s okay,” Casey holds up a hand – just like they would, when they were trying to calm me down. He starts to reach for my arm, and I jump back from the stool.

“Try to touch me again like that and I’ll kill you,” I hiss at him.

Now he’s starting to show frustration.

“I’m trying to help you, kid,” Casey’s losing his patience.

“Then leave me alone,” I growl.

“Listen to yourself. You’re the one who walked in here, asking for help –” Casey again, tries to remain calm.

He’s an idiot.

“When did I ask for help?” I snap, “I came here to learn to kill – I wasn’t looking for help and I never needed ‘help’, I’m fully capable of surviving. I came here, to sign up to a job that said ’no interview’ required. So leave me be, I’m here and I’m your first recruit. It’s nice to meet you, but don’t piss me off,” I shove my hands into my pockets to hide their tremble, “You have no idea what I’ve been through, this job is perfect for me, I’ll be the only one who survives ULTRA. I can survive anything.”

“My dad is gonna love you,” Casey refers to Dale, but something that should be reassuring, comes off as a bad omen. He looks to the ceiling and tries to regain his composure, “Live it up then, little brat – you’ll be dead by tomorrow,” Casey changes tone, smirking, he walks for the door, “Learn to say thank you next time someone is kind. I won’t be kind again.”

I wait until he’s at the door.

“…fuck you…” I whisper under my breath, speaking to the counter.

“You know adults can hear whispers, you idiot?” Casey turns back to me from the door, looking at me like I’m stupid.

I flip him one and he walks out, slamming the door.

I turn back to my cereal.

I proceed to eat the rest.


At least he understood where I was coming from.

I didn’t care about making friends.

Alyssa’s POV

Yesterday Jose has dropped me off at a safe house in downtown, which was nice to be in the centre of everything, near the FC military but… kind of smart, being so close to the enemy, while wanting to stray.

I told Jose that Ace and Serge can know of my location, but Dale can go fuck himself.

Apparently, that information spreads quickly.

Because I’m not alone for long.

I’m sipping tea on a recliner the next morning when the door is knocked violently.

“Just me, doll, I’m with Sally,” Sergey sweetheart.

“Mum! Let us in!” Sally sing songs beautifully.

Feeling sudden tears of happiness in my eyes, I press an automated button on the coffee table with my foot to open the door.

Sally jumps in with flowers, wearing her classic white latex dress.

Serge has just himself, his suit slightly dishevelled.

“You okay?” Sally throws me the flowers. I catch them and my nails promptly slice through a few stems and a couple of flowers fall out. I quickly lay them down on the table instead, “Oh, oops, sorry mum,” Sally giggles and comes to sit on the opposite couch.

Serge stands awkwardly in the kitchen.

“You’re okay?” he repeats his daughter.

“I couldn’t be better,” I really look at Serge, and he seems to notice the intensity of my stare, as I take in his whole form. I was talking to another leader of STR1KE – and I knew I had to be careful what I relayed to him, since he was so close to Dale.

“So why are you holed up in here?” Sally asks, confused.

“I just want space to think alone,” I tell them.

“You can think at home,” Serge cuts me off, “What’s the problem, doll?”


Serge is rude as hell.

I can’t let that slide.

“Serge, if you disrespect my place again, as a guest of mine, you can leave,” I state honestly – and only now do I see Serge’s eyes scatter around the room as he then looks to Sally and back to me, skittish, “Is this all because I didn’t come home last night, is there a problem with the fact I needed my own time?”

“…no… but why are you restricting Dale from –?” Serge starts to growl.

“Because I have a right to be alone?” I state, like it should be obvious.

“So, you’re leaving us…?” Serge is missing the point.

No, stupid. I’m just having my own time. Why are you shocked? Sit down and chill out, Lightning,” I watch Serge force himself to walk forward and sit next to Sally, stiff as a stick. Sally shoves her feet onto his lap but he doesn’t care. He’s more ‘concerned’ about me, “Jose didn’t tell you why I needed time out?”

“No, he didn’t say shit – but Dale was losing it when Jose wouldn’t explain why you were staying away from us… you know what the boss is like,” Serge says it like it’s normal, Dale having a fucking tantrum for not getting his own way.

“Now you know why I’m here and Dale isn’t welcome,” I say, “You can stay. Ace. Jose. My daughters. Anyone in FC can visit while I’m here. But him.”

“You won’t stay in here forever though, doll,” Serge mentions.

“No – and don’t be mistaken, I’m not scared of Dale,” I lean forward, my nails tapping along my lips as I tell him, smug, “…I’m protecting him… from myself.”

“Okay,” Serge slowly raises his hand, “Can you tell me now, what the fuck is going on, that Jose didn’t share?”

“Don’t be mad. Kane gave it all back to me – he fixed me, so I have a whole functioning healthy brain, my fear is in check, my reasoning, the ability to hate, all of my normal range has returned to me,” as I explain, now Serge looks worried.

“…I have to go,” Serge murmurs so quietly, having the same come-to moment as Jose as his whole tone changes to hold more respect for me. Huh. Asshole.

“You can pass on a message to Dale from me, he will see me again, but until I approach him… he’ll have to be patient. I refuse to see him again until I’m ready,” I state formally.

“Noted,” Serge stalks out and slams the door shut, in a clear state of shock.

Sally remains on the couch with her mouth open in a surprised ‘o’. Especially when the sound of the door slamming shut, has my tears break free. It’s a damn relief, but I’m sure to my daughter this is all very confusing.

I quickly swipe for a tissue that my nails part way demolish, as I hold it to my cheeks and wipe away the tears haphazardly.

Sally sits up straight away, both excited and confused as she leans in opposite me.

Your brain wasn’t normal before, mum?” Sally whispers.

“It’s really complicated, Sal’, but I’m back, this is your real mother, fully functioning,” I stand up as she does, and the quick tight embrace from Sally is all I need to feel centred again.

My brief tears all but evaporate. Sally, also overcome, turns like her father – the exact same mannerisms.

“I’ll let you keep enjoying your new head,” Sally chuckles but tries to mask the tears as well, “I’m proud of you, mum. W-will you come home eventually?” she asks, a little timidly, like a child, glancing back at me.

“Of course I will, Sally,” I nod, not lying.

Sally smiles and departs, far too overwhelmed with the evident change in me.

But of course I will return.

The safehouse was only really for one thing.

Shoving it up Dale’s ass.

I could do whatever I wanted, go wherever I wanted, be whoever I wanted.

He wasn’t the boss of me anymore.

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