Killer (The Company Book 2)

Killer: Chapter 5




During the party…



With a drink in my hand, I watch my target vehemently. I have to time this perfectly, wait for the time to surreptitiously make my move. It’s already quite suspicious that I’m just standing here at the bar, doing nothing but eyeballing the partygoers while slurping drinks. I’ve already had a few people glance at me with disgusted looks on their face. Each time, I look straight into their eyes until they get so creeped out they just turn their heads and leave. I love fucking with people. In the literal sense of the word as well, of course.

Especially that girl standing next to her supposed husband. Fuck, it’s so wrong. All he does is grope other women. I’ve seen his hands all over that other woman’s butt several times, even though they’re presumably friends. I don’t understand why she accepts it. I would have killed the son of a bitch a long time ago.

Suddenly, she turns her head toward me, and I’m awestruck at the furious look on her face. That sparkle in her eyes … I recognize it … it’s the thirst for vengeance. Lucky for the both of us¸ the booze is over here.

I wait until she approaches me with her hips swaying back and forth in that white dress of hers. The fake smile plastered on her face pisses me off to no end because it makes me want to shake some sense into her. What the fuck is she doing here and why the fuck did she marry that man? Although, I think she might be asking herself that same question right now.

I’ve noticed her checking me out. It’s been a long time since a woman actively wanted my attention; most of the time, they’re scared for their lives. I can’t say I don’t enjoy it, although I could crush the glass in my hands right now. I hate it when I’m distracted from my target, but damn, this fucking girl … I just want to fuck some sense into her. Maybe I’ll do just that.

She’s too pretty to let go. Fucking wasn’t on my to-do list tonight, but I’ll gladly put her on it. I’d be a fool to turn that down. Besides, she’s the wife of the man I’m going to kill. I’d call that an added bonus.









Later on at the party …



Phoenix wipes the lipstick stains from his cheek as I put my panties back on and pull my dress back together, trying to make it look like less of a mess. The content smirk on his face, coupled with my insatiable hunger for revenge, is shameful. It was worth it. I want to see the look on Phillip’s face the moment he sees me walking out of this room, all flushed and high on endorphins. The only thing Phillip isn’t able to give me; pleasure.

When Phoenix throws the condom in the trash, he turns to open the door.

“Hey,” I say. “Am I ever going to see you again?”

“What do you mean? We’re both at the same party, and I’m not leaving until I finish the job.”

“I mean … after the party.” I swallow, unsure of what I should say, if I should even say anything. What we did was unspeakable, loathsome, and we did it anyway. There’s some sort of dark bond between us now, something invisible that I can’t explain or even put into words. All I know is that we share something that no one else at this party can even fathom. Something primal, something vicious. Something evil.

“That’s not up to me,” he says, running his fingers through his coal black hair.

I get off the table as he holds the door open and waits for me to approach. “Then who is it up to?” I ask.

Cocking his head, he gazes at me without speaking a word. I refuse to pass him before he does, facing him with equal determination.

“You,” he says.

I frown, but he doesn’t allow me to ask another question. He simply leaves the room without me. I guess chivalry has its limits.

I follow him outside, glancing sideways to catch Phillip’s eyes narrowing and honing in on me. The moment our eyes lock, my body explodes in pure euphoria, and a devilish smile appears on my face, my heart pumping adrenaline through my veins. I’ve succeeded in my goal; the ultimate payback.

I follow my one-time lover to the bar where he orders another drink.

“You still following me?” he asks.

“You say that as if you dislike it.”

“That’s because I still have a job to do, and you’re distracting me quite a bit with your voluptuous body.”

I smile at him, leaning in to place my hand on his shoulder, making sure Phillip is watching. “I’ll distract you anytime.”

He turns his head ever so slightly. “Taking women is like sipping wine. Only take a sip. Otherwise, they might overpower you.”

I chuckle. “Touché.” I lean forward to grab a drink off the table. “I’d rather be the wine than the vinegar, though.”

“I enjoyed tasting you, missus,” he murmurs. “But all good things must come to an end.”

“No more Princess? Oh, boo.”

He leans in to whisper in my ear. “Not here, no, but in my mind, you’ll always be.”

I grin, getting all hot again just from thinking about his hands on my hips.

I look at Phillip, who’s almost crushing his glass in his hand. I love the look on his face, like someone just stomped on his balls while he was lying on the ground, begging for mercy. I chug down my drink. I don’t think I would stop jumping, though.

“You should get back to your husband. I’m sure he’s not too pleased to see you.” He laughs a bit. When I look at him, he’s holding a glass in his hands, one he wasn’t holding before. “Here, take this with you.” He smirks, his tongue darting out to lick the barbell underneath his lip. “To ease his pain.”

I smile back. “Good thinking. You and I make a great team.”

“Keep that fantasy to yourself. There’s no you in this team.” He points at himself. “I have some things to do. Now, go on. Go back to your husband and give him his drink.”

He pushes the glass into my hand and nudges me toward Phillip. I hesitantly walk toward him, constantly looking back at Phoenix, wondering if he’ll disappear. The further I get away from him, the more the gravity of what I’ve done sinks in. There is something about him, something in his eyes that I shouldn’t ignore. Something vicious, just like before, only this time it has nothing to do with fucking. They’re the eyes of a killer.

Why did he hand me this glass? And more importantly, why did I take it?

I should go back to him, but then I realize it’s too late. I’m already right behind Phillip, and he’s noticed me. He stops talking to the woman next to him and focuses his attention on me.

I smile. Then I glance over my shoulder.

One look is all it takes to destroy my world.

And still I hand Phillip the glass.

I should’ve gone with my instinct, should’ve walked away, but I didn’t. In this one split second, I trust the wrong thing. Or maybe it wasn’t trust after all … maybe it was the insatiable need for vengeance that drove me to hand the glass to Phillip.

I knew it wasn’t right.

I had it coming for me.

And yet, I did it anyway.







I gasp, taking in the news. My husband was poisoned. I should’ve stopped myself when I handed that glass to him, but by the time I realized, it was already too late. There was poison in his glass. Of course, it all makes sense now. He was after my husband to begin with, and now the deal is done. My husband is dead because of me. Even if I hated him with my guts, I didn’t want him to die. At least, not by my own hands.

That man is a killer, and he used me as his murder weapon.

I killed my own fucking husband.

No way am I going to get away with this.

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