Kidnapped by the Alpha

Chapter 8


I was sitting in the office and was trying to recall where have I heard Natalie's name. Natalie---Damn it. I know you but why the hell am I not able to recollect.

I mind linked Steven.

"Yes Theodore, is everything fine?”, He asked.

"Yes, Steven. Did you get any information about Natalie?” I asked.

"Not yet Theodore. We have reached Troy's house just a few moments back.", Steven answered. "Keep me updated”, I told.

I went to my room to check on Natalie. I saw her seated in front of the mirror and was combing her hair. She looked so damn hot and beautiful when she keeps her hair open. A smile lingered on my lips looking at her. Natalie also looked at me from the mirror and we had an eye lock. she blushed. "Did you have your lunch?”, I inquired and she replied a no.

"Why? Didn't I tell you to have lunch? Why do you keep on disobeying me?”, I asked in a bit louder tone and I saw Natalie moved back, in fear.

Kylie took a stand for her and replied, "Theodore, she went to the washroom to freshen up I" "Omega", I called out and the maid came running.

"Yes Alpha?”, She replied bowing her head down.

"Get food for Luna, right now", I ordered.

Natalie muttered, "This man has so much of attitude, he is a perfect example of Devil in disguise. He is a rascal!”

"Stop cussing me!”, I growled and she looked at me with her eyes wide open.

Again she muttered, "Fuck, does he knows how to read minds! Indeed a Devil he is!"

Before I could tell something to her, Zen mind-linked me and told, "Brother, we have got details about Natalie. We are returning to the pack”

"Okay come to my office directly”, I told.

Before leaving the room I told the girls, " I have some work, I need to leave. Make her eat something and if she refuses to eat call me at once"

"Such an arrogant person he is!", I heard Nandani replying angrily but I ignored and proceeded towards my office.

I saw Zen, Steven, and Daniel coming to my office.

"I can't believe this!", Steven said.

"Is she related to our pack?”, Daniel asked

"This girl is a mystery”, Zen told.

"Guys can you please stop talking amongst yourselves and tell me what is the matter", I asked angrily.

"Your Mate Natalie is a mystery", Steven said.

"What do you mean?", I asked confusingly.

"Theodore her parents died in an animal attack, ten years back.”, Steven replied.

"And their body was found near our territory by the forest officers”, Daniel added.

"Her parents were werewolf", Zen said.

"That means, Natalie is also a werewolf?", I asked.

"No idea, this girl is strange.”, Zen replied.

"What else did you get to know about her?", I asked.

"She lived with her Uncle and Aunt, who are humans", Steven said.

"What? How is this possible? If her parents are a werewolf. How can her Uncle and Aunt be humans?”, I asked.

"That's what I'm telling you, Theodore, your mate is a mystery!", Steven said.

"Her Uncle and Aunt used to torture her. They even sold her to a businessman Henry Machado who is a womanizer. Natalie tried to escape from there and maybe while escaping she trespassed our territory”, Daniel informed and I clenched my fist angrily.

My eyes started to turn black and my hands turned into paws. My wolf was empowering me. "Theodore, please calm down!”, Daniel said holding my hands.

"How could they torture my mate? I won't spare them®, I told angrily.

"Theodore, please, relax”, Steven said. "We will punish them, for what they did with your mate!"

I started taking deep breaths to control my anger.

"Why don't you talk to Natalie?", Zen asked.

"Yes, you are right. I'll have a word with her", I told.

"Before going and talking to her, just take a run through the forest and calm yourself", Steven told and I nodded affirmatively.

I went for a run through the forest with thoughts swarming up in my mind.

"Natalie's parents were a werewolf, who died ten years back by the animal attack, and their dead body was found near our territory. Even mom and dad died ten years back, many members of our pack too while waging a war with The Red Blood Pack. Were Natalie's parent member of our pack? Even if they were a werewolf and member of our pack, how can Natalie be a human?”

I went to my room to talk to Natalie, but to my great astonishment, the room was vacant.

" Did she escape again?" I thought.

"Omega", I called out angrily and she came running bowing her head.

"Yes Alpha?”, she replied shaking with fear.

"Where is Natalie?", I asked her furiously.

"Alpha, Future Luna has gone to Casandra Ma'am's room along with Anna Ma'am, Kylie Ma'am” Omega replied bowing her head.

I went to Casandra’s room and was astounded to hear the girl's conversation.

" What is your parent's name?", Cassandra asked Natalie.

"Haya and Neil", Natalie replied and I was shocked. I couldn't believe my ears.

"What did you say?", I asked walking inside the room.

"What did I say?", Natalie asked confusingly.

"Who are your parents?”, I asked.

"Haya and Neil", She replied in a low voice.

Suddenly I heard the growling of wolves. Natalie got scared and she caught my hand tightly.

An Omega came running and informed, * Alpha we are been attacked by the Rouges”

I clenched my fist angrily listening to the Omega.

"Get our Pack ready for the fight", I told fiercely.

"What is going on. Please let me go. I am scared”, Natalie cried. I immediately pulled her to my chest and hugged her.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Baby. I promise", I whispered in her ears.

Another Omega came running and she looked worried.

"What's the matter?”, I asked.

"Alpha, Zen--", Omega began to stammer.

"What has happened to him?", I asked worriedly.

"He is been injured badly,” Omega replied.

I held Natalie's hand and dragged her to my room while Cassandra, Kylie, Anna, and Ziva followed us. Natalie was crying and sobbing badly.

"Where are you taking me. Please let me go." She pleaded.

l ignored all her pleas and kept on dragging her. I just wanted to hide her, if the rouges spot her--er Theodore, be positive. I won't let anything happen to my mate.

I was going towards my room when suddenly a few Rouges came and Natalie she was horrified looking at them. She screamed in fear. Cassandra, Kylie, and Anna transformed into their wolf form and pounced upon the Rouges, while I along with Natalie proceeded towards my bedroom.

There was a secret room in which I hid her. She was crying and sobbing badly. I just hugged her and told, " Baby please don't cry"

"What is going on? Who are you'll?", She cried hugging me back.

"I'll tell you everything, Princess once everything gets into our control. Till then please stay over here”, I told kissing her forehead.

"Please don't go, I am scared", Natalie replied crying.

"I am there baby, I won't let anyone harm you", I told wiping her tears.

I locked the door, transformed into my wolf form, and went to fight with the Rouges.

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