Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 64: Things That Could Go Wrong

That morning when we all came down to say goodbye, Celia looked bright and cheerful. Norbert on the other hand, looked like he had been up all night and he was staying away from us.

I was happy to say goodbye, and get out of there after that. Corbit and Tim were both being closed-mouthed and keeping their smiles to themselves, so I let them keep their smiles. This was our own fault, and it seems that now Norbert thinks we are monsters because of Mei's howling last night.

Gloria wouldn't look at me, and she had a smile like a little perma grin stuck on her face as she stared out the window. Whatever they were doing, it must have been good for her to look like that.

Not that I was complaining, I wasn't trying to compete. Last night was exactly what I needed and my head felt clear like I could really focus, but then Lesha's hand started to slide up my leg.

I caught her hand in mine before she made me make some horrible noise. I looked at her, trying my best not to scowl, but I was sure I was failing miserably.

Lesha pursed her lips together trying not to laugh, and giving me a raised eyebrow. I sighed and leaned forward to get a kiss from her, and she obliged me, leaning in to meet me halfway.

We only had half a day's journey before we would be stopping. Then from that point, only Tim and I would be going ahead to get supplies with a horse each. Everyone else would be staying behind to protect the wagons.

I tried to argue that one of us should be staying back, but both of us needed to go. Tim was the only one that had any real experience dealing with the people. I had to be there to show my Guilds System tattoos on my wrist as the leader, or they wouldn't deal with us at all.

The Girls told me they could take care of themselves, but that alone made me worry more. I didn't want any of them getting hurt when I wasn't there to be able to do anything.contemporary romance

The ride was fairly smooth, and before we knew it, it was lunchtime. We found a good place that was out of the way and out of sight to set up a camp. This would be where we stayed tonight if everything went well.

Once everything was unhooked, Tim and I saddled the horses and said our goodbyes. We didn't want to waste time, there was ground to cover if we wanted to get back by nightfall.

I hugged and kissed Lesha, telling her that I loved her before hopping up on the horse and following Tim. We had brought extra saddlebags, and a third horse to carry extra supplies. We needed to get feed and some other supplies, including food.

"Are they going to be okay? I asked after about fifteen minutes of riding.

"We just need to focus on getting there, getting what we need, and getting back. I can't guarantee anything around here. The girls are strong, you just need to have faith that they can fight without you if they have to. You need to focus on what we are doing when we get there," Tim yelled to me as we rode.

That was right, Tim had come into the cabin before we stopped and explained what we were going to do and what to say.

"Yes, We are going to the Red Merchant and asking for Dalphonse, and ordering what we need with hoods up and only showing the guild tattoo once no matter who asks. That person has to be Grena, Leader of the Red Merchant, right?" I called over asking.

"Good, all we can do is follow everything exactly to the plan and we should be out of there with everything we need. Then, we can get back to everyone that was waiting there for us. For now, you just have to trust that your girls can take care of themselves."

I wasn't worried about them, it was the other two shit disturbers I was worried about. The werewolf and vampire, a pair of thorns in my side that I was going to have to get ahold of before I got to the city.

I needed to get my mind off things, so I turned and called over to Tim.

"Are you excited to be working with Hershal? What about that Air Knife thing? You seem pretty happy about that one, what is it? Or can you tell me?" I called over.

The landscape was starting to roll and get hilly, but I could see far ahead, there was the small town. The place didn't look very big, but it was hard to tell from this distance.

"It will be nice, he knows a lot, and you should listen to Kal, he is a Diamond Rank Tank. so he can teach you skills, but you will have to do tasks to earn the skills. They can't teach you high-rank skills but they can help you learn important things, but you have to help them. Once you get to Diamond or higher, people will be coming to you in your Guild to learn these skills just like this," Tim called over.

"Remember, it's our Guild, I just run the place, and I'm not doing a very good job yet, but we will get there!" I Called back, but Tim pointed forward.

We were coming up to the town, and the place looked very quiet, and no people were walking on the dirt roads. The place almost looked deserted, but I still pulled my cloak up and over my head and we slowed down.

I just had to keep my head down and walk my horse by Tim who was doing the same. If we did this we were fine, according to Tim, so I had to trust that he was right as we rode into the ghost town of Greled.

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