Keeping Their Dark Rose by Jessica & Jane

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

1288 Vouchers

“It is so good to see you, and I know the boys spent a lot of time hunting you down.” He awkwardly hugs me while Ethan stalks off with Colt and Max.

“Hopefully, we’ll catch up soon,” he says, and I don’t miss the underlying warning in his words. “And hopefully next time it will also be on good terms,” he says, letting

me go.

He wanders toward the front door where I notice Colt is waiting. He opens the door for him and Pete clamps a hand on his shoulder before walking out.

I stand there awkwardly, my heart racing in my chest, when Colt looks over at me. He’s just as handsome as I remember him being and age has only added to him. Now his body is filled out and muscular. Tattoos cover his forearms and his knuckles. They’re a deep blue black, almost tribal like. His jaw is more squared but I know by looking at him that omegas must swoon when they see him.

Even in my fear I feel it, that pull to go to him. To kneel before him because his scent is just that alluring. I won’t though; his anger is too much of a deterrent for


His long tattooed fingers drag through his hair as the muscle in his jaw flexes. I stay still, and wait to see if he’ll say anything, and he doesn’t disappoint, but I would have preferred he not speak at all once I hear the words.

“It would have been better if you remained gone, especially if you won’t even acknowledge us,” he sneers before storming out down the hall. Confused by his words, I hesitantly follow him when I notice Ethan by the stairs. He laughs cruelly and I know they’re not done with me.

“He’s right, you know, you would have been better off dead than back here. None of us want you,” Ethan states and then follows Colt.

I watch in disbelief as Colt and Ethan disappear down the hall, their words echoing in my ears. Making me feel like my heart is breaking. I don’t understand why what they say hurts so much. It feels like something inside of me is being crushed. I swallow hard, wrapping my arms around my middle as if it will comfort me.

It doesn’t and I’m left wondering if they don’t want me, then why did they bring me here? Ethan should have just killed me and been done with it. It would have been easier for all of us.


Chapter 18

258 Wouchers

Now I hear the truth in his words. I wish he had killed me. And if things keep going like this, he’ll be right. I may not have my wolf. I may not have shifted but their words, so cold and cruel, hurt. More so because I am an Omega. It’s naturally ingrained in us to seek our Alpha’s approval.

They may not be mine but their rejection hurts as if they were. The sting of rejection cuts deep, lacerating the fragile hope that had bloomed within me upon my return. How could they say such things? I thought they missed me, longed for my presence. The way that I did theirs, there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about them even though I tried hard not to.

Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over the dam of my shattered heart. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I straighten my posture and steel myself against their hurtful words before slowly following after them.

The mansion feels hollow and suffocating, its opulence now tainted by rejection. I wander aimlessly through its lavish halls, each step growing heavier, until I stop outside the dining room doors. Ethan is sitting at the head of the table, Colt wanders off into what, I assume, is the kitchen. And Max is glaring at the table like it has purposefully done something to him while nursing a glass of whiskey at breakfast instead of coffee.

Colt sticks his head out the kitchen door. “Ethan!” he inclines his head toward the

kitchen. “Some help,” Ethan smirks, but gets up and goes to help Colt with whatever he is doing. I stand there awkwardly, not knowing if I should help, or where I should sit. I feel so out of place in their home.

Max, however, sighs and uses his foot to shove the chair next to him out.

“Sit!” he growls, all rough and commanding. Biting my lip, I hesitate. He seems to be in a weird mood now.

“Rose?” he questions, turning his chair slightly and leaning back in it. I move toward him and sit down. My stomach growls loudly, and I can’t remember the last time I ate. But I know it’s been a couple of days.

No, Drake did get me a scone from the bakery. Was that yesterday or the day before? My brows furrow, trying to remember. I remember he was so mad because I fainted. He carried on like a fool, embarrassing me by yelling at me to get up.

And man did I pay for it when I got home? He hid my suppressants for hours on me until I sucked him off. Not that I took them, but I was afraid he would sell them on me. It wouldn’t be the first time he had done that.

Chapter 18

1288 Vouchers

“If you’re thinking about escaping you can’t,” Max says, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Pardon?” I ask.

“You looked like you wanted to be anywhere but here,” he adds before sipping his drink. I shake my head, and he goes to say something else when the door opens. Ethan and Colt walk out, holding plates in each hand. Ethan sets one down in front of me. The plate is loaded with bacon, eggs, spinach and tomato. It smells so good and my stomach rumbles loudly.

“Thank you,” I tell Ethan just as Colt sets Max’s plate down in front of him. However, when Colt moves to step back, Max grips his shirt, jerking him closer before crushing his lips against Colt’s.

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