Keeping Denver

: Chapter 14

The following day, I have pushed aside Kelly’s warning, deciding not to let her jealousy ruin my happiness. It’s nearly time to call it a day, when I come upon Lucas’ office and knock on the open door. Lucas is standing at his desk with his back to me. ‘Hey. Lucas.’

He turns. ‘Hey, Denver. What brings you by?’

‘I tried your extension, but you didn’t answer. Mr. Hawk is on his way back to the office and wants to see you before you go home for the day.’

‘No problem. Thanks for telling me.’ I turn to leave when Lucas stops me. ‘Hey, Denver.’


‘My family is throwing my grandfather a party for his sixty-ninth birthday. Since he has asked about you a few times, I want to extend an invite. I think he’d be thrilled to see you.’

I smile warmly at the thought of his grandfather. ‘I would love to. I’ve meant to go by the library to see him. It’s because of him I got this job.’ Lucas probably knows about my previous situation from his grandfather and I am grateful he has never brought it up.

‘Great.’ Lucas reaches into his briefcase and pulls out an envelope, handing it to me. ‘All the details are on the invitation. Feel free to bring a friend.’ He gives me a knowing wink.

‘Thanks, Lucas I just might do that.’

Lucas peers down at his watch. ‘I bet the boss is back by now. How about I walk with you?’

‘Sure.’ As Lucas and I make our way back to my end of the office, a commotion can be heard, and make out Kelly and Frances arguing. Lucas and I give each other a confused look. ‘What in the world is going on?’ My steps quicken as Kelly’s voice raises an octave. When we reach the two arguing women they are standing at my desk. ‘Frances, is everything okay?’

Kelly is the one to answer. ‘No, everything is not okay, you little thief.’ Her evil glare cuts right through me.

My head rears back. ‘Excuse me?’

Frances places her arms out in front of her to calm Kelly’s rant. ‘Now, Kelly. You need to calm down.’

‘I will not calm now,’ she screeches, swatting France’s hands away. ‘I’m calling the police.’

‘The police?’ I direct my attention back to Kelly. ‘What for?’

‘Yes, the police. My wallet has gone missing, and I know who has it.’

‘Who?’ I ask.

Kelly looks me dead in the face and points her finger at me. ‘You. You stole my wallet, you fucking thief, and I’m having you arrested.’

My stomach drops, and my heart threatens to beat out of my chest. ‘I didn’t take your wallet.’

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. Everybody calm down,’ Lucas interjects, putting himself between a theatrical Kelly and me.

My eyes bounce back and forth between Lucas and Frances. ‘I swear I didn’t take her wallet. I don’t know what she’s talking about.’ The unwanted attention sends panic coursing through my body, and I begin to shake. What the hell is going on?

‘Oh, please. You think you have everyone here fooled but not me.’

‘I’m not trying to fool anyone, Kelly. I promise I didn’t steal your wallet.’ I try pleading with her, but my words are falling on deaf ears because she’s already on her phone with the police spouting off the address.

‘Kelly. You can’t go around accusing people of such things and calling the police without proof.’ Frances takes a step toward Kelly; her expression one of anger. ‘Denver would do no such thing.’

‘I agree with Frances,’ Lucas adds. ‘Denver is not a thief.

‘You two are fools. You’ll see once the police get here.’ Kelly lifts her nose in the air, with a smug look on her face.

‘What the hell is going on here!’ Callan’s voice booms as he barrels down the hall, taking in the current scene. At this point, I am no longer able to hold back the tears. Callan takes me in his arms when he sees the state I’m in.

‘Kelly accused Denver of stealing her wallet and has called the police,’ Frances fills him in.

Callan spins, facing Kelly. ‘Want to fucking explain?’

Just then, two officers are being escorted toward us by the security guard. ‘We received a call about a stolen wallet?’

Kelly raises her hand. ‘Yes, officer. I reported the stolen wallet, and I have reason to believe it was Denver Hollis who took it. I want her belongings searched.’

‘Now hold on a goddamn minute,’ Callan shouts, still holding my shaking body against his.

One of the officers steps forward. ‘I’m sorry, Sir. But we have to investigate the allegation. Who is Denver Hollis?’ I look up at Callan, then address the officer.

‘I am,’ my voice cracks as anxiety tries to strangle me.

The officer then addresses me. ‘Ma’am. I’m going to need to search your belongings.’

‘She doesn’t have to do shit,’ Callan spits, trying to interject once again.

I place my hand on his arm. ‘Let them do their job, Callan. I didn’t take anything.’ He gives me a tight nod. Stepping out of his hold, I walk to my desk and retrieve my purse. ‘Here you go, officer.’

The cop takes my purse and proceeds to dump its contents out in front of everyone. The first thing to land on top of my desk is an unrecognizable Chanel wallet. My mouth opens in shock.

‘You see!’ Kelly yells, pointing at the pile of stuff laid out on the desk. ‘I knew she stole it.’

I now have six sets of eyes on me. ‘I don’t know how that got in there, I swear,’ I plead with tears running down my face.

The officer then picks up a scarf, and when he does, a necklace falls out. He picks it up. ‘Is this your necklace, Ma’am?’

I eye the jewelry. ‘No. I’ve never seen that before in my life. I don’t know why it was in my bag.’

Frances is the next to speak up. ‘That necklace belongs to me,’ her tone is low with shock. ‘It was my mother’s.’ She looks at the jewelry in the cop’s hand, then to me. Her brow scrunches with confusion.

‘Frances, I swear I didn’t take it. I would never do something like that.’

‘Just like when you started working here, you didn’t steal food from the faculty lounge?’ Kelly accuses, her tone sarcastic.

‘I…’ my eyes dart around the room as people scrutinize me with their stares. ‘That was different,’ I say in an ashamed whisper. I look to Callan, who has suddenly gone silent. He’s looking at me like I’m a stranger. Does he honestly believe what I’m accused of? ‘Callan?’ I reach for him only to have him take a step back. My heart plummets to the floor. ‘Callan. You don’t believe I did this, do you? I would never…’

Callan looks at me with hurt and betrayal. ‘Then why were those items, not belonging to you, in your bag, Denver? Did you take that necklace when we were at Frances’s the other night for dinner?’

‘No!’ I sob. ‘I didn’t do this.’ I turn to Frances. ‘I didn’t take your necklace, Frances.’

Frances still carries a look of confusion, and just as she’s about to open her mouth, the officer speaks. ‘I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to come with us, Miss Hollis.’ The cop takes the handcuffs from his belt and steps to me. ‘I have to place you under arrest. Do you understand?’

I look to Callan and plead once again. ‘Callan, please. Don’t let them arrest me. I didn’t do it. Please,’ I cry, and Callan grinds his jaw. Turning his face away, he refuses to look at me. I cut my eyes to Frances then to Lucas. Both look on with pity. Kelly, however, looks like she’s just won.

Taking my wrists in his hands, the cop slaps the handcuffs on me while reading me my rights. As the police lead me down the hall, I’m in hysterics as I look back. ‘Callan, please!’ I shout, terrified, and hurt. The whole time they escort me from the building, I expect Callan to fight for me, but that moment never happens. As I’m placed in the back of the police cruiser, I realize the man I am in love with, and the man I thought cared about me, doesn’t believe in me. It feels as if the entire universe has caved in, crushing my soul in the process.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m being fingerprinted, and my picture taken. ‘You have anyone you want to call?’ the officer asks.

Wrapping my arms around my body, I shake my head. ‘I don’t have anybody.’

Next, I’m led into a room with a table and two chairs where the police officer proceeds to question me for over an hour. He asks me the same questions over and over as if my answers will suddenly change. Only they don’t. I didn’t take the wallet or the necklace, and I have no clue as to how they ended up in my purse. None of it matters. It doesn’t matter what I say. The evidence is damning. Hell, even I can admit I look guilty.

After questioning, the officer shows me to my cell, then sighs. ‘Alright. You’ll have to hang tight here until a judge can see you. That won’t be until sometime tomorrow or the next day. Are you sure you don’t have someone you’d like to call?’

Sitting on the concrete bench, I look around, and take in my sleeping arrangements for the night. ‘Like I told you before, officer. I don’t have anyone.’ A cold draft causes me to shiver, as he closes the heavy steel door.

I honestly have no one.

The next morning, I’m startled by the opening of the cell door. ‘Let’s go, Hollis. You made bail, and your attorney is waiting for you in the lobby.’

I sit up. ‘My attorney?’ My first thought is of Callan as I rub the ache from my eyes.

‘Your attorney, Mr. Knight. Now let’s go.’

What is Spencer doing here? I follow the officer down the hall, to the front of the police station, where I’m met by Callan’s best friend Spencer, who’s face morphs into a murderous expression when he gets a glimpse at my current state. I’m in yesterday’s clothes which doesn’t bother me, but I’m sure my red puffy face, mascara that is probably smudged all over the place and my messy hair situation don’t make me look any better.

‘Ma’am.’ A woman sitting behind the counter, with plexiglass separating us stops me. ‘I have your belongings.’ She pulls my purse out of a bag marked evidence.

I take the bag from her; the one Callan gave to me as a gift and reach inside for my wallet. Opening it, I take what cash I have, my phone, and my ID, then stuff both into my pocket. Once I have what I need, I look back at the woman. ‘Do you have a trash can back there?’

‘She lifts a brow. ‘Yes.’

I slide the purse across the counter. ‘Will you toss this in there? I don’t need it.’

‘Are you sure? That bag is worth thousands.’ She appears shocked.

‘It’s not worth a damn thing to me,’ I tell her, walking away. Avoiding eye contact with Spencer, I head toward the exit door. ‘What are you doing here, Spencer?’ Grabbing my arm, he stops me. Turning my body to face his, Spencer places his finger under my chin, lifting it. ‘I came to do what my asshole best friend should have, and that is to get you out of here.’

My lip wobbles. ‘You don’t believe I did it?’

‘Fuck no. And neither does Frances. She’s the one who called me yesterday. I was out of town and didn’t get back until late. I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t get here sooner, Denver.’

‘Frances believes me too?’ My voice rises slightly, causing a couple of people in the lobby to stare.

‘Hell, yeah. We know you didn’t take shit.’

‘What happens now?’ I divert my eyes.

‘You let me do my job.’

I nod. ‘Thanks for getting me out of here. I promise to pay you back somehow.’

‘Fuck that. You’re not paying me back, Denver.’

Licking my dry lips, I look around as I try to think about my next move. There is no way I can go to Callan’s. He hates me and thinks I’m a criminal. I have some cash I’ve been saving since living with Callan, but not much. It suddenly dawns on me; not only do I not have a place to live, but I am also out of a job. I’m back to where I was weeks ago. At this point, I’m too exhausted to think. What I need is a shower and some time to wrap my head around what’s happened. ‘Do you think you can give me a ride to a hotel? Someplace cheap?’ I ask Spencer.

His lips thin. ‘I have been given strict instructions to take you elsewhere.’

‘Where are you supposed to take me?’

‘Come on. You’ll see.’ Too tired to argue, I follow Spencer. The fact he showed to bail me out, and knowing he believes my innocence makes my decision to trust him much easier.

Fifteen minutes later, we pull up in front of Frances’s home. I look at Spencer, who is sitting in the driver’s seat. ‘Frances insisted. They have been worried sick.’ I don’t get a chance to protest. Quite frankly, I don’t want to. Spencer climbs out, and walks around his car, then opens my door. By the time I step out, Frances and her husband are waiting at their front door, worry etched on their faces.

Frances pulls me in for a tight hug. ‘Oh, dear. I’m so sorry this happened.’ She then ushers me inside with Spencer following behind. ‘Let’s get you warmed up. How about some coffee, and breakfast?’

‘Just some coffee is fine. I’m not hungry,’ I tell her.

‘Let’s all go sit at the kitchen table. Richard and I have something we’d like to discuss with the two of you,’ Frances says, looking between Spencer and me.

‘Do you mind if I use your bathroom first?’

‘Go right ahead.’ Frances gives me a warm smile, her eyes looking tired.

Stepping into the bathroom, I brace my palms against the sink and take three deep breaths. My nose starts to sting as tears threaten to fall, and try with all I have to hold them back but fail. Stumbling to the tub, my legs give out and I fall to my bottom. I don’t know how long I sit propped up against the cold bathtub crying before a soft knock at the door draws my attention. ‘Denver, are you okay?’ Spencer asks. He knocks again when I fail to answer. ‘I’m coming in.’ The bathroom door pushes open. ‘Shit.’ He drops down to one knee in front of me.

‘I don’t know how I can get through this, Spencer. Yesterday I woke up in the arms of the man I love, who I thought cared about me, and this morning I woke up in a jail cell—no more Callan. No home. No job.’ I look up at Spencer. ‘I don’t know where to go from here.’

Spencer reaches for a washcloth sitting on the sink, runs hot water over it, then starts wiping my tears and day-old makeup from my face. ‘I promise everything is going to work out, Denver.’ Spencer makes a few more passes across my cheeks with the cloth before he tosses it on the counter. ‘Come on. Up you go.’ He holds out his hand, and I take it, allowing him to pull me off the cold bathroom floor.

‘Anyone ever tell you how sweet you are, Spencer? Instead of taking Callan’s side, you’re here, with me, wiping the tears and snot from my face.’ I sniffle.

‘Callan is my best friend, but he fucked up this time. I know it. You know it, and someday soon, he’ll realize it too. Which I’m willing to bet is going to be sooner rather than later.’

‘It doesn’t matter, Spencer. The damage is done. I don’t think I can forgive him.’ I hiccup. ‘If you’d seen the way he looked at me yesterday…’ I shake my head. ‘I begged him, Spencer. I begged him to believe me.’

Spencer’s face softens. ‘I’m sorry, Denver. But I know Callan, and I’m willing to bet my life he’s in love with you.’ He kisses the top of my head. ‘Let’s go out here and see what Frances and Richard have to say. Okay?’

I nod, and try to fix my hair. ‘Okay.’

Fifteen minutes and one cup of coffee later, I sit stunned at the kitchen table as Frances and Richard tell Spencer and me their theory on how Kelly’s wallet and her jewelry found their way inside my purse. ‘Fuck.’ Spencer leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

I look at Frances. ‘You believe Kelly planted everything?’

‘Oh, I know she did. The scarf the police found my necklace wrapped in belongs to Kelly. When I first saw it, I thought it looked familiar but couldn’t place where I had seen it before. It wasn’t until an hour after your arrest it dawned on me. She was wearing it the day she brought those files to my house. You remember the night you and Callan came over for dinner?’ I give Frances a nod, and she continues. ‘I had left the office early that day and forgot them. Kelly was all too eager to stop by my house with them. She was wearing that scarf when she arrived.’

I shake my head. ‘Kelly can claim I stole the scarf along with the wallet.’

Spencer sits forward, jumping in. ‘Frances. Did Kelly enter the residence when she dropped by?’

‘She did. She asked to use the bathroom.’

‘Son of a bitch,’ Spencer hisses.

I look at him. ‘So, Kelly knew I was going to be here with Callan last Saturday, and you’re saying she conveniently offered to bring you the files. When she asked to use the restroom, she swiped the necklace, and planted it in my purse?’

Frances places her hand on her hip. ‘That’s exactly what I’m saying.’

‘I knew Kelly hated me. She’s never been shy about it, or stating she wanted me gone, but to do this?’ It makes no sense.’ Yet it does. I lean back in my chair.

‘It makes perfect fucking sense. I bet you money Kelly did this shit at the advice of Joslyn.’

‘Joslyn?’ My brow scrunches. ‘What does Callan’s ex have to do with anything?’

‘Joslyn and Kelly are friends. They went to college together and are sorority sisters.’ Spencer stands from the table.

‘Where are you going?’ I ask.

‘I’m going to fix this shit.’

I stand too. ‘Can you still drop me at a hotel?’

‘Denver.’ Frances places a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to face her. ‘I’d like to offer you a place to stay. We have plenty of room.’

‘I don’t want to put you out. A hotel is fine until I can figure something else out. I’ll find another job and…’

Spencer cuts me off. ‘You can come work for me.’


‘My assistant has gone on maternity leave and informed me the other day she has decided to stay home with her baby indefinitely. You’d be doing me a huge favor.’

I think about it for a minute. ‘Are you sure?’

Spencer grins. ‘Hell, yeah.’ He rubs his hands together and smirks. ‘Not only will you be doing me a favor, but it will also piss off Callan.’

I shake my head, ‘I won’t accept the job as a way to punish Callan. That’s not what I want.’

‘You won’t be punishing Callan. I know you’re too good to do something like that. I, however, am not.’ Spencer steps up to me. ‘Can you at least agree to stay with Frances and Richard? Just for a few days and think about my offer?’

I sigh. ‘Okay. I’ll stay and think about it.’

‘Good.’ Spencer kisses the top of my head. ‘Now I’m going to go put this bullshit with Kelly to rest. I’ll be back later when I have everything taken care of.’

As Spencer walks out the door, I send up a silent prayer hoping he can fix my mess. I want to forget any of it ever happened and move on with my life. Even though imagining life without Callan feels like someone is ripping my heart from my chest.

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