Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 47: Three Months Later

I woke up again not feeling well. I must have eaten something that did not agree with me. We were getting ready to go on our tour and did not need this right now.

I sat up running for the bathroom getting sick.

"Honey, are you alright" Gunner asked?

"Not really. Ate something that didn't agree with me."

"You have been doing this for a few months now."

" I know. On your way to the kitchen can you send Jean, Cammy, and Donna in here."

" Sure" I said kissing her forehead.

"As I walked into the kitchen I saw the girls and told them Shawn wanted to see them in our room."

I watched them walk out of the kitchen door.

I knocked on Gunner's door and Shawn opened it.

"What's up Shawn?"

" I need a pregnancy test."

" I have one Donna said running to get it."

" I thanked her took it and went into the bathroom."

I peed on the stick and laid it on the sink. I walked in after five minutes and said. "I don't need this right now."

" What does it say?"

" I'm pregnant."

" Congratulations. Let's go tell Gunner."

As we walked out of the room and turned the corner we all saw them. Gunner had his back to us we saw him kissing Karan. Then we heard.

"We can be together again Gunner. You can tell the members you made a mistake and want to claim me."

" I can't do that. If I do I will be stripped of my patch and thrown out of the club. I can keep you as my mistress."

"No, I want to be claimed by you."

" That is not going to happen. Mistress or nothing."

I didn't know that Jean was recording them. We also did not realize that he was sitting Karan up. Jean then grabbed me and put the other girls around me. We walked past them and Jean, Cammy, and "Donna yelled you fucking cheater."

"You are no better than the others. Keep her as a mistress. You might as well claim that bitch and leave."

" I thought you were different."

I just stared at him and walked to the kitchen. I stopped one of the prospects and said. "Go to Gunners' room and pack all my things. Move them to an empty room as far away from his as possible."

I stormed over to Rage angry.

"He looked at me and asked what was wrong."

I played the video and sat it in front of him on the table.

"To make it worse. Shawn is pregnant."

" I asked a prospect to move my things out of Gunner's room. I won't live with a cheater" I said. I then walked outside to the garage and grabbed my helmet got on my trick bike and rode out to the ramps.

"Does Gunner know she is pregnant?"

" No."

" Where is Shawn we heard from behind us?"

" What the fuck do you care? Go back to your mistress."

" As a matter of fact, why don't you, your brother, and that bitch get the fuck out of this club?"

" Go have a threesome. I just bet you all would love that."

I said "let's go, girls, we need to practice before we leave for a tour."

I leaned back in my chair and looked at Gunner.

"Did you lie to me?"

" No. I'm trying to set her up. Didn't look or sound like that on the video."

" You know who we all feel about a claimed man or woman cheating."

" You cheated. I can't talk to you right now."

"I have to think."

I stood up and walked away.

"Not one man there told Gunner he was going to be a father. He did not deserve to know. Not right now at least."

They did not see me leaning against the wall just outside the kitchen door. I looked at Shawn as she came through the door with tears flowing down her face and walk out the front door.

I was in the shadows. I was about to walk to the kitchen when I saw Karan walk into the kitchen I walked in behind her and said.

"I want all of you to hear this. As her husband, I have the right. Karan, sign this document right now giving me full custody of the baby after he or she is born."

" After you do that I will release you and divorce you so you can be with Gunner. I held the paper out and a pen."

She signed the document including the divorce papers. I turned and handed them to my attorney. He walked out of the door.

"I turned back to her and said. I lied."

" After the child or children are born you are banned from this club. You will pack your things and leave never to step foot back in the doors."

I then turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"She was screaming at me calling me all kinds of names."

Then I heard the members laughing as they walked out of the kitchen. One week and she will be gone.

"Gunner, did you break it off with Shawn and get her cut from her?"

" No, and I do not plan on it. I don't want you."

"I was sitting you up."

We left her standing there. Her guards sitting watching her. She was such as manipulative bitch that she was played and didn't know it.

"I will stop that divorce. Too late it is being filed at the courthouse right now. And a judge who is a friend of the club is going to sign it."

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