Just a Wolf

Chapter Cupcakes


Oh shit! Having my Beta and Luna standing over me at the table, staring as I sit here with my secret mate, can’t be good news. I’m in trouble for something. Is it because of my relationship with Amelia? Oh no! I start to jump up, but Beta Nolan stops me, and just tells me that I need to help drive tomorrow.

I would normally feel relief to realize that I’m not in trouble, but this means that I’ll have to spend the whole day without Amelia again, and I was just telling her about how I can’t stand that idea. I don’t know how I’ll get through it.

But Amelia seems more confident, and after Beta and Luna leave the room, she looks at me with an expression of sympathy in her eyes. Is it because she realizes that we are both going to be in pain tomorrow, if we have to be apart? But she reaches her hand down beneath the table, and puts it on my knee, and that touch makes me feel calmer.

“I know what you’re worried about,” she whispers. “I have an idea.”

She does? Well thank god, because I sure don’t.

She looks at my plate, and a hint of a smile crosses her lips. “Are you done?” she asks.

I grab the last bite. “Yes.”

“Okay, come on,” she says, and leads me from the kitchen, out a side door, back through the landscaping behind the building, and towards her little back staircase. With every step we grow closer to her room, I grow harder. I can hardly wait to grab her, and my wolf inside is practically bounding around excitedly.

When we make it to her room, she does not disappoint. We aren’t two steps inside when she turns and grabs me, exactly the way I had been planning to grab her. She reaches up with both hands, puts them behind my neck, and pulls my mouth down to hers. In a flash we are completely entangled together, my arms are around her, one of my hands in her hair and the other pulling her ass towards me. My dick is so hard inside my pants that I’m almost afraid it will hurt her stomach when I press against her, but she is the one doing the pressing, and I feel like I’m about to explode. My lips are on hers, and I feel her tongue slip out of her mouth and press against my teeth, and I open my mouth to let her in, and every thought leaves my head. I am nothing but a body, a physical being filled with lust, my heart pounding, panting for breath, seizing her every place I can reach.

I don’t know how much time passes like this, but after a while she pulls back from me, just a little, panting just as hard as I am. “Come here,” she breathes shakily, and pushes me down so I am sitting on the side of her bed. I grab her to get going again, and she yields to me, and we sit here together on the edge of her bed. She actually climbs up on my lap, sitting on top of me with her legs wrapped around my waist, my dick frantically pressing against her through my jeans, and I think I will die with this pleasure.

She is a little taller than me in this position, and she is leaning her head down to kiss me now, and I am tilting mine up, and my hands have a will of their own. One of them starts snaking along her side, reaching up to where she is pressed against me, and I can’t stop myself from cupping her breast in my hand. She gasps wildly, presses herself into my palm, and I cannot believe the way that it feels there, so soft and full and incredibly sexy.

I’m definitely going to die. And I’ll die happy.

“Wait,” she gasps, “I have to try something,” and I know with complete certainty that whatever she wants to do is perfectly fine with me. Kiss me, kill me, anything. I just nod, breathing so hard that I feel like I just ran straight up a mountain.

“Okay,” she pauses, then says, “do you trust me?”

What? “Of course I do,” I say, and try to grab her head and force her lips back to mine.

She kisses me, just for a moment, then says, “All right, just trust me, let me do this.”

I just nod, and breathe, and wait, my hands now holding her ass where she is sitting on top of me.

She kisses my mouth one more time, then to the side, then a little lower. She kisses my chin, and I feel her tongue come out and lap against my skin a little, and I hear myself moan. Her mouth moves lower, and I tilt my head backwards, that seems to be what she wants. Lower still, slowly, an agonizingly erotic pathway down my throat, while my dick is so full that I am about to burst.

When she gets to the base of my throat, where it connects to my shoulder, my wolf starts to go crazy within, even more than he was already. I feel her tongue lick across me there, and it occurs to me, it is exactly the same spot on me that I almost bit this morning on her.

Oh, god, is she about to mark me?

My wolf manages to gasp out “I don’t think so, not quite.”

I bring my hands up, and reach into her hair, holding her mouth to my throat, being driven entirely on instinct here. I feel her mouth open, and her teeth graze against my skin, and I gasp, and groan, and long for more. She pauses there for a moment, and I am rigid with anticipation and lust, and nothing else happens for several seconds, just her teeth are lightly on my throat, we are locked in this paralysis of passion, then she suddenly pulls back.

“Ah,” I gasp, not sure what just happened, and I feel almost dizzy with lust and confusion.

She seems as undone as I am, and we both collapse together on the bed. We aren’t kissing now, just holding each other, and she feels even better than ever here in my arms.

Slowly, my heartbeat returns to normal, and I stop gasping for air, and I feel her relaxing against me. I don’t think she is falling asleep, I think she is just feeling very comfortable. Just like I am.

Then, she does something very unexpected. She sits up suddenly, puts her hand on my chest, stands up, and says, “Stay here.”

I lift my head from the pillow. “What?”

“I have to go, uh, get something. A snack. Yes, I need to go get a snack. Please don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

What? All right. After whatever just happened between us, it seems a strange time to need a snack, but maybe she didn’t get enough dinner? “Okay?” I tell her, and watch, very perplexed, while she runs a brush through her very tousled hair quickly, slips her shoes back on her feet, and goes. Huh, I didn’t notice her even taking her shoes off. Mine are still on.

What just happened? We were both about to die of horniness, I can tell she was just as into it as I was, but then she asked if I trusted her, and kissed down my throat, and put her teeth …. Ohhhhhh. She put her teeth on me, right where I put mine on her in the garage this morning. Where I very nearly marked her.

Was that what she was doing? Was she about to mark me?

I don’t think so,” my wolf says. “I think she wanted to do the same thing to you that you did to her.”

She wanted to not-mark me? Why? Well, I told her I trusted her, and it’s true. There’s not anything I wouldn’t trust her to do. Not one single thing.

I am waiting, calmly, on her bed, when she comes back in about fifteen minutes. I have taken my shoes off, but otherwise I haven’t moved. I’ve just been waiting, wondering what that was all about, curious but willing to just wait to find out.

When the door opens, I smile at her as she comes in with a couple of cupcakes in her hands. “That looks like a good snack,” I tell her as she sits on the bed next to me and hands me one. I sit up and start peeling the paper back. “Thanks,” I say, taking a bite.

She doesn’t start eating hers yet. She is looking at me, like she is trying to analyze me. She reaches up to wipe a little bit of frosting off the side of my mouth, then runs her fingers down my throat, all the way to where she had touched me before.

Ooh. I get a little zing, right when her fingers brush across that same spot. I reach up there, wondering if maybe there’s a little cut from her teeth. She watches as I rub my finger across the area, and can’t feel anything, except that it feels super sensitive there now.

“Huh,” I say.

“Do you… feel something?” she asks.

“Um, yeah,” I say, but I don’t know how to describe it.

“When I was gone, did you feel anything?”

“Not really,” I say, confused about where this is going.

She puts her hand right in the center of my chest. “Not here? Nothing?”

“No,” I begin, then I realize. No. No! All day, if I was more than a few feet away from her, I felt a very specific pain right in my chest, but when she was gone just now, I didn’t feel it at all.

I look at her in amazement. Did she do that? “I didn’t feel any pain,” I say, “not at all. Why?”

She nods, looking satisfied. “I thought so. I had been feeling that pain too, until this morning in the garage when you almost marked me. Then all day long, we were apart but it wasn’t painful. Just the spot, here,” she reaches her lovely fingers up and strokes across her throat, “that you had touched was really sensitive, and every time I touched it, I felt like I was closer to you.”

My hand unconsciously reaches up to touch my own throat. It does feel sensitive. “Well, what happened?”

“My wolf told me that when you almost marked me, it helped the mating bond grow stronger, and that is why I wasn’t in pain any more. I think I had kept just a little bit of you with me. Just enough to feel well, feel like you were still here,” again she touches her throat, “just enough to concentrate on what I was doing for work.”

I’m staring at her in amazement. She goes on, “So I wanted to give the same thing to you. If you didn’t hurt while I was upstairs, I think it worked. And probably you’ll be fine while you are away driving tomorrow.”

Oh. My god. “Thank you," I breathe to her, and caress her cheek with the hand that isn’t holding the rest of my cupcake. I lean down and kiss her, and it takes a few more minutes. I’m starting to realize what a gift she has given me. We have not marked each other, but we are more closely bonded, and if she’s right, I’ll be able to take care of business tomorrow without suffering.

After a while of more kissing, she finally reaches to pick up her cupcake. Before she can get it, I put the rest of mine in my mouth, and she distracts me by grabbing my hand and licking off some frosting left on my finger. Then I slip my finger all the way into her mouth, and she lets me do it, and watching her look up at me, her lips clenched around my finger, just about drives me insane.

I don’t think she ever gets to eat her cupcake, we are too busy for the rest of the night.

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