Jason (Blue Halo Book 2)

Jason: Chapter 29

Thoughts of her dream from the previous night continued to skitter through her mind as she removed the remaining pastries from the display case. Had been skittering through her mind the entire day. Thoughts of Jessica. Of their last weekend together.

Why had Jessica turned up that night if it hadn’t been a cry for help? Had it really been just to celebrate her birthday?

A clatter sounded by her feet. She looked down to see the portafilter from the coffee machine laying there. Joey mumbled something she didn’t quite catch before picking it up and going back to cleaning the machine.

“Today’s been nice and steady,” she said softly, trying to distract him from his grumpy mood.

Joey had been even more reserved lately. Nothing like his usual self. She knew he had stuff going on, big stuff, but God, she wished he’d talk to her about it.

“Hm. The rush of people coming to check out the ‘most unique coffee shop in Idaho’ might finally be starting to die down.”

The store was almost empty now, just a lone customer in a booth finishing his latte, and it was ten minutes before closing. Blake sat in another booth across the room. He was on the phone, a frown on his face. She thought she’d heard him say Willow’s name, so he was probably talking to her.

“I wouldn’t be too sad about that.” Courtney began to wipe down the inside of the display. “It might be nice to go back to a normal busy.”

Fortunately, the store had always brought in enough customers to more than cover the costs of running the place and allow her to live on a good income. A small part of her almost thought it might be Jess looking down on her. Sending some good luck from heaven. Courtney smiled at the thought.

Joey coughed from behind her. “Have you, ah, found your necklace yet?”

She frowned. “Okay, you need to explain your continued interest in the thing.” Because it was bordering on obsessive. Since that text on the way to Jason’s, the night they’d kissed in the rain, Joey had questioned her about the necklace almost daily.

An uncomfortable, almost fearful look came over his face.

What the hell?

“I’m just… concerned. There’s no chance Jason took it?”

Courtney blinked. “You mean so he can wear it out to dinner?” When Joey didn’t laugh, she studied him closer. Good God, the man was being serious. “Why would Jason take it?”

“Well, the thing’s worth a lot.”

Courtney stepped toward him. “What do you mean, it’s worth a lot?” She didn’t know what it was worth. Of course, she knew it would have some value, most gems did. But she couldn’t put a dollar amount on it. “Why would you say that?”

Joey stilled, his mouth opening and shutting a few times before he spoke. “It just looks expensive.” He went back to scrubbing the coffee machine, this time a bit harder. “You didn’t fall over anywhere? Trip?”


“The weekend you went camping. Did you fall over somewhere?”

Well, she fell once when she was backing away from that bison. “We searched those places. I—” Courtney stopped. A memory flashed in her mind. “Yes!”

God, how had she forgotten?

Joey turned to look at her. “What?”

“Yes. I did fall over.” The bell on the door sounded, but Courtney was too caught up in her thoughts to glance over. She stepped up to Joey, grabbing his shoulders. “The spider!”

Joey opened his mouth, but she was already speaking again.

“There was a spider in Logan’s truck. I fell over the console and when I went to get back up, something caught. I thought it was my shirt, but what if it wasn’t? What if it was the necklace?”

“Necklace?” Peters stepped up to the counter, eyes darting between her and Joey.

“I have to go.” Courtney took a step away when Joey’s hand wrapped around her arm, stopping her.


“Whatever it is, it has to wait, Joey. I need to go. Close up the store for me.”

Blake made it to the door first, opening it as he slid his phone into his pocket. He glanced back at Peters and Joey, before moving through the door with her.

There was an excited bounce to her step as she power-walked down the street, her steps almost morphing into a run. Blake kept up easily beside her.

She had to be right about this. She couldn’t be wrong, not after getting her hopes up. “Logan will be there at Blue Halo, right?” she asked.

“Should be. If not, he’s just a phone call away.”

Calling first probably would have been smart. She was just so dang excited!

When they reached Blue Halo, she jogged up the stairs. Amy smiled at them from her seat. “Hey, Blake. Courtney, Jason’s in his office.”

“Is Logan here?”

Amy’s brows rose. “Logan? Uh, yeah, he’s around here somewhere.”

She moved down the hall. She was passing Jason’s office when he stepped out. “Are you okay?”

She grabbed onto his shoulders in much the same way she’d just done to Joey. “I think I know where it is!”

For a second, he looked confused. Then he tilted his head, understanding lighting his brown eyes. “The necklace?”

“Yes! When I saw the spider in Logan’s car, I fell forward and got caught on something. Maybe the seat. Anyway, I had to yank myself up. I thought my shirt was caught but now I think it might have been the necklace.” She spoke so fast her words were running into each other.

Jason took her hand, leading her to Logan’s office. The man was just hanging up the phone. “Ah, two of my favorite people. What can I do for you?”

“We need to check your truck,” Jason said.

His brows lifted. “My truck?”

“I think I may have dropped my necklace in there when we went camping.” And if the man didn’t toss them the keys right the heck now, she might just tackle him for them.

“Ah, okay. Good news and bad news. Bad news, my truck is parked down in front of Grace’s office. She still hasn’t bought her own vehicle since moving here. Good news, I was just packing up to go.”

Courtney’s smile was so big it was making her cheeks ache. Was she really going to find it? And, God, she was still kicking herself for not remembering that something had caught in the truck sooner.

Logan stood. They passed Jason’s office on the way out, turning everything off before heading into the reception area.

Amy rose to her feet. “Everything okay?” The phone at the desk began to ring, but she pressed a button and it stopped.

“Everything’s fine,” Logan said. “Blake, are you staying?”

Blake was leaning against the reception desk. “Nah, I’m gonna head over to see Willow and Mila.”

Logan nodded, turning back to Amy. “You’re the last one. Lock up after yourself.”

Joey watched as the last customer left The Grind. He’d all but forced the guy out. He needed to call Courtney. He should have told her earlier. So much earlier.

If she’d finally remembered where the necklace was, there was no doubt in his mind that they would be close.

With fingers trembling, he pulled his cell from his pocket.

God, he was an idiot. Accepting cash from people he had no business dealing with. Accepting terms that he knew would alter at their discretion.

He’d been directed to find the necklace. All he’d known was that she’d likely lost it at the camping grounds. They’d taken him to the location and they’d searched the area high and low.

His stomach cramped at the memory of them returning to his apartment days later. At the photos they’d shown him… of his mother… sleeping peacefully, oblivious… at the threats against her.

It was the only reason he’d acted on their next request, unlocking the back door to The Grind and disabling the alarm.

He shook his head, bile rising in his throat as he dialed Courtney’s mobile number. It rang. And then it rang some more.

Dammit, Courtney, you need to pick up!

When the voicemail picked up, he groaned, leaving a short message asking her to call him back. Then he called Blue Halo Security. That had to be where she was headed. Where Logan would be with his keys.

It only rang once before it was sent to voicemail.

Joey cursed under his breath before leaving a message similar to the one he’d left on her mobile. “It’s Joey, from The Grind. This message is for Courtney. If you find the necklace in Logan’s truck, do not tell anyone you found it! It’s worth millions and the Bonvicins want it.” He ground his jaw. “I’ll explain how I know all this in person. For now, just… don’t tell any—”

The message ended. He was out of time.

The second he ended the call, dread filled him. Leaving a message on the Blue Halo phone probably wasn’t the smartest decision. But he couldn’t think straight, dammit!

He wished he could turn back time. Undo everything he’d done. Tell Courtney what had happened from the start. Stupid idiot!

Taking a breath, he straightened. He could only hope, pray, that those guys from Blue Halo could keep her safe.

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