Jackson (Mercy Ring Book 1)

Jackson: Chapter 21

“Is Jackson ready for his next fight?” Michele asked quietly.

River sighed as she thumbed through a tub of books in Uncle Ottie’s bookstore. “I hope so. He’s been training every damn day. And the bruises he comes home with…” She shook her head. “I’m going to meet him down there after my shoot today.”

“Great.” Michele said the word almost absently as she lifted another book to add to the gigantic pile already in her arms.

River wasn’t a big reader. Actually, that would be an understatement. She’d barely finished a book in her life. Michele, on the other hand, read every single day. Mostly romance but she’d seen the odd thriller sneak in.

River glanced around the store. The place hadn’t changed one bit since they were teenagers. The big wooden bookshelves still covered every wall and created several aisles. There were still the old wooden ladders leaning against walls and the same musty, old book smell.

Finally, Michele looked up, nibbling her bottom lip. “Are you worried about him?”

“So worried that I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself tomorrow night.” Probably curl into a ball on the couch and drown her worries in a bottle of wine.

“Want me to come over?” The second Michele said it, her gaze slid sideways to Declan, who was standing with Uncle Ottie.

River grinned. He’d been following them around all morning, and she’d caught her friend looking at him on more than one occasion. Right now, he was talking to Michele’s uncle. The older man had his head thrown back in laughter at whatever Declan had said.

“Sure. I don’t know who will be with me, though. Dec or Cole.”

Michele’s eyes flew back to her, fingers visibly tightening on the books. “Why would that matter?”

River bit the inside of her mouth to stop from smiling. “It doesn’t. I just wanted to remind you that one of them would be there.”

Michele’s smile returned. “Oh. Okay. I don’t mind.”

River nodded toward the books in Michele’s hands. “Found anything good?” The woman was carrying so many she needed a cart or something.

Michele’s eyes lit up. “So many good ones. I’m really loving my historical romance at the moment, and Uncle Ottie ordered all my favorite authors.”

Of course he did. The guy was besotted with his niece, a woman who was basically his daughter.

Michele lifted a book. The cover featured a shirtless man with long hair blowing in the wind. He looked a bit like what Tarzan might look like if he was born in Regency England, with the English manor in the background. “I mean, really, could my night get any better?”

River chuckled. It always astounded her how the two of them could be so different yet remain best friends for so long. “Do you even have room for more books in your house?”

Michele’s mouth slid open. “River, there is always room for more books. And if the day ever comes when there isn’t, well then, it’s the house that goes, not the books.”

River threw her head back and laughed. The woman wasn’t even kidding.

The smile suddenly slipped from River’s lips when a man stopped on the other side of the front window, his gaze catching hers. Her stomach dipped.

“What’s wrong?” Michele asked, head spinning around.


Before she could finish that thought, Brian stepped into the store. A small gasp slipped from Michele’s lips.

He moved toward River, but he’d barely made it halfway across the room when Declan was in front of him, blocking his way. Jackson’s father was tall, but he’d lost both weight and muscle over the years, so Declan all but dwarfed the man.

“What are you doing here?” Declan asked, his voice the hardest River had ever heard it.

Brian held River’s gaze for another beat before turning to Declan. “Just walking past. Thought I’d drop in and say hi.” He frowned up at Declan. “You’re still in town?”

“Why? Want me out?”

Brian smiled but the expression made River’s skin crawl. “Do whatever the fuck you want. I said my piece. If you boys are stupid enough to stay, that’s on you.”

Declan inched forward but Uncle Ottie grabbed his arm.

“I think you should go,” River said.

Brian lifted a brow, then his gaze trailed down her body, and it took everything in her not to squirm. “Really? Is that what you think, girl?”

Declan shoved his shoulder hard, causing Brian to fall back a step. “Don’t fucking look at her. Get out.”

Angry energy bounced off Brian. He didn’t like being told what to do. Never had. Because he was a bully. And bullies liked to be in charge, didn’t they?

“Watch yourself, boy. You’re closer and closer to getting yourself a nice cozy grave, just like your friend Ryker.”

Suddenly, Declan grabbed Brian by the shirt, shoving him against the door.

Michele visibly jolted, books dropping from her hands. River moved forward, not sure if she was hoping to stop Declan or not, but this time Uncle Ottie was grabbing her arm.

Declan lowered his head until his face was close to Brian’s. “Did you have something to do with his death?”

Again, Brian smiled. Like this was all a joke. “No. He did that all on his own.”

The muscles bunched in Declan’s arms.

“Y’all better watch your backs.” Brian’s gaze flicked to her again. “Especially you.”

River’s heart thumped against her ribs.

“Is that a threat?” Declan asked.

Brian just grinned wider.

Declan shoved him away. “Get the hell out before I kill you.”

Brian shook his head, that damn smile never leaving his face. Then he turned and left the store.

A beat of silence passed. A moment of stillness before Uncle Ottie cleared his throat. “Well, he won’t be stepping into a store with you again, son.”

River almost smiled. Trust him to break the awkward quiet.

When she turned to look at Michele, she saw the woman was holding a book so firmly, her knuckles were white.

“You okay?” River asked quietly.

Michele dragged her gaze back to River, nodding. “I should be getting back to the shop.”


Michele paid for her purchases, and they said a quick goodbye to Uncle Ottie before stepping out. Once they were walking down the street, Michele shook her head. “That was a bit scary.”

River nudged her shoulder. “We’re safe with Declan.”

Michele cast a quick glance over her shoulder. “Why isn’t he walking with us?”

“I don’t know. He muttered something about watching our backs.” He was only a few feet behind, but it was enough to make her feel like they had some kind of security detail. Which she supposed they did. “Have you got much cooking to do today?”

Michele sighed. “Yes. So much that I’ve been thinking about hiring someone to help in the store. The orders are becoming unmanageable for just me.”

River squeezed her friend’s arm. “That’s amazing. I remember when Meals Made Easy was just an idea in your head and you had no clue if it would pan out.”

The business had started in her uncle’s kitchen, for Christ’s sake. And now look at it, so big her friend had to expand.

“Yeah, you’re right, I’m super grateful. I just really like working by myself, you know?” She lifted a shoulder. “Classic introvert problems.”

River laughed. Her friend needed her time to recharge. Something River had known for as long as she’d known Michele.

They’d almost reached her shop when Michele stumbled. River grabbed for her arm, frowning when she saw her friend’s face had paled. “Hey, are you okay?”

“That’s Tim’s car.”

River’s head shot up. “Tim? As in—”

“Went on a few dates and was an asshole, Tim? Yes.”

She followed her friend’s gaze to a beat-up Corolla parked on the street.

Michele quickly turned to face River. “I didn’t tell you this but…he came to my place the other night.”

River’s mouth fell open. “What? Why the heck didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew you’d be mad.”

Damn straight, she would. Was the man stalking Michele now? “What did he do?”

“Someone buzzed him up and he banged on the door, begging for me to open it for about twenty minutes. I ignored him, and he finally left.”

Okay, now River was livid. That probably scared the heck out of her friend.

Suddenly, the door to the Corolla opened and there he was. What was this, a morning for assholes?

The man was a bit over six feet tall, with dirty-blond hair. He was wearing a collared shirt and neat slacks. It wasn’t what he was wearing that caught River’s attention, though. It was the sneer on his face. River took a half step in front of her friend, and, if possible, the sneer darkened.

He’d almost reached them when suddenly, Declan was there, standing in front of them and blocking Tim exactly the same way he had Brian.

Tim stopped. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m none of your damn business. Who are you?”

“Michele’s my girlfriend.”

River scoffed. “You’re a lying sack of shit!”

His face reddened, and he started to step forward, but Declan pushed him back with two hands to his chest. The guy stumbled and fell to the ground. He was on his feet again in seconds, glaring at Declan. Even though Declan towered over him and beat him in muscle, the idiot didn’t look scared. “You shouldn’t have done that. Now get out of my way, man.”


For a moment, Tim stood there, his fists bunched and his chest puffing up and down, looking like he might hit Declan.

His gaze shot back to Michele, his eyes softening. “Michele, come on. Give me another shot.”

River could see the muscles in Declan’s back tense through the shirt.

“Just go, Tim,” Michele said quietly. “And don’t come back.”

Her friend’s voice may have been quiet, but the words were clear and firm.

When the man didn’t immediately move, Declan stepped closer. “You heard her. Or do you have a problem understanding English?”

Tim stood there for another few seconds before glaring at Declan and walking backward. When his eyes met Michele’s again, something dark flicked across them before he spun around and walked away.

What a psychopath.

They all waited until Tim got in the car and drove away, then Declan turned toward them. “You women magnets for assholes or something?”

River rolled her eyes, but really, he wasn’t wrong. “Just this morning.”

When Declan’s eyes landed on Michele, he frowned. “Hey…you okay?”

Michele’s gaze dragged off the road and she nodded her head vigorously. Too vigorously. “Yeah, I just…didn’t expect him to show up again. Or at least, I was hoping he wouldn’t.”

Declan threw a quick look over his shoulder toward the man’s taillights. “Who is he?”

“Just someone I dated. It was very brief.”

Declan’s jaw ticked. River didn’t need to know him well to understand he didn’t like that Michele had dated the guy. “Give me your phone.”

Michele’s brows rose. “My phone?”

“Yeah, honey. I want to give you my number.”

“Oh.” Michele stood there looking unsure for a moment before reaching into her pocket and handing her cell to Declan.

When he handed it back, his gaze was heavy as he watched her. “If he bothers you again, or shows up unannounced, you call me.”

River tried to hide her smile at Michele’s reddened cheeks.

Her friend gave a quick nod. “Okay.”

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