Ivan's Queen

Chapter 3 - Fated

We are currently landing in New York, America at the JFK airport to go and visit the Romanovs since Uncle Rico and Aunt Isla were free to handle the pack until we are gone. I poke Evelyn’s nose repeatedly, chuckling under my breath when it scrunches as she tries to push me away. Her eyes snap open to reveal baby blues, a pout forming on her lips as she glares at me. She looks about as harmless as a kitten.

“We’re here.” I point towards the window, which she had taken from me the second we found our seats.

She gasps before getting up and pressing her nose against the glass, her eyes taking in every detail as the plane touches down on the runway and slows to a stop. Standing, I grab our things and take her hand, guiding her out of the plane.

My mom takes her from me as we make our way out of arrivals, claiming our bags and exiting the airport. A sleek, silver car waits for us with a driver holding a sign that has our surname written on it. Piling our luggage into the boot, we get in and begin the journey to The Renascence Pack.

Nathan and I immediately doze off since the two demons we call siblings were full of energy on the plane. They only took a nap when we were an hour away from landing as well and I kind of regret telling my mom that I’ll handle Evie while she rests.

Closing my eyes, I doze off with Nathan’s head on my left shoulder and Isaac clutching my right hand.

I’m woken up by my mother shaking me, telling me that we’re here. Rubbing my eyes, I look around to see the familiar pack lands. The mansion that the Romanov family calls home is just how I remember it, grand and luxurious.

The second I step out of the car, I see him. Ivan Romanov stands proudly beside his parents and siblings, waiting to greet us. He looks like a vision, strong and powerful like a true leader. His hair is as dark as night, ruffled slightly from the wind and his green eyes are like two bright gemstones. Over the years, he has certainly grown out of his lanky figure that I remember from when I last saw him. Now, he’s pure muscle and tall with sharp features that seem to be chiseled to perfection.

But that’s not all I see.

His green eyes darken to black the moment he lays eyes on me, form shaking as he struggles to control himself. I stumble back in fright, wondering if he’s angry at me. But he has no reason to be. I see his lips move and his parents look from me to their son in shock. Even my Dad and Nathan are staring at us wide eyed.

I yelp when he starts marching towards me, my mother instantly pulling me behind her. Nathan stands behind my dad who grips Ivan’s neck and throws him a few feet away from us. A protective growl escapes him as he orders mom to take me inside. Wincing when the ground shakes from Ivan’s thunderous roar, I look up to my mother who is staring at dad with worry.

“Mom.” I call shakily, cuddling up to her when she wraps her arms around me tightly. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know, baby. We need to get you inside and away from Ivan, come on.” She murmurs, pulling me to where aunt Aurora stands.

I take her outstretched hand, watching as she looks worriedly at Ivan before focusing on me. She gives me a warm smile and whispers that everything will be alright before pulling me up the steps. Misha and Valentina take Evie and Isaac inside quickly. By now, uncle Vulcan has joined in and is shouting at Ivan to calm down. I hear Ivan roar my name behind us making me want to turn around but my mom pushes me from behind to keep me going.

I frown at the tinge of pain that blooms in my chest, rubbing at the area. The further I walk away the more uncomfortable it’s becoming. It’s like something inside of me wants me to go back. I blame it on seeing Ivan in distress before shrugging it off.

My aunt guides me to a room in the west wing of the house, telling me to stay here before both her and my mom back out of the room. I protest, wanting at least my mother to stay with me but she tells me she needs to go calm my father down. They lock the door and I’m left with nothing but silence.

Around thirty minutes later, I hear the door open and close. I frown and turn away from the window, my eyes widening when I see who it is. Ivan steps forward making me take a step back because I fear that he’s still angry. He stops and stares at me, scanning me from head to toe with such intensity that it makes me squirm.

“A-Are you okay, Ivan?” I ask quietly, crying out in surprise when he uses his abilities to appear right in front of me.

“Say it again.” He demands, pinning my hands to the wall.

“What?” I ask breathlessly.

“My name, say it again.” He growls impatiently, nipping my jaw.

“Ivan!” I gasp loudly at the unexpected action, hearing him groan huskily.

I push him off me, glaring at him when he snarls. His eyes darken again which makes me panic, knowing that his wolf is present. I notice his body start to tremble uncontrollably but I feel helpless, not knowing what to do in situations like these. Snarls and growls escape him, it’s almost like he’s trying to calm himself down but can’t.

“I-Ivan?” I squeak, freezing when a low growl escapes his lips as I step back.

It’s like he’s not listening to me. My father’s wolf would show whenever he became angry but he always heard me. His wolf never completely took over around me. Unsure, I step forward with my hand outstretched and watch as his eyes zero in on it.

“Calm down, please. You’re scaring me.” I whisper, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

In an instant, I’m wrapped up in his arms. He hugs me tightly, nestling his nose into the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply. I hesitate before running my fingers through his hair, rubbing his back occasionally to help him relax. He makes a weird sound in his throat, almost like a purr before he presses a kiss to the base of my neck.

“Mate.” He mumbles lowly, making me stiffen.

I struggle in his arms and gently push him away which makes him frown. He stares at me in confusion as I run a hand through my hair, my mind reeling from what he just said. How come I don’t feel anything? Am I really his mate? I think to myself.

“N-No, I can’t be –”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” He thunders, making me jump in fright. “Don’t you feel the bond?”

I avert my gaze to the ground, embarrassment coursing through me. It’s a nostalgic feeling since I have taught myself to be strong and confident about who I am. But I don’t feel anything that confirms he is my mate and I don’t think he knows that I’m not a werewolf. Tears brim my eyes as I realize what’s going to happen, Ivan is going to reject me. Maybe it’s for the best, I wonder sadly. Would he really want a human mate?

“She can’t. She’s human like Luna.” My head snaps up at the sound of my dad’s voice and I spot him by the door. I didn’t even hear him come in.

“Oh…” Ivan trails off, making me look at him.

He backs away, eyes flickering from green to black as if he’s having an internal war. His body tenses and I spot his teeth elongating into fangs. My eyes widen slightly when he looks at me and I spot a hint of red swirling dangerously in his eyes. But without a second glance he turns and marches out of the room, leaving me stunned. My bottom lip trembles as I try and hold my emotions in, but one look at my dad and I lose it.

“Amelia!” He rushes over and hugs me tightly. “Don’t cry, you know it kills me.”

“I didn’t feel anything!” I sob, wetting his shirt with my tears. “He’s going to reject me, dad.”

“He’ll be a brainless dickhead if he does!” He growls before pulling away to cup my cheeks and dry my tears with his thumbs.

“Kaden! How many times do I need to tell you to stop cursing around our children?!” My mother snaps from the doorway, closing it behind her as she walks further into the room.

“Quiet, woman! I’m having a serious moment with my daughter!” My dad exclaims, making me giggle slightly at his mocking tone.

“Now, you listen to me pup and you listen well. No man is worth your tears, I didn’t raise a strong daughter just for her to back down when things get tough.” He states, making me nod as I wipe away a traitorous tear. “Just because you’re human doesn’t mean you are any less. Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise. Understood?”

“Yes.” I nod, closing my eyes when my mum hugs me from the side.

“Good.” He nods in satisfaction before embracing us both. “Fuck him!”

I burst into giggles when my mum slaps the back of my dad’s head hard. He winces, rubbing the sore spot before grinning at me cheekily. “Oh, come on! She’s eighteen and besides, haven’t you heard her curse before?”

“Yes, and I think that both of you need your mouths washed with soap!” She grumbles, kissing me on my forehead. Tilting my chin up, she smiles as she tucks my hair back into place. “Don’t be discouraged, Amelia. Everything will fall into place, you’ll see.”

“Thanks Mom, thanks Dad.” I murmur, hugging them both tightly before pulling away.

We make our way out of the room and towards the large living room where everyone, except Ivan, sits with worry marring their features. Aunt Aurora and uncle Vulcan stand, stepping towards us as soon as we are in sight. They both have a knowing look in their eyes and I sigh in defeat when I realize that they are probably aware that Ivan and I are mates.

“What happened? Where’s Ivan?” She frowns, confusion in her grey eyes.

“Ran out of the room as soon as I told him that Amelia is human.” My father mutters in distaste, clearly wanting to give Ivan a piece of his mind.

“What?!” Uncle Vulcan thunders, disappointment rolling off him in waves.

“Never mind about him.” My dad huffs as he pulls out his phone. “We’re going back home. I don’t want Amelia around him after that.”

“Kaden, please!” Aunt Aurora pleads, distress evident in her eyes. “I’m sorry about Ivan –”

“You did nothing wrong, don’t apologize!” He huffs, crossing his arms.

“Kaden, don’t leave please.” Uncle Vulcan steps forward to wrap an arm around aunt Aurora’s shoulder. “I’ll talk to him and see what’s going on.”

My dad looks at me for a long moment and I nod slowly, making him sigh and agree to stay. We can hear Ivan’s side of the story and if he rejects me then we’ll leave. As everyone moves to the dining room for dinner, I run to catch up with uncle Vulcan who is marching down the hallway in search of his son. But hearing my footsteps, he stops and turns to me.

“Yes, Amelia?”

“Don’t force him to accept me as his mate, please.” I murmur softly, ignoring how my heart aches in protest. “I just want him to be happy and if his happiness doesn’t lie with me then I will accept that.”

He is stunned into silence for a moment before he snaps out of it and steps forward to cup my face in both hands. “You are a precious gem, Amelia. My son would be a fool to reject you.”

I watch him turn and walk down the hallway, disappearing around the corner. Sighing, I skip on dinner and make my way outside instead. Texting mom that I need some space, I walk to the lake in the forest behind the house. Of course, my dad’s and uncle Vulcan’s guards follow me but I’ve learned to pay no mind to them. Instead, I bask in the feeling of the evening sun’s rays filtering through the leaves and branches to warm my cheeks.

I spend hours sitting here, lost in my own thoughts and it’s only when my phone buzzes in the back pocket of my jeans do I become aware of my surroundings once more. Mom has texted me to come back inside and have something to eat. It’s night now, the silver moonlight and the first of many stars guiding me back to the house.

Entering through the back door and locking it, I walk out of the kitchen and down the quiet hallway. My eyes remain fixated on the marble floors as I’m lost in thought. Everyone else seems to have retired to their rooms and when I glance at a clock hanging on the wall, I squint to make out that it’s past midnight.


I freeze upon hearing the husky rumble, hesitating before I turn around and meet bright green eyes. He has his hands in the pocket of his jeans as he stares at me, allowing me to catch a troubled look before it disappears as quickly as it came.

“Yes, Ivan?” I stay where I am.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier.” He apologizes but makes no move to explain further.

“It’s okay.” I nod, hating how distant we are acting when we used to be so close a few years ago.

He nods stiffly before turning and leaving me with a dejected feeling. “Goodnight.”

“Ivan…” I stop him, biting my lip before speaking my mind. “If you want me to leave then –”

“I don’t.” He replies, his tone almost gentle. His back is still to me but he inclines his head slightly. “Stay…please.”

“Okay.” I whisper, knowing he hears it because of his heightened senses. “Goodnight.”

He nods in acknowledgement before disappearing around the corner, making a shaky breath escape my lips. Time really does change people. But I guess only time will tell what becomes of Ivan and I.

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