Ivan's Queen

Chapter 15 - Overprotective

Two days later

“Are you feeling okay, Amelia?” Nova frowns while setting down her cup of chamomile tea.

We are currently having breakfast in the greenhouse of the castle. Lazarus and Ivan had dragged us both out of bed at the crack of dawn to train together and while I had loved it, I haven’t been feeling well since yesterday. It doesn’t feel like anything I’ve ever gotten before, like a cold or an infection of some sort. This is weird, as if something is draining my body and leaving me with no energy.

“It’s probably the early signs of a cold or something, don’t worry.” I lie with a smile before taking a bite of my fruit pastry the castle’s cook had prepared. “Tell me more about your home.”

She hesitates but continues with a heavy sigh when I reassure her that I’m fine. Overtime, her worried brown eyes relax and we talk freely about our homes. We also discuss my coronation ball coming up soon and what arrangements must be made. First, a notice will be placed outside the castle to announce the news and invite our people to join us for the celebration.

I’m extremely nervous about it all. Becoming a Queen is far from what I thought my life would end up being. I had always imagined myself working in my parent’s pack back home as a nurse or in the city hospital like my mother once did. But now I’ve found my mate and I will be leading the people of the Lycan Kingdom alongside him.

What if I fail? What if I’m not a good Queen…a good mate? I think to myself as I worry my bottom lip. I don’t want to disappoint Ivan so I vow to do the best I can. A hand squeezing mine brings me out of my stress laden thoughts. I look up at Nova and her sweet smile calms me down instantly.

“I know what you’re thinking and you must stop. You will be a great Queen and I will always be here to help you.” She pats my hand with a reassuring look in her eyes.

“Thank you, Nova.” I pull her into a tight hug, wondering what I would do without her. “You’ve become my closest friend. I’m so glad I met you.”

“I feel the same. Life was a little bit boring here at the castle before you came!” She grins cheekily which makes me laugh. “Now come, let’s get this downstairs and see what the boys are up to.”

She giggles before picking up the tray of food and I follow her actions. I stand but the movement must have been too quick because I find dark spots dotting my vision. I reach out to grab the table. I grip tightly as I start feeling dizzy and my heart begins to race. Thankfully, my vision clears slightly and I see Nova rush to me with a worried look. She holds me upright with her arm around my waist when I stumble slightly as her eyes become panicked.

“Amelia! What’s wrong?!” She cries as she helps me to walk into the hallway.

“I…I d-don’t feel w-well.” I start shivering and feeling like the temperature dropped to the minuses.

“You’re burning up!” She frowns as she presses her hand against my neck and forehead. “Call Ivan through the mind link. I’m sure he –”

I struggle to breathe and am unable to hear her anymore. What is happening to me? I think to myself in dread. My vision starts to blur again and there’s a loud ringing in my ears. I feel my body trembling as a cold sweat breaks out on my skin. But thankfully, my hearing returns just in time to hear the doors burst open and my name being yelled. I manage to catch Ivan’s panicked green eyes before my knees buckle and I fall to the ground.

Clutching my head, my features twist in pain as the ringing in my ears intensifies. The severity of it all makes tears brim my eyes. I feel Ivan cradle me in his arms but it does nothing to soothe my pain. I grasp his shirt, panting as I feel sweat build on my brow. I feel like someone just set my insides on fire.

“Ivan…help me!” I cry but my eyes roll shut before he can reply.

Ivan Romanov’s P.O.V.

It’s two in the afternoon when I pick up on some movement. Hoping it’s Amelia, I open my eyes and straighten quickly. My neck and back are slightly stiff from sleeping in the chair because I haven’t left her side ever since she fainted. Icy blues meet my emerald ones and I immediately stand and step over to the bed.

“Thank Goddess you’re okay.” I breathe in relief before cupping her face in both hands as I move to sit on the bed.

“I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry I caused you to worry.” She replies softly as she looks down at her hands.

I tilt her chin up to meet my eyes. “It isn’t your fault, Солнышко. Maybe you’ve been too stressed lately and it took a toll on you?” (Little sun)

“Maybe.” She murmurs but groans softly when she moves to grab a glass of water.

“What’s wrong?” I ask in concern before holding her to me as I get the water for her.

“My body is starting to hurt.” She explains and sighs in relief when the cool liquid quenches her thirst.

“This isn’t normal, Amelia.” I state quietly as I help her lay back down but press my hand against her forehead. “You’re burning up again.”

“What?!” Her voice is a weak whimper and I can feel fear coursing through our bond as she wonders what’s wrong with her.

“What if this is happening because I marked you?” I run a hand through my hair in frustration. “I caused this!”

“Ivan, please don’t blame yourself. We don’t know anything yet.” She pleads and catches my hand in a tight grip when I start to back away.

I stare at her for a moment before nodding with resignation. Taking a set on the bed again, I lean in and place a tender kiss to her forehead. “We’ll figure this out together but for now I’m calling the doctor…and maybe someone else.”

After mind-linking one of the nurses to get Doctor Nick to my room as quick as possible, I make an urgent call to Amelia’s parents before going back to her. She has dozed off again and I take a seat beside her on the bed before running my fingers through her long brown hair when she whimpers. The bond floods with discomfort and pain as she jolts awake. My worry increases the more she struggles to sleep.

She wakes up for Nick to check her vitals and ask her questions about what she felt before fainting and how she feels now. As Amelia drifts in and out of sleep, Nick decides to check the castle’s infirmary for some medication that he thinks will help. But as soon as he leaves, she wakes up again. I help her sit up before she bursts into tears because of frustration and tiredness.

Hugging her to me, I do everything I can to take away the pain and discomfort using our bond. Because Amelia’s slightly out of it she doesn’t notice as much but I eventually feel her relax against me. Mind-linking the castle’s cook I ask her to bring up the broth I had requested. And in no time, Benno is knocking on the door and bringing it in. He casts a worried glance at Amelia before nodding at me and leaving.

I sit in front of her and take the bowl into my hands before beginning to feed her. She immediately wants to spit it out but I glare at her in warning. Swallowing the broth with a groan, she doesn’t protest as much when I hold up another spoonful to her lips. I brush a dark curl behind my mate’s ear as she leans forward. She grimaces again as the temporary lack of her taste buds make the broth seem bland to her. Her mesmerizing eyes meet mine, icy blues with a single fleck of brown in her left eye as she pleads with me to stop.

I tried to be firm with her the first few times she did this but slowly I start to feel my steely resolve crumble the more she gazes at me. She has me wrapped around her pinky finger and she doesn’t even realize.

“Just a little more.” I murmur and smirk when she huffs.

“You said that the last time!” Her eyes light up in anger. Even unwell she’s still feisty.

“Nearly done, I promise.” I chuckle, not being able to help myself as I kiss her lips.

“Okay.” She mumbles which makes me work hard to hide my grin at her dazed expression.

I continue to feed her the broth and hope that she will regain some of her lost energy. Seeing my mate in this state has me feeling helpless. Both Maksim and Konstantin are quietly observing her through my eyes and soft whines escape them every now and then. They were pushing me to hand over control so that they could break free and comfort her. It took some time but I eventually managed to calm them down because Amelia doesn’t need this right now.

I can feel how tired and in pain she is through our bond but she’s hiding it. Nevertheless, I use it to take as much pain as I can from her. I see her body relax as I do and she slumps against me while blinking sleepily.

“Thank you.” She whimpers before curling into my body when she realizes what I did.

An hour passes after Amelia falls asleep before I hear the door open. Turning my head, I stiffen when I see uncle Kaden and aunt Luna standing at the threshold of my bedroom. I manage to catch Aunt Luna waving at me but all I can really focus on is uncle Kaden’s steely gaze. His lips are firmly set in a line with his arms crossed over his chest which reveal all his tattoos. It feels like his eyes are shooting icy daggers my way as they narrow in on my arms that are holding his sleeping daughter.

Sighing, I slowly begin to detach myself from Amelia while trying not to wake her. However, she whimpers in discomfort the second I pull away. Her eyes open, wide and confused as she looks up at me with a pout on her sweet lips. I groan mentally as I resist the urge to kiss her because I know that I won’t be able to have pups with her if I do.

“I called your parents.” I whisper as I nod in their direction.

“Amelia!” Aunt Luna smiles as she rushes over to embrace her daughter in a tight hug. “What’s wrong, honey? Ivan told us you’re not well?”

“I’ll call the doctor.” I murmur before leaving the room without a backwards glance.

I could feel uncle Kaden’s eyes boring holes into my head as I passed by him. Continuing through the hallways and downstairs to the infirmary, I request for Doctor Nick and walk back up to my bedroom with him. I stay back as he talks with Amelia’s parents to try and figure out why this is happening.

Uncle Kaden sits by his daughter and strokes her hair as he talks to her in hushed whispers. He’s holding her protectively while whispering how worried he is about her health. I can hear her saying that she’ll be alright and asking him not to stress about her. Aunt Luna tells Nick that Amelia has always had a weak immune system and he puts her feeling unwell down to the fact that her body is struggling to adjust to my mark.

However, despite the news that it’s not completely my fault, uncle Kaden is still extremely hostile and glares at me every chance he can get. I mean, even I would be if I found out my daughter has mated. He’s going to fucking kill me, I groan mentally when I catch his eyes narrowing in my direction as he listens to Amelia.

“Don’t worry about him, he’s just worried.” I turn to see aunt Luna smiling up at me with a knowing look in her eyes.

“He hates me.” I reply flatly as we step out into the hallway.

Her light laughter follows me as she closes the door to my bedroom before standing beside me. “Kaden is still holding a grudge against you for how you treated Amelia when you found out she was human. But he doesn’t hate you.”

“I didn’t mean it.” I whisper as I regret the way I let my beasts control me that day. “I couldn’t control them and when I found out, I knew I had to get away.”

“I understand and so does she.” Aunt Luna smiles warmly as she ruffles my hair, just like old times. “But you must understand that Kaden is extremely overprotective of her, has been ever since she didn’t shift. Although I know my daughter is more than capable of handling herself, Kaden still sees her as his little girl who will always need him.”

“Do you think we’ll ever be civil with each other?”

“Yes, I believe so.” She chuckles and pats my shoulder when she catches my look of doubt. “If anything, Amelia will be the one to demand it from you two.”

We sit in silence for a few moments with my gaze fixated on the tiles of the hallway. To this day I feel extremely guilty for how I acted the day I met Amelia. One second I was staring into the eyes of my mate, the next I was sitting in the back of my head as Maksim and Konstantin took over. When they calmed down after Amelia had been taken inside all they wanted to do was mark and mate with her. But as soon as uncle Kaden said she is a human, the need to protect her and not let anyone near her overwhelmed me. I couldn’t let my beasts take over again and reigning them in was so difficult to do that day.

“I’m sorry for hurting her.”

“I forgave you the second I saw her smile at you with love.” She admits softly but then turns to me with determined eyes. “Just promise me you’ll keep her happy? Be patient and understanding with her. My daughter may be raised to be strong but she’ll always need your love and support.”

“I promise.”

I look up just as uncle Kaden steps out into the hallway, his eyes flickering between aunt Luna and I. He tells her to stay with Amelia while ordering for me to take a walk with him. An emotionless mask slips onto my face as I fall into step with him. It’s quiet for a long time and we eventually make it outside onto one of the balconies. I stop and watch Uncle Kaden brace himself against the stone. His back is tense as he stretches his arms out.

“As a father, I always knew it would be hard when Amelia found someone to spend her life with.” He starts before turning around to face me with his lips turned up into a scowl. “But the way you treated her, I wish she found some human boy to settle down with instead.”

I clench my jaw at the thought of someone other than me being with Amelia. “My actions were uncalled for. I have apologized to Amelia for them.”

“Yet you’ve caused my daughter pain yet again. Are you going to spend the rest of your life apologizing to her for your constant fuck ups, Ivan?” He retorts before crossing his arms with an unimpressed look.

“Kill him!” Maksim snarls while Konstantin mutters to throw him over the balcony.

“I didn’t know marking her would cause her to become unwell!” I growl as I struggle to reign in my emotions.

He stares back at me and his features are set in stone as he steps up to me. “If you hurt her one more time, I will not hesitate to take my daughter away –”

In an instant, my beasts take over and slam him against the wall with my hand wrapped tightly around his throat. My actions don’t seem to phase him as he smirks with a wicked, taunting look in his eyes. I can feel Maksim and Konstantin clawing at the surface, itching to break free and kill him for wanting to take our mate away from us.

He knees me in the stomach which makes me double over in slight pain. Kicking my ribs, he sends me flying back into the stone balcony. Grunting, I run my fingertips over the material of my shirt and feel two broken ribs in the process of healing. Looking up, I see that uncle Kaden is advancing towards me again. His eyes are wild with the intention to cause pain.

If he wasn’t Amelia’s father, I would have shifted into my beasts without hesitation and killed him already. I take his hits and refuse to fight back as he all but kicks my ass. Growling when he pushes me up against the balcony’s edge, I glare at him in annoyance as the stone digs into my back. Most of my body is perched precariously on the ledge. All he needs to do is push me and I’d fall.

And that’s exactly what happens.

“Dad!” Amelia’s sudden scream pierces the quiet.

The unexpectedness causes him to push against me and he pushes me over the edge in return. I hear loud screams as I fall off the balcony. Growling, I shift into Maksim and feel him dig his nails into the stone and metal of the castle as we descend. Before reaching a drop, Maksim jumps off and lands on the ground. Snarling, I feel rage consume me entirely and I use my speed to disappear into the forest before shifting. If I don’t calm down, Amelia is not going to have a father anymore.

I run for two hours to vent out my anger and only return to the castle when I’ve cooled down. Grabbing my clothes from one of my hiding places in the forest, I change into them before making my way inside. I take my shoes from a smirking Lazarus before snarling at him when he chuckles.

“Father-in-law problems?” He teases as he claps me hard on the back.

“Fucking pushed me off the balcony!” I grumble before shaking my head.

“Apparently she’s kicked her father out of your bedroom and is giving him the silent treatment.” He grins boyishly as his eyes shine with amusement over the situation.

“Maybe calling him over wasn’t such a good idea after all.” I roll my eyes before heading up the stairs.

Making my way down the hallways, I eventually reach our bedroom and turn the doorknob to find only Amelia and aunt Luna inside. Her emotions hit me all at once – fear, doubt, anxiety and anger. I curse myself over being so consumed by my rage that it had blocked out our mate bond.

My heart breaks when she looks up at me and I see the tears streaming down her pale cheeks. Fuck sake Ivan, she’s already unwell and now you’ve made her upset by disappearing! I think to myself. Rushing over, I take her into my arms and try my best to soothe her. Konstantin and Maksim become meek as they take in Amelia’s distress, not liking it at all.

“Ivan, I’m so sorry about Kaden. What was he thinking?!” Aunt Luna shakes her head in anger.

“W-Why was h-he hitting you?!” Amelia cries into my shirt as I wipe away her tears.

“He was just being overprotective, it’s fine Солнышко.” I stroke her back as her sobs die down. “Besides, I attacked him first for threatening to take you away so –” (Little sun)

“What?!” Both mother and daughter cry out in shock.

“No! I-I mean –”

“I did in fact threaten to take Amelia away if he hurt her again.” I look up to see uncle Kaden standing at the doorway. “Which was wrong and I apologize for threatening and hitting you, Ivan. I lost control over my emotions when it came to my pup.”

“No more fighting. Both of you need to get along.” Amelia glares albeit tiredly. “Ivan, you can’t keep avoiding my dad every time you see him. And dad, you can’t keep making threats and being hostile to Ivan. If you two don’t get your act together right now then I will never talk to either of you again!”

My eyes widen in panic when I feel her pain increasing. Her body starts to ache badly and she whimpers in discomfort. I start to massage her head when I feel a strong migraine begin. Uncle Kaden and I quickly agree to get along before we focus on making her feel better. She relaxes slightly at our words after making us swear that we won’t fight or avoid each other anymore.

I call for the doctor as uncle Kaden helps me to lay her down. But as I’m doing so, I catch aunt Luna shaking her head in amusement as her husband and I do everything we can to make Amelia feel comfortable. She mouths “told you so,” with a wink and I instantly remember our conversation from before.

Goddess, Amelia could make us do anything at this point. Both of us love her too much to deny her.

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