Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 84: The Changes In Her Body Part Three

A little while later Ai had finished up her current project and was now holding a drill in her hand. She held it out to Eiji while saying: "Alright Eiji, take this and drill a hole in my arm. I need a blood sample or I will never be able to walk around the base. If I upload the mutant biosignature." 

Eiji took the drill without even thinking before looking at Ai as if she was stupid. "You want me to, what? Why the hell would I do something like that!?"

"If you do not want to do it then you can always switch places with Shogo. He would at least do what I ask." Ai huffed. She went to go get up but was quickly stopped by Eiji.

"Okay! Okay! I will do it, no need to replace me..." Eiji said through gritted teeth. He did not wish to hurt the girl he liked no matter what, but he could not let her replace him either. He was literally caught between a rock and a hard place. 

Ai gave a sly smile. She was not dumb, she could see Eiji's thoughts about her but she was ignoring them. She felt everyone had the right to feel as they wished. This was also one of the reasons why she trusted Eiji as well. Even if this was the way he felt, Ai did not care nor did she have any reason to want to return his feelings. Mainly because to Ai, a relationship was nothing more than dead weight. She never had one in her past life and did not plan to have one in this life. Her main concern was survival, nothing else. If she were to open her heart to someone only to have them ripped to shreds by a machina the next day, what would be the point? All this new world leads to is death and betrayal. There was no way of telling how Eiji would act the day after tomorrow. He may try to steal weapons and run away or even kill everyone in the base to keep the supplies for himself. 

It was not the first time she had seen such things happen. In her past life, she had stayed at a small camp that had minimal supplies but enough for ten people to live off of for a few years. The leader of the camp was a man who ended up falling for one of the young girls. They had sex almost every night to the point that everyone in the camp knew they were fucking. It happened on a night when Ai was out guarding the perimeter. She was seventeen at the time and had already dealt with many things. She had only joined the group as a mercenary and in exchange for food, she would guard the camp. She had come back after her long shift to find the whole camp smelling of blood. The entire food supply was gone as well. Ai knew right off this was done by a human. She searched for survivors and found one who was just barely alive. It was a young man who was on the day shift for guard duty. He had told her the girl the camp leader was fucking took a knife and killed everyone while they were asleep. She failed to kill him in one blow because he had woken up while she entered his tent but he was too slow and still got stabbed in a major artery. 

The man died soon after. Ai knew the woman must have taken the supplies and ran. But to get so many supplies out of here, she could only think she had help. But it proved one thing to Ai, relationships were nothing but a death bed when it came to this new world.

But this did not stop Ai from using Eiji's feelings for her as a means to get him to do what she wants. Whether Eiji knew this or not, she did not care. But she did think his behavior was rather cute. 

With no other choice, Eiji put the drill to Ai's arm and pushed the button causing the drill to start up. At first, there was no effect but slowly the drill began to work and the skin began to tear. As it did Ai grabbed a glass slide and held it underneath waiting for that little drop of blood. "Shit ouch!" The drill finally pierced her skin causing a small wound to appear and blood to drip out. Ai felt the pain but gritted her teeth and scooped up a bit of blood. "Okay done!" 

Eiji quickly stopped drilling and pulled the drill away from her arm. The wound healed almost instantly. "Please do not ask me to do that again." Eiji begged, his expression made it seem like he was the one who had just been hurt. Ai, let out a sigh, she couldn't stand the look he was giving her. it was as if she had just punished a puppy dog. His pleading eyes were enough to soften her heart just a tad. She did not answer verbally but she did nod her head. Only then did Eiji's expression ease up.

Ai went right to work and extracted her biosignature and implemented the code. This time when she fired up the turret, it no longer targeted her. "There done, all turrets should be updated now."

"That's good but now what do you plan to do?" Eiji asked.

"Mmm… Nap… I guess. You can do as you want, I will just lay down here." Ai said as she sprawled out on the floor. She felt tired after such a long day. 

Eiji did not say a word he just leaned against a wall and watched the girl in front of him quickly fall asleep. The girl acted as if he was not even there and was completely defenseless in front of him. 

When it was time for dinner, Eiji walked over and was about to reach over and shake Ai awake when a voice came from behind him: "I wouldn't do that if I was you." 

Eiji's hand stopped mid air and he quickly retracted it and turned to see Mai walking into the room. "I was just trying to wake her..."

"I know. But that is exactly why I was giving you a warning. With her current strength her and unconscious self protection while she is sleeping, you would lose an arm before even realizing what had happened." Mai warned. She remembered her teacher that day that almost had her wrist snapped in two. She knew Eiji meant well so she did not wish for him to get hurt. "To wake her it's best to throw water on her like this."

Mai took out a cup of water she had behind her back and poured it right on to Ai's head causing Ai to spring up and shout: "Why do you do that!? Every time you wake me you do it in the same way! Mai stop!"

"If I do not do it this way I would risk losing an arm. It's your fault for being aware of your surroundings even while you sleep!"contemporary romance


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