Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 82: The Changes In Her Body Part One

"So umm… This is new..." Ai said as she gently set the door to the side. Shogo who was standing on the other side had fallen to his butt, his jaw on the floor as he stared at the gaping hole in the wall. "So can someone tell me why this suddenly happened? I mean I held forks and chopsticks no problem."

"Ai, I think it was because you became excited. You did not unconsciously control your strength. It's like how we know how much strength to use when we rub our eye or when we shake someone's hand, without thinking. You were unconsciously controlling your strength this entire time which is why you were able to do your tasks as normal." Mai roughly explained. At least this was the only reason she could think of, on why Ai was able to do what she would normally do without any issue. 

"I see… Then it is a good thing I did not try to pull Eiji's head off or we might be less one more comrade right now..." Ai's words made Eiji reach for his neck and break out into a cold sweat. 

"I guess it is..." Mai noticed Eiji's reaction and chuckled. "Alright let's go hit the baths before anything. I know you may not care if you stink or not Ai but I do. Especially if we have a bath we are able to use." 

"Mmm… that does sound good. Eiji you should put some clothes on, standing around in your pink underwear is not good." Ai said in a teasing tone before running off to go take a bath.

"Err… Eiji what the hell did I just see? Actually never mind that... TELL ME, DID YOU WALK UP THE STAIRS TO ADULTHOOD BEFORE ME!?" Shogo yelled out of jealousy.

"That's what you're most concerned with!? And no I didn't. She needed clothes to wear because she only had a hospital gown on. So, she took mine. By the way, I will warn you now. If you do not wish to die by one of her punches I would watch what you say from now on. She might just knock your intestines out your ass." Eiji warned before walking away with his head held up high. He was not embarrassed at all. Why? Because not only did he get to see Ai in her underwear, she was wearing his clothes that were way too big for her and it looked very cute! It seemed Eiji's priorities were not correct either. Everyone one of them seemed to have already forgotten that Ai just ripped the cell door and part of the wall right off.

In the bath, Ai laid back against the edge of the large bathtub, feeling very relaxed. "Mai, so what do you think? Did I become some kind of superhuman? You now like that super guy, what was his name? The guy who could hide his identity with just a pair of glasses. "

"As far as I can tell it seems so. But your biosignature has not changed it seems. Since the turrets outside the girls' bath did not go off when we walked in." Mai answered.

"Wouldn't have mattered anyway. I do not think those bullets can hurt me. They are only 9mm rounds. Nothing to write home about if you can not even stab me with a knife. Well, they might sting. We will test it out later. I will have you shoot me in the thigh." Ai said as she let out another relaxing sigh.

"What? You want me to shoot you? Sorry but I refuse." Mai said firmly. There was no way she could ever shoot Ai. She would die before that would ever happen.

"Fine, then I will make Eiji do it. It is necessary that we know exactly what I am invulnerable to. Anyway, if it comes down to me being shot you can just take the bullet out and patch me up. You have helped with my eye." Ai talked as if the whole thing was really no big deal. Mai hated the idea because she did not want Ai to get hurt again. 

"Fine. But if anything happens to you, I will kill Eiji as compensation." Mai could only give in since Ai had already made up her mind. 

"But this does bring up a problem. How will I take out my old eye and replace it with a new one if I can not cut the link between the two… Hmmm… I might need to take it out as soon as I can..." Ai touched her left eye and let out a sigh. She could probably do it herself but it would hurt like hell. "Ahhh! Forget it for now. I don't even have a replacement yet. We should go up above and check the radiation levels tomorrow. Today I just want to tinker in my workshop."

"Yoshi has been checking it off and on. But the last time he was up there, there were a few machina roaming around that he could see from undercover, of the hallway. So he was not able to get a reading. But he did say it was still raining." Mai said as she stood up and stretched. 

"Well… I will check it out tomorrow then. But I must say, Mai, did your boobs get bigger? Isn't this a little unfair?" Mai's face turned red and quickly ran out of the bathroom to get changed. Ai chuckled and walked slowly to get changed as she got lost in thought. 'Looks like we will need to go back to the bunker at some point to get our supplies for our body growth. '

***contemporary romance

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