Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 70: Mutant Horde Part Three

Mai came back not too long after with three weapons. Two Howas and a shotgun. Eiji and Yoshi each got a Howa while Shogo got a shotgun. Shogo looked at the weapon in his hands and then at the ones in his friends' hands and then looked at Mai confused as to why he was getting something different from the others. Mai sighed and looked at Ai and knew she didn't explain so she took it upon herself to do so. "It's because you have no weapon experience. With a shotgun, you at least have a spray effect and if something gets close to you, you might have a better chance of survival, if you can put a full buckshot into whatever is attacking you. "

"I am surprised you realized he has no weapon experience." Yoshi said with praise to Mai.

"Not me. Ai did. To be honest I do not wish to give any weapons to you men. But since Ai decided to trust you, I will put my faith in you as well. But let me warn you, I shoot first and ask questions later." Mai said coldly.


"Haha! You two are really sisters! You both say the same things." Eiji couldn't help but laugh.contemporary romance

Even Yoshi was having a hard time keeping it in. The two girls in front of him were two peas in a pod. But this kind of attitude was perfect for this new world. "Did Ai tell you that she has split us up to guard you all?" Yoshi asked.

"Ai!" Mai turned and yelled at Ai. 

"Don't worry, I gave you the stupid meat shield. And they still can't go down the halls with the turrets. Just kill him if he tries anything, though like you said before he's no threat with how small 'that' is..." Ai said waving her hand not caring for the look Mai was giving her. Ai also wanted to use this chance for Mai to rehabilitate a bit when it came to men. She just hoped she was not misjudging these three. 

"I know this but… Fine..." Mai pouted but still gave in. She looked at Shogo and pointed her gun towards his crotch causing him to shiver from head to toe.

Shogo raised his hands in the air and tried to defend himself: "Look, I have no interest in kids!"

Both Yoshi and Eiji facepalmed when they saw the cold look in Mai's eyes growing colder. They both had the same thought. 'Shogo, it was nice knowing you.'

"At any rate, we need to observe the mutants, Yoshi, follow Mai to learn the areas you can not go and meet the little ones, Eiji and I will stay here." Ai needed to get a better understanding of mutants. Most of her information came from second or third hand sources. So she had no idea if the habits that she learned about were true or not. She also wanted to have a long talk with Eiji since she basically shoved him into a cell without saying much else to him. 

Mai let out a sigh and motioned for them to follow her. She figured if Ai was willing to let them be alone with her then things should be okay. Ai looked at Eiji and said: "We will be watching the mutants, make note of the way they move and any odd behaviors." 

"Can do! Can I ask why you chose me to be your guard?" Eiji asked. 

"Well, out of all of you, Shogo looks the weakest, Mai had an incident not too long ago because of one of the men where you come from, while we were doing recon and setting up defenses in the forest. Shogo seems to be too scared to pet a baby rabbit, never mind lay his hands on a girl. As for Yoshi, he is tall and strong. He has the ability to grab both my disciples and run away with them if need be. As for you, you are smart and a little scheming. It is better to have your type around since I can make the most of your abilities. Plus I can kill you without you even knowing how you died." Ai did not hide her reasonings. She saw no reason to. If she was going to use someone, she felt no reason not to tell them up front. It was not like the fact that she was going to use them would change. 

"I see… I will tell Shogo to be more careful around Mai then..." Eiji did not mind Ai's reasons, he actually felt that every point she stated just now was on point. Each one of her reasons made perfect sense and seemed to be well calculated. He was amazed at how well Ai saw things even with the few interactions that they had.

"No, don't, I am also using this chance to help Mai rehabilitate. I plan to build my own army. The army can not just consist of all females. Men will be needed too. But I plan to raise them from young. But as you can see there is only so much we can do with ourselves being as young as we are. That is one of my reasons for letting you three here. I have watched you since you came. Not once have you made a fuss over anything. I have heard your little spats with Shogo picking on him but that is about it. You never scared my disciples when they went to give you food and you showed no signs of wanting to take action against us. Because of this, I decided to put some trust in you guys. Please do not fail my trust because I will kill each of you if you harm my people. I hope in the future that maybe you will also become one of my people." Ai had many plans and she knew she could not do them all on her own. She had originally planned to have it be just her and Mai as they took on the world but this will only go so far. They were still young right now and Mai was still green to this world. She needed more people who she could trust. She just hoped her judge of character was not wrong. The humanity that Mai had restored back into her, she hoped would grow more and maybe one day lead the people she gathers to take back what was taken from them.


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