Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 55: Meeting Face To Face Part One

"If you do that it would make things easier. In order to get a better understanding of the signals the eye sends to the brain I will need a live body, and testing for that. I am not sure how long they will be able to stay alive though..." Mai explained.

"We will need to figure out how to grab the signal from the eye and feed it to a computer so we can see what the information is and how the information is being sent. " Ai pondered for a moment before continuing. "Let me finish up the automated turrets first. After which we will work on a program that will pull that information in. It's not like we will be doing this all in one day. It may take a few years." 

"I know. But I still wish to get your eye fixed as soon as we can." Mai said as she leaned over and plucked the eye out of the dead man's skull and placed it in a jar on the table next to her.

"Let's get the other eyes out of these two men and I will go dispose of their bodies. If we keep them around any longer we will end up with a foul smell." Ai replied as she began working on the other corpse to remove the eyes. 

After helping Mai out in the morning, cleaning up the blood, and disposing of the corpses, Ai went out to the area she had Kuri and Ayase working out. Earlier in the morning before going to see Mai, Ai had Kuri and Ayase wear sandbags on their ankles and wrist and had them run laps around the large room. It had been a few hours since and as she walked into the room she saw the two young girls struggling to run. They were drenched in sweat. Their hair and clothes were sticking to their bodies and the way they were swaying back and forth seemed as if they would collapse at any second.

"I am very impressed…. You can both stop and rest!" Ai yelled out which as soon as the two girls heard these words, they both fell to the ground panting away. Ai, grabbed two water bottles that were sitting to the side and brought them over. "Your muscles will probably begin to cramp soon, I will massage them so you will not be in any pain." 

Although the training was tough, Ai also did not want them to suffer from the after effects of the training. Otherwise, it would slow their training down. She sat down next to the girls and gently massaged their calves and thighs. She was also lifting their legs at different angles to stretch out all the ligaments. A flexible body was handy when fighting.


The next city over in a basement compound…

"Eiji are you really planning to go back!?" Shogo whined after remembering the last time he was out with Eiji, he came really close to being killed.

"Yeah, I am sure that those girls took over that base. As you can see here, things are not looking good. My father has gone missing for a week now and we have no idea if he is dead or alive. I do not want to stick around and get killed in my sleep because people wish to step over my head. Yoshi is also coming with me. I am only telling you in case you wish to come. If not I can kill you now in order to keep any information about that place from being spilled." Eiji replied, his eyes turning cold at the end of his words. He did not wish to cause the girl with one eye any troubles. Not after he had taken an interest in her. If possible he would rather offer his services to her than stand around fighting to keep this place where people only think about themselves. 

"Of course, I am going with you! But still, what if..." Shogo wondered if those girls died or not. He only heard a bunch of explosions as they were running away.

"Don't worry that girl is alive. Her ability to understand her surroundings is way beyond that of a trained vet from the military. It was as if she had been trained for years nonstop." Eiji said as he fasted the backpack on his back. He then looked at Shogo and siad: "If you're coming get your pack on, Yoshi already packed it for you." 

Shogo frowned but did not say anything more. He fastened the bag to his back and found it to be excessively heavy. "Why is this thing so heavy!?" contemporary romance

"Ahh... That? I had Yoshi put bricks in your bag to strengthen you up a bit." Eiji said as he was walking out the door. Shogo wanted to cry but there was now one or even a god to cry to. He could only lower his head and follow after Eiji. Although they picked on him a lot Eiji and Yoshi had always treated him fairly well since they met after the apocalypse happened. 

As the group of three left the basement compound. Two men stood at the entrance as they watched them leave. "Where do you think they are going?"

"Knowing that old bastard's kid, he probably found a new place for shelter. We pretty much have almost full control of things here. Send a few people to track him. Wherever he goes we will raid it, and kill him and the other two. Just like we killed his father." The middle aged man with a scar on his cheek said as he puffed on a cigarette. 

"Right away boss!" The younger man replied before running back inside.


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