Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 18: Night Raid Part Three

"Hahaha! What's wrong with letting Mai have a little fun with a cute boy?" Ai, let out a laugh. She really found the look on Yasuhide's face very funny.

"Ai don't even go there. You may be in your twenties mentally but remember how old Mai is." Yasuhide's face was completely red causing Ai to laugh even more.contemporary romance

"Ai don't tease my father. But thank you. I feel a lot better." Mai knew that Ai was saying all this in order to lighten her mood after killing people for the first time.

"Mhm! As long as my sister is okay then all is good and Uncle if you want a nice firm young woman just tell me, I won't tell aunty."


Ai let out a laugh, grabbed a hold of Mai's hand, and ran off towards the prescription area with Mai in tow. Yasuhide stood there staring at the two girls laughing away and let out a sigh of relief. He knew Mai was young and it was unfair for her to have to do such a thing as murder at such a young age. But like Ai had said this was training. When push comes to shove there would be a time when she would need to kill in order to survive. Tonite just served as a training session for what was inevitable. It was better to learn how to deal with these things in a controlled environment than it was to do so in a life or death situation.

But Yasuhide was truly amazed at how well Mai and Ai performed. All those thugs were killed swiftly with little effort. It seemed he had to owe it to Ai for training his daughter so well. "I guess I can't be left behind. But how am I going to break this to Kazumi..."

After Ai broke into the back area of the pharmacy, the two girls went to work stuffing their bags full of prescription medications. They went shelf to shelf dumping all the medications into the empty bags. As they finished up and were about to leave a loud sound came from outside. "This is the police! Come out with your hands up!"

"Shit!" Yasuhide swore. He did not think there would be cops anymore.

"Well not surprising since there are a bunch of dead bodies out there. They probably drove by and saw them there. Let me take a look." Ai said as she walked over to one of the windows and peered out. What she saw was a lone cruiser with two cops standing outside of it, guns pointing at the pharmacy's door from behind their open car doors. Seeing this, Ai smiled brightly and walked back over to the Mai and Yasuhide. "Here is the plan. I will call for help. When they come in knock them both out and strip them of everything they have. We will then search through the police car for anything good."

Ai already had it all planned as she started to strip off her shirt causing Yasuhide to quickly avert his eyes. "Ai what are you doing?"

"Makes things more believable and will catch them off guard. Quickly get into positions on either side of the door. But before that..." Ai said. She lowered the strap of her bra a bit before lowering her pants ever so slightly so that half of her panties were showing. She then turned to Yasuhide and said: "Punch me in the face."

"What?" Yasuhide was stunned by Ai's order.

"Dad, you're taking too long!" Mai complained as she walked over and punched Ai as hard as she could in the eye.

This caused Yasuhide to be even more stunned as Ai did her best to not yell out in pain as she held her good eye. "Mai... Damn that hurt." Shaking her head to try to shake off the pain, she said: "Okay, get into positions!"

Mai nodded and quickly dragged Yasuhide away while Ai sat herself down and leaned up against one of the fallen over shelves, she then rubbed some dirt all over her exposed skin. Once everyone was ready she suddenly called out in a sobbing voice: "Help someone! Someone help me!"

The cops outside heard Ai's cry and looked at each other. They gave each other a nod before slowly walking towards the window. One of the cops peeked in to see a young girl with her clothes half off. One eye bandaged and the other was swelling up. "Young Lady, are you okay? It's the police! You will be fine. Is there anyone else in there with you?"

"Hello!? No. The man who dragged me here and killed everyone outside punched me in the face before running out the back. Please help me. I can't move, my arm and leg are broken..." Fake tears rolled down Ai's, cheeks causing them to glisten in the light that peered in.

"Okay hold on we will come now." The two officers nodded to each other again before one of them finally made their way through the window. The first cop jumped through the window and just as he was about to turn to the side he felt something cold pressed up against his head. His partner who was only halfway through the window was suddenly pulled through and pushed to the ground with the barrel of a pistol pressed against his head.

"Drop your weapons." Yasuhide said in a threatening manner. The two cops quickly did as they were told.

Ai came walking up with a smile on her face as she looked over at Mai. "Mai your fist hurt! You almost made me blind in my right eye!"

"Sorry Ai. You asked dad to hit you first so I figured you would want to be hit hard." Mai quickly apologized and bowed her head. She really felt bad but she figured it needed to be done and done quickly.

"It's fine. It's fine. It served its purpose." Ai said shrugging off the whole thing.

"Ai put your damn shirt back on!" Yasuhide growled, he was having a hard time deciding where to look.

"Uncle in the future you will be seeing a lot more than this, not just of mine and your daughters but many others. You need to get used to it. To me, it's no big deal. Since I went through it already." Ai said as she fixed her bra and put her shirt on.

"That maybe so, but right now is not the place for that kind of training and I would prefer to have your parents around when that training needs to be done." Yasuhide didn't dare look in Ai's direction.

"Okay, I'm dressed. But I have to say it was good that you decided to not go for the knockout. These two guys would probably not have been easily knocked out." Ai said, looking at the thick muscles on both the cops' necks.

"You people, what are you doing? You do realize we are police officers right?" One of the cops yelled.

"Oh, what will you do to me? As of now, there isn't a damn thing you can do. My guess is you only stopped because you saw some bodies laying on the ground outside. If you saw the person who killed them inside the building I am sure you would have shot to kill. But instead, you saw a young girl beaten up and stripped of her clothing. I bet you would have never thought that you would live to see the day when you would be robbed by two teenage girls." Ai grinned as she reached down picking up both guns off the floor. She checked the clips and smiled seeing that they were full.

She took aim at the cop that was standing there with Mai holding a gun to his head. The cop saw this and yelled out: "Do you plan to kill me? If you do, you never see the light of day again. So why don't you put your gun do..."


With no hesitation, Ai pulled the trigger putting a bullet into the cop's head. Blood and bits of his brain splattered out the back of the cop's head. "That's one. Uncle I will let you handle the last one. Make sure you take everything that is useful."

"By handle, you mean as you did just now?" Yasuhide asked.

"Mhm. Mai and I will go search the police car." Ai said before walking over to Mai and wiping the little bit of blood that splashed on her face off.

After the two girls left, Yasuhide looked at the cop on the floor. "You know we are in different times. I have to hand it to you for trying to stop a burglary. But the boss lady says I have to deal with you and as it is part of my training, I have no choice. Just blame your shitty luck for running into us." Yasuhide said before pulling the trigger. The cop did not even get to say a word back to him. His blood spread out across the floor. Yasuhide didn't even flinch after killing someone. He was trained to do so while he was in the military. He just did as he was asked and went to work checking for useful items from the now two dead cops.

"Ai there are two shotguns and two sets of body armor in the trunk. And like ten of these things." Mai walked over and handed Ai a canister with a handgrip on it.

"Oh! Flashbangs! Good find! These are very handy for emergencies! They can save our life. You said there are about ten?" Ai asked, her eyes were glowing with excitement.

"Yes, there are around ten. Give or take a few. I only roughly counted since they are all stacked on top of each other." Mai answered.

"Good this means we can each have one or two on us at all times. These things are very good to have. But only use them if your life is on the line as the last trump card to get away." Ai said. As she quickly ran over to count how many there actually were.

"I searched both bodies and they only had two extra clips each. What did yo… Holy shit! Were they prepared to go to war?" Yasuhide yelled out as he saw the stake of items laid out on the ground. In front of him were two shotguns, five boxes of both 9mm ammo and shotgun ammo. Riot gear and flashbangs.

"Well this is everything, let's load up and get out of here. I need to get my bandaged changed, it got slightly wet. Good work today. We made out good in our endeavor." Ai was surprised that they got such a boon in this outing. She was never this lucky in her past life. They now had enough to get through for at least a year. This did not mean they could stop their excursions outdoors. They still had to keep collecting as much as possible.

"Alright then let's head back. Should we take the police car?" Yasuhide asked.

"Mmm… No, I saw a vehicle on the way here that would be better. Let's stop off and grab it on the way home." Ai answered. The vehicle she saw was a hummer. If altered right it would work as a good travel vehicle for the next few months. It would also protect them when traveling when dealing with the first type machinas.

"Alright, lead the way."

As the group left, inside the pharmacy a scratching noise could be heard coming from the underground. This noise got louder and louder until finally a small circle opened up in the floor and a metallic ball looking object with legs and two front scythe-like claws popped out from the hole. It was about sixty to seventy centimeters tall and its metal body reflected the dim lighting. A few seconds later more clawing could be heard and many more holes appeared. The same object came out of each of these new holes. If Ai was here she would notice it to be the first type machina she had fought in her past life and just the day before.

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