Into The Unknown World

Chapter 41 – The red dress

I walked out, my brows pulled together as I walked over to the bed. Grayson frowned as he took my hand, his thumb brushing over the back of it.

“Are you okay babe?”

“I don’t know. Did you eat anything funny?”


“I just…threw up. Like, that doesn’t happen. But, something within your blood trigged it.”

“Are you sure it’s me?” I glared at him.

“I can’t cheat on you, and I can’t drink from anyone else; you already know that.” Grayson chuckled as he shook his head and pulled me close.

“No, I know you can’t and that is not what I was asking.” He kissed the top of my head before he started laughing. “What if you were pregnant?” I quickly pulled out of his embrace and smacked his chest.

“Uh, hello, there are things I just can’t do, don’t have the means, you know.”

“The plus side to us making love, yes. But think about it.”

“Sol was the God, not me. Those would be his powers, not mine. So, no, not possible. And,” I rolled my eyes at him, “if I could, why not before?”

“You mean….”

“Sorry, you weren’t my first. Just because you and I are special, I don’t think that kids are added into that mix.” He pulled me back in his arms and kissed the top of my head again.

“Way to burst a man’s dream and ego all in one comment.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you aren’t. But I get what you are saying. I’m also just saying don’t rule it out.”

“I’m not; I’m just being realistic about this. You know the odds are so not in our favor, so don’t even try to think about it.”

“Fine, I’ll stop dreaming.” I couldn’t help but smile at him as I snuggled with him while he flipped the TV on. It wasn’t like us as vampires to get sick or drunk, but it was possible if the person we were drinking from was sick or drunk. And it would never have to be huge amounts of blood to digest to become that way. And normally, a vampire stays clear of those types of hosts. But, though I might not agree, I couldn’t quite shake his words. Just what if?


I sat down at the table and looked around at the other people who were here; which included Grayson, Dylan, Elric and Mariana. I looked over at Grayson, who merely shrugged. The witches were supposed to be coming to this little meeting, but they had not shown up. Leave it to them to do whatever they really wanted. I sighed mentally; let this show begin.

“As you know, there are things happening within our world here. And though I’m not sure you have seen it, Mariana, I pretty much know you know about it.” She shrugged but didn’t deny it. “We still aren’t totally sure what these creatures are or how they are coming to be.”

“But,” Grayson started, taking over, “we had some visitors give us some much needed information. A lot of this is not a coincidence. A lot of this is meant to go on. And in order to solve a lot of our problems and answer a lot of our questions, we need to get our hands on book”

“A book?” Elric asked, looking quite confused. “You have tons, Fire.”

“I do, but not this one. In fact, this very book is in the wrong hands.”


“The General’s.” Elric’s eyes opened wide and he groaned.

“Wait, who is The General?”

“He’s a really nasty vampire Dylan. And the book in question is the journal of Sol.”

“Hold on Grayson, you mean the alleged vampire God?” I stood up and shook my head at Dylan’s question.

“No, he is very real.” I glanced at Grayson who gave me the smallest of shakes. We had talked earlier and agreed that them knowing that we were from God’s was not to be brought up, especially in front of Mariana. “It doesn’t matter if you believe in him, actually. I do and I need that book. So, we are here to discuss that plan.”

“Mariana has managed to get four invites for his yearly party, where the four of us will go and get the book.”

“And Fire?” Dylan asked but before I could answer, Elric spoke up.

“He has wanted you long enough that you will be the bait.”

“We need a sure fire way to keep his mind and his eyes off of you. Dylan, there will be other Alpha’s at this party, it’s your job to make sure that they don’t know anything.

“Elric, there will be lots of Lords and Ladies and you must keep their focus. While we are all busy, Mariana will take Grayson to The General’s private quarters and they will search for the book.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Fuck no Elric, but it’s the only real shot we have,” Grayson replied. We all knew how dangerous this was, but the other side, they side of that book truly being figured out and the powers unlocked scared me a lot fucking more. The fact that those witches returned, that they told us to get this book really let both Grayson and I know how important this God damn book was.


“Have you seen her?” Grayson asked Elric as the vampire walked over to the Alpha.


“And you know she had the right dress?” Grayson looked around at all the formal bodies and frowned. He knew it was black tie and dressed for it but Elric said that Fire had gotten something so very stunning, something that would make sure all attention was where it needed to be; and that was a sound Grayson didn’t like to hear.

“She said it Grayson, don’t you trust her?”

“With my life, but I also know my mate and she has no problem looking for and finding trouble.”

“Yes, I think she’s good at that. On the good side, I have picked up on how excited The General is that she is coming tonight.” Grayson growled at Elric’s comment; he knew damn good and well how excited the man was.

“Stop,” Mariana whispered to him, putting her hand lightly on his arm. She was right, he couldn’t make a scene. He let out a breath but paused as he heard the buzz start to pick up around him. He turned around and his eyes found the stair case that was housing the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.

The red silk material clung to her curves like a second skin; the deep V of the bodice dipped down to right above her navel and the slits on each side grazed up to mid thigh. Her dark hair was pinned back on one side and pushed to the other so that the curls flowed over her neck, hiding the mark. Deep inside, he could feel Midnight start shaking in anger over that. Logically, he knew why, but it didn’t mean he had to like it.

“Fire,” The General called, walking over to her and taking her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. And Grayson saw nothing but red.

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