The light that greeted her was blinding, making her squint. Hands pulled her toward the light. At first, she recoiled, thinking that they were the demons’ hands. But when she heard someone desperately calling her name, she let herself be ushered. Her knees collided with the hard ground. When her eyes were able to adjust to the light, the first thing she saw was Tessa’s near-crying face. She noticed that the light wasn’t blinding at all. Hunter and Skhy were each holding a torch with fire. The sun had set and there’s no moon to illuminate the place. Even if there’s the moon, she doubted that it will reach them inside the dense forest. Ahh I’m finally out…

“Are you hurt?” Tessa frantically searched for visible wounds on her body. She remembered the haunting voices and disturbing noises, and the cold, long, and wrinkly hands in the darkness. She felt her eyes burn, which made her hug Tessa. She didn’t want Skhy to see that she became weak after spending a lot of time with him. Tessa immediately hugged her back.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry. I’m back,” she assured her. But after saying it, she realized that she was assuring herself more than Tessa. Her hands were still lightly shaking. After emptying the content of her water bottle, she stood up and looked around.

“What happened there?” Hunter asked.

“You should rest first. You can tell us later-”

“No, it’s fine,” she cut Skhy off. She couldn’t read his expression because the shadow of the fire slightly hid his face. She looked around but couldn’t see the portal.

“It’s too dark. But it’s here,” Skhy answered her thoughts.

“It’s also dark there- No. It was darkness itself,” she started. “Demons started gripping my body, trying to claim me.” Tessa gasped.

“But I couldn’t see anything.” The end was barely a whisper. Tessa suddenly gripped her right hand.

“You were strong.” Her statement made Lei smile. I wonder…

“I’m sorry we couldn’t do anything.” She turned to Skhy. His face was no longer hidden behind the fire’s shadow. His face showed frustration, disappointment, and anger.

“That…challenge is something only the person can overcome. I think,” she tried to assure him. She knew without asking that her friends tried to save her from the outside.

“A demon portal, huh,” Hunter said as he looked around.

“You know about it?” Tessa asked. A sudden violent wind rustled the leaves but it didn’t reach them. But it was getting colder. Lei rubbed her arms.

“I heard about the realms of demons but I never thought it could be used to trap people,” Hunter replied. “But it doesn’t come as a surprise to me.” How many scary and unexpected situations had you been in? What Lei knew is that Hunter had been all over the country to save his and Skhy’s friends. She hoped that she could be of help to Skhy. Then a sad thought came over her.

If my older sister is alive, Skhy would do anything to save her…

She didn’t notice that she was smiling sadly at the ground. She wondered if Skhy was only nice to her because he was reminded of Carol.

“How were able to leave, Lei?”

“Huh?” She realized that everyone was looking at her.

“Oh. I was still able to use my elemental,” she replied. “That place is neither life nor death. I couldn’t feel any life. I…thought about life and how it brings both light and darkness. I realized that even darkness has a life so I gained courage. My insignia glowed. It was enough to keep the demons away. Then I heard a voice calling me to follow it.”

When she was done, she noticed that Tessa was near crying again and Skhy looked so proud.

“It must have been scary but you were brave…and cool,” Skhy said with a thumbs up. This is enough... Having you smiling at me is enough…

“We have to try to get out of its area,” Hunter pointed out.

“If we move toward the trees, one of us or all of us will be sucked in,” Tessa argued.


“Okay.” Lei didn’t understand what Skhy and Hunter were thinking but they were moving. They gave the torches to Lei and Tessa. Lei didn’t have the courage to move. She was scared to be transported there again.

Skhy and Hunter didn’t say anything but Lei felt their growing energies.

“I wonder if the forest is blocking our elementals,” Tessa whispered. “I’m worried about the others.” Lei wondered about Aria, Clyne, Nate, and Hanne too. The portal could be stopping them too from moving. Will we get out of here? She shook the thought away. They will be able to get out of this place.

She noticed the deep frown on Skhy and Hunter. Then a sudden gust of wind passed them. It was warm and comforting. She heard a long, low rumbling. She looked up. Only small portions of the night sky can be seen because it was hiding behind the thick leaves. But she saw clouds forming. Then a flash of yellow and white, illuminating the forest for a second.

“They did it,” Tessa said with a grin. Lei smiled too.

“First step, done. The hardest part is yet to come,” Tessa added after a moment. “It’s hard to use our elementals. It’s harder to use our weapons.”

The wind continued to blow in different directions. It parted the foliage of leaves, giving them a clearer view of the cloudy sky. Every time the wind parted them, lighting would strike, illuminating the surroundings.

“The light of the torches isn’t enough to see it,” Tessa said.

“There,” Tessa whispered. Lei turned to where she was looking. The white outline of the portal vanished but the dark canvass was still there. Lei heard a collective howl from the inside. She trembled.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get out,” Tessa assured her without taking her eyes from the area where the portal stood. The wind slowly stopped.

Skhy and Hunter began to pant. Sweat rolled down their forehead. Only when they came closer to Tessa and Lei that she noticed their wet hair.

“This forest, whatever it is, uses strong magic,” Hunter said between breaths.

“It’s my turn,” Tessa said, still staring at the dark area where the portal is supposed to be. “It might change places again.” What is she going to do?

“Tessa will try to stop the portal from shifting,” Hunter answered her thoughts.

“It might use all her energy.” Skhy stared at Tessa with a worried expression. It made Lei’s heartache. But she was also worried about Tessa.

“She wanted to do everything to save you earlier,” Hunter revealed. Lei remembered Tessa’s frantic face earlier. I would also do everything to save her… She is an important friend after all.

Hunter took a step forward. Lei noticed that he was also staring at Tessa’s back. He had this soft look. Does he….?

Something cut through the air. Lei turned to Tessa who has her hands in front of her. Countless blades floated in front of her. They were pointing toward the portal.

“Tessa!” Hunter’s shout surprised Lei. “That’s too much! You’re draining your energy!”

“We only have one shot,” Tessa replied. “I better give my all.” Hunter was about to step forward when Skhy grabbed his shoulder. They glared at each other.

“She needs to concentrate,” Skhy pointed out. “If anything happens, we’re here for her.” Hunter didn’t say anything. But it felt like there were silently communicating through their eyes. These two are…

“Stop fighting. Tessa needs us right now,” Lei said firmly.

Lei turned to Tessa. The blades charged at the same time and encircled the unseen portal. They moved counterclockwise.

“We have to check if it’s working,” Hunter said. “I’ll go.”

“What?” Tessa shouted without turning around. “Are you crazy?”

“We have to check,” Hunter simply replied.

“I’ll go with him,” Skhy added.

“But…” Lei started to protest but stopped. Skhy grabbed Hunter’s shoulder. Hunter tried to get it off but gave up when Skhy didn’t let go.

Skhy was holding onto one of the torches. They walked forward together. Lei’s heart was drumming on her chest, anticipating the worst. Tessa couldn’t see the two but she remained quiet. But Lei knew she was also nervous.

Then the two reached a tree then passed it. They stopped just a few steps from the tree then looked back. Lei breathed a sigh of relief. Skhy waved at her.

“Everything’s ok,” she told Tessa without looking away from the two guys.

“My hands were trembling from fear,” Tessa replied in a shaky voice. “Go.” Her statement made Lei realize something.

“You’re weak…”

“Tell them I’ll follow soon,” Tessa said firmly. Lei didn’t know why it made her angry.

“No. You’re coming,” Lei argued.

“I won’t be able to run if the barrier weakened. It will slow you down.” That’s ridiculous!

“You said you’re going to do everything to save me… It’s the same for me!” Tessa had her back on her so Lei couldn’t see her expression. Lei walked closer to her then squeezed Tessa’s shoulder. She didn’t know if it’s possible but she tried.

Lei’s insignia glowed. The green branches stretched to her fingers.

“What…?” Tessa asked. “Thank you…” she added after a few seconds of silence. She dropped her outstretched hands then turned to Lei. A tear escaped her eye.

Lei grabbed her hand then ran toward Skhy and Hunter.

“What happened? Everything ok?” Skhy asked when they reached them.

“You’re getting weaker. We have to move,” Hunter said.

“Lei gave me her strength,” Tessa exclaimed with a smile despite the cold sweat on her brow. It made Lei blush a bit.

When she turned to hide her embarrassment, she met Skhy’s clear blue eyes. He was staring at her.

She decided earlier that watching a smiling and happy Skhy is enough. But she realized that she would want him to look at only her. Even once in a while.

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