The silence made Skhy anxious than ever. The others were the same. Hanne was sobbing silently while Lei, who also looked like she was about to cry, and Nate were comforting her. Aria stood in front of the bar, shoulder tensed. Clyne had his head on his palm, elbows on his knees. Skhy had been pacing back and forth in the coldness of their prison cell. The fresh wounds on his arms and legs felt numb as he paced. He kept closing his eyes, ruffling his hair, and clenching his fists. His heart didn’t stop drumming in his chest since earlier.

He needed to do something. But the bars won’t budge. He already sported burns from being electrocuted twice.

“Would you stop pacing?” Skhy immediately stopped. His anger rose but he tried to control it. He turned slowly to face the person he didn’t want to talk to in the room. But in the back of his mind, he understood his actions. But still…

“I couldn’t if I wanted to,” he replied calmly, “I’m worried about her.” There was a pang in his chest when he remembered her scared expression. Faz looked away to masked his guilt. But it was there. Skhy knew him enough to understand his feelings. But he was still angry.

“Phasing won’t help her,” Faz said without looking at Skhy.

“Then why didn’t you earlier?” A question that he had been meaning to ask but couldn’t. He wanted to protect the peace and order in his team. This time, Faz looked him in the eye.

“I helped by not making a fuss.” Skhy sighed, exasperated.

“I understand that you didn’t want to make a move, but to agree with what she said?” Skhy emphasized ‘she.’ The girl who looked like Eloise. He was sure now that it wasn’t her but a copycat. But based on Faz’s reactions earlier, he still believes that it’s her.

Faz didn’t reply but continued taunting Skhy with his eyes.

You wouldn’t want them to hurt Eloise, right? So stay down,” Skhy quoted the girl’s statement before the guards dragged Tessa out. Faz visibly winced.

“I’m also thinking about Ice and Levy.” Faz stepped forward. “You’re the one who doesn’t care about them. Are they really your friends?” Skhy’s jaw tensed. Faz was using Skhy’s guilt. They continued to glare at each other.

“Okay. Okay. Stop.” Clyne touched their chest to push them away from each other. They stepped backward without removing their gaze.

“You’re acting like kids,” Aria said.

“Fighting won’t help Tessa nor Eloise,” Lei pointed out. Skhy felt her hands on his arm.

“This is what they want,” Nate said, “To break our team apart.” Clyne and Nate pulled Faz away and urged him to seat in the corner. Skhy closed his eyes for a moment before letting himself be pulled away by Lei.

“More than ever,” Faz started. Skhy thought he’s going to start a fight. “You should trust her.”

Skhy turned to Faz who has his eyes closed as he sat in the corner. Your way of caring is really different… He wanted to chuckle. Skhy sighed instead then turned to face the prison bars.

“Stop, Skhy,” Lei cried, “How will you survive later?” His fists were still clenched. His knuckles turning white. He glared at the path in front of their cell. Without a word, Aria struck the bars with her sword. The moment it hit the protective field, there was a huge spark, and electricity flowed from the bars to her sword to her body.

“Aria!” Clyne immediately pulled her. She was shaking a bit but she didn’t look fazed at all. Skhy touched her shoulder.

“Let me-”

“We also care for her,” Aria said while panting. Clyne guided her to sit down.

The waiting was unbearable. Skhy felt useless. He tried hitting the bars again and got electrocuted once more. The last attempt left him trembling. If he isn’t a magic-user, he was probably dead the first time. He trusts Tessa but there were many enemies outside. She’s alone. She’s probably scared…

“Dammit,” he whispered. His head rested on his folded arms on his knees. He couldn’t do anything. The memories of his parents’ death returned. The moments before he left their house as his allies fought to protect him flashed before his eyes. I feel so useless…

“No one will blame you, Skhy,” Lei, who sat beside him, whispered. “We also feel what you feel right now.” He didn’t reply. He couldn’t. He didn’t know what to say.

The hours felt like days. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately stood up. The others did too. Surprisingly, Faz walked near the bars. The person was walking slowly and quietly. Occasionally, the person slapped the wall as if he tripped. Skhy was confused.

“Dammit,” he heard Faz say. What? When the person emerged, everyone except Faz called her name. She placed her pointing finger near her lips.

“What happened? Are you hurt?” Skhy was surprised that Faz was the first one to ask those questions.

“I’m fine,” Tessa replied. The fluorescent lights were dimmed but Skhy still noticed bruises forming on her arms. Bloodshot eyes stared at them. Parts of her pants were ripped.

“Give me a moment. I’ll get you out.” She stepped backward. Skhy was too focused on her dishevelled appearance that he didn’t notice how Tessa broke the electric field. He woke up from his thoughts when he heard the clanging of metals. Faz and the others easily destroyed the rusty bars.

“Yes! Finally!” Hanne whispered-shouted. Skhy neared Tessa.

“Did…they hurt you?” he whispered. Lei and Hanne were also fussing over her. Before Tessa could answer, someone draped a coat on her shoulder.

“I gave her a Storm instrument,” Faz started. Skhy’s eyes widened a bit. “And a concealing charm. I thought she’ll probably need it.” After saying his piece, he walked away. Skhy quickly turned to Tessa. He found her staring at Faz’s back.

“Did he really?” Tessa nodded.

“I used the instrument to fight and use my own power to suppress the enemy’s hold on us.” Based on her appearance, it wasn’t an easy fight.

“He gave secretly and quietly because Hunter knew that they’re observing us in the cell,” he added. Skhy eyes widened a bit. He suddenly felt guilty that he started a fight against him. You really do have a different way of showing you care, Faz…

“Let’s let her rest first,” Lei said. Tessa replied with a soft ‘thank you.’

“And the girl?” Skhy asked. Tessa glanced at Faz.

“She escaped,” she replied without further information. Skhy nodded. He knew that she will tell him everything when she wants to.

“Guys,” he called the others. Everyone moved near them.

“What should we do next?” Nate asked.

“Move quietly.” It was Faz who answered.

“Rescue Ice, Levy, and… Eloise,” Skhy added.

“Find the portal too,” Tessa added. Skhy nodded. The enemies grabbed their backpacks. Everything important to him was there. A picture of his family. His dad’s book. He doesn’t know if he’s going to get them back.

“Portal? Is it the one in the Abecedarian book?” Aria asked. Skhy nodded.

“What portal?” Hanne asked. “The one connected to LSA?” Tessa nodded.

“If what the girl earlier said is true, LSA is in danger. Most of the students aren’t there so they’re safe. But… are the Concordians present enough to stop the enemies?” Nate directed his question at Skhy who was also wondering the same thing.

“I hope. I don’t how many enemies are there inside. But the portal will help us get there quickly and help protect the school,” Skhy replied.

“Do you remember where it is?” Clyne asked.

“I remember the instructions.” Skhy noticed as Faz move further in the hallway leading upstairs.

“We have split,” he said without looking at them, “I’ll rescue them while you look for the portal.” Skhy knew it’s not a good idea to split but they had to.

“Alright,” Skhy replied after a minute of silence, “But you’re not going alone.”

“Of course. I’ll be with him,” Clyne pointed out. He glanced at Aria and gave a reassuring smile. Their atmosphere was still tense but Aria nodded in understanding.

The group who was going to rescue Eloise, Levy, and Ice slowly and quietly left the dungeon. Skhy, Lei, Aria, and Hanne watched as the other four disappeared from view. Faz needed Clyne and Nate more. The portal should be unguarded because not anyone can open it. It should be further underground. There’s another path in the cave where they pass through hours ago. He told Faz about the path and the keys in opening the door.

“We should go too,” Lei said. Skhy led them to another path in the dungeon. Her dad didn’t write about the black fortress in his book but he wrote about a dungeon. He figured his dad was talking about this one. He remembered most of what was written in the book. He just hoped that the enemies don’t read the book because all the translations are there.

After minutes of following a long narrow path, they came across old cemented stairs leading down. After the fifth step, there was nothing but darkness.

“I hope there’s something down there or we’ll fall to our death,” Hanne whispered. Aria snapped her fingers and a small fire appeared in front of Skhy. He thanked her and started descending. The fire illuminated the steep steps but not the bottom.

As they descend into the darkness and further underground, he couldn’t stop thinking about what was waiting for them down there.

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