Indebted to the Vampires

Chapter 5


The door Darren had gone through led to the kitchen. Not just any kitchen though, it was one of those T.V. kitchens most of us peasants only dreamed of. It had a double top stove with a large range overhead, and the island and counters were all covered in a dark marble that I would fear I’d scratch if I touched it.

Uh, oh. Put away the china.

“Finally,” Darren sniffed, not any happier for me to be there than I was. “You may eat your meals in here at the bar or in your room. Nowhere else.”

I slid onto one of the barstools and nodded curtly, not trusting myself to be civil.

Darren went about taking a plate from the cabinet and filling it with some kind of beef and vegetable concoction on the stove. Whatever it was smelled heavenly. At this point, I’d have taken anything other than fast food. I was surprised I hadn’t gotten as big as a house from of all the crap I ate because of my prior living conditions.

“I’m sure Master Durand has already made it clear, but you are here for one thing, to do your job, not to socialize and not to poke your nose into the masters’ business.” He placed the plate in front of me along with a glass of lemonade, his brown eyes narrowing to slits. “Some days, you might finish your chores early. If this happens, you have the rest of the day to yourself. You will get Sundays off for you to take care of any personal things.”

“Oh, wow. A full day off to myself.” The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them. I paused for a moment, expecting to be chastised for my slip up, but Darren had better manners than me and simply huffed, pressing his lips together until they thinned into a fine line.

Not pushing my luck, I turned my attention back to my plate. I picked up my fork and took a bite of my meal, pretending to listen to him once more. I couldn’t help but let out a hum of pleasure at the taste. This was absolutely divine.

God, I haven’t had food like this in forever.

“So happy you enjoy my food.”

My eyes snapped open and flushed as I realized Darren was staring at me with a bemused look on his face. It was as close to a smile I had ever seen on him. I tucked that little tidbit into the back of my mind for later.

“Are you and me the only people who work here? I haven’t seen any other employees.” I waved my fork around in the air at the obvious lack of workers. “Seems a bit odd for such a big house.”

Darren made a plate for himself as he spoke. “I handle the household, as in I answer the phones, the door, and anything else the masters need. I also, on occasion, cook as well.” He tilted his head toward my plate of food.

I felt like he was telling me not to get used to it. Oh, well. The cook couldn’t be worse than some of the questionable gas station food I’d eaten.

Never eat sushi from a guy named Lenny at the corner mart. Your intestines will hate you for the whole weekend.

“The regular cook is Miss Gretchen,” Darren continued. “She only comes a few times a week. Miss Gretchen also makes some premade meals and places them in the fridge.” He gestured toward the large double door refrigerator before coming over to sit by me.

“And I clean the house?” I arched a brow, finding it kind of hard to believe that this massive house ran on only three people.

Darren seemed to understand my reservation. “The masters keep to themselves for the most part and are remarkably tidy. You shouldn’t have too much trouble keeping up with your chores. Just remember the rules, and you will be fine.”

Arching a doubtful brow at him, I shook my head. “You obviously don’t know me very well. Rules? Fine, but believe it or not, I attract trouble like flies on shit.” I bit my lower lip and flushed. “Pardon my language. I just thought I’d forewarn you.”

Darren gave a resigned sigh. “As much as I appreciate the gesture, I have to warn you as well. Any trouble you may cause will not end well for you, and I don’t mean from the unemployment agency.”

I nodded in understanding at his wilting glare.

Stay out of trouble. Boy, have I got my work cut out for me.

We both ate our meals in silence after that. I could hear the murmurs of the masters from the dining rooms, but they were too low for me to make out what they were saying. I hadn’t seen Darren take them food, so I wasn’t sure exactly what they were eating.

After several minutes, I worked up the courage to ask. “If we’re eating this, what are the masters eating?” The word ‘masters’ felt weird on my tongue as if I should be wearing a collar and holding a whip.

Darren gave me an evasive look. “The masters are on a special diet. You wouldn’t find it very appealing.”

Probably one of those fake gluten-free diets. I grimaced, the masters losing several hotness points because of it.

When I finished my meal, I took it to the sink and rinsed it before sticking it in the dishwasher, something I had been taught to do since I was young. I turned around to see Darren watching me with a curious expression.

“What? I know how to wash a dish.” I shrugged and started back toward the dining room, but Darren stopped me.

“Don’t go that way.” I glanced back at him, my brow furrowed. “The staircase over there will take you back upstairs and comes out near your room. Use this one from now on when coming in and out of the kitchen. The dining room is reserved for the masters alone.”

Wrinkling my nose, I wiped my hands against each other and changed my direction to head for the stairs. However, once more, I was stopped by Darren’s voice.

“By the way, if you are in your room, you should always lock your door, especially at night.” He gave me one of those firm, no-nonsense looks that didn’t leave any room for questioning.

So, I didn’t.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I couldn’t wait to get to my room and process all of this. Today had been an interesting day, to say the least, and I could only assume it would only get worse.

When I got to my room, I worked on unpacking what little I had and made a note to myself to go buy some more suitable work clothes. I couldn’t imagine cleaning in dress pants, and they hadn’t specified a dress code. By the time it was time for bed, I had showered and changed into an oversized t-shirt. I pulled back the covers of my new bed and sighed into the sheets.

Even the thread counts of the servant’s beds were better than anything I had before. It was like sleeping on a cloud.

I’d barely closed my eyes when there was a knock on my door. I sat up, but the doorknob turned before I could answer, and I cursed myself for not locking it.

A dark head poked in the doorway and when those piercing blue eyes saw that I wasn’t asleep, Wynn threw the door open. “Ah, you’re still awake.”

I scooched up in the bed, pulling my covers closer to me. “Uh, yeah. Was just about to go to bed actually.”

Wynn hummed, and his eyes went around my room. “The last few maids didn’t do much to this room. They didn’t last long enough.” He winked at me. “But I have a feeling you’ll be different.”

Clearing my throat and yelling at my libido to chill the fuck out, I wrung my hands in my lap. “I hope you’re right.”

We’re quiet for a moment, and I wondered what the gorgeous man was doing in my room. It certainly broke the no fraternizing rule his brother had all but drilled into my head.

“So, your brothers seem nice.” I figured I’d at least prod him for answers since we were breaking the rules and everything.

Wynn’s eyes crinkled at the sides. “Then you don’t know them very well.”

“Not as nice as you?” I teased.

Snorting, Wynn moved over to my bed, his fingertips trailing along the line of my legs under the bedspread before sitting down at my side. “Let’s just say they lack my charms as well as several other redeeming qualities.”

“Oh. Well, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.” I gave him a hopeful smile.

“Enough about my brothers,” Wynn said, taking my injured hand in his own. “Tell me about you. Do you have any family?”

My brows scrunched together as he unwrapped my hand, his fingers brushing along my skin and making me shudder. “Uh, yeah.” I licked my lips and tried not to faint. “I have parents and siblings. We don’t really talk.”

“That’s too bad.” His voice was low, his eyes intently focused on the cut on my hand. It had stopped bleeding already but still stung. “Does it hurt?”

“A little.”

“Here, I’ll fix that.” Wynn leaned forward and brushed his lips against the palm of my hand. I felt the touch of his lips all the way down to my toes. I curled my legs close to me, hoping he couldn’t tell how turned on I was by him.

He peered up at me from beneath his long lashes, his nostrils flaring. “Better?”

Swallowing hard, I jerked my head up and down twice and breathed out, “Yes.”

Even with my reassurance, he didn’t release my hand. Wynn’s mouth hovered over my skin. My pulse jerked at the heat of his breath as he laid a kiss on my wrist. I squirmed in place, the tiny panties I wore becoming increasingly uncomfortable.


Antoine’s voice startled both of us. I jerked my arm out of Wynn’s grasp and shoved it under the covers as if that would save me from the hot, needy feeling swirling around in between my thighs. I couldn’t look up at my boss my face, hot and stinging from embarrassment.

Wynn didn’t seem to have the same issue. He flashed me a toothy grin before standing. Strolling across the room, he gave me a languid wave. “Good night, little maid.”

I didn’t reply, keeping my eyes down on my duvet. However, when the bedroom door didn’t shut right away, I chanced a look up.

Antoine’s pale eyes bore into me, making me squirm for a completely different reason. I opened my mouth to explain what had happened, but Antoine didn’t give me the chance.

“Lock your door. I won’t be responsible for what happens next time if you don’t.”

I bobbed my head so fast my eyes rolled in my head.

“Good night, Miss Billings.”

“Good night, Master Durand.” The door clipped shut before I could finish my sentence.


These guys were going to be the death of me if they didn’t fire me first. Sinking into my sheets once more, I started to close my eyes before Wynn’s face flashed in my head, hungry and leering. I ran my fingers over where he had kissed me.

Dropping my hand, I sighed. Stop daydreaming, Piper. You have a job to do, and that didn’t include banging the bosses. I had my battery-operated friend for that.

Jumping out of the bed, I raced across the room and turned the lock. I hurried back to my bed and dove beneath the covers. Snuggling down, I reached over and flicked the lamp switch. Letting out a small moan of pleasure, I realized something.

No guy, no matter how sexy, was worth giving up this thread count. I chuckled to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

That night, I dreamed of my new employers as dark figures surrounding me, taunting me, and demanding me to come with them. Wynn was the most eager of the six brothers to have me join them. By the time I woke the next morning, I had tossed and turned myself so much that my sheets were tangled around my body.

I fought against my confines and ended up on the floor with a thud. Groaning, I grabbed my head and rubbed my eyes. The light pierced through the shades and blinded me as I cracked open my eyes. I had forgotten to close them the night before. Why this one room had the curtains open and the rest of the house didn’t, I would never know.

Glancing over at the alarm clock, it read just after seven, about the time I usually woke for work. Guess some habits were hard to break.

Standing, I moved across the cold wooden floor to the bathroom to shower and begin the day. Halfway across the room, I noticed a slip of paper just inside the door. Cocking my head to the side, I went over and picked it up.

On the paper was a simple list. No greeting. No thank you. Just a list of chores.

1. Gather the laundry.

2. Start laundry.

3. Vacuum the living room.

4. Clean windows on second-floor servants' wing.

5. Switch laundry in between jobs.

6. Fold and return to the correct room.

Man, they hadn’t been kidding when they said I might have time off in the evening. From this list, I’d be lucky to be able to take a piss or a lunch break without being behind.

Sighing, I threw the list on the side table and gathered my clothes. After seeing the list, I couldn’t very well take a long shower like I had planned. Instead, I quickly washed and then got distracted beneath the shower pressure.

God, forget the thread count. No guy was worth giving up this shower pressure. My muscles sang with delight as the water beat down on my shoulders.

Before I knew what I was doing, my mind had conjured up Wynn from last night, his mouth on my hand and then moving to my wrist. In my mind, he didn’t stop there. Those pouty lips found the bend of my elbow and then finally after several moments of teasing my mouth. My fingers stroked in long needy movements along my skin, cupping my breasts and plucking at my nipples. My other hand dipped between my legs, and my knees almost buckled at my touch.

“Fuck.” I gasped, having never been so turned on in my life. It didn’t take more than a few flicks of my clit before I was bent over, gasping for breath.

My eyes fluttered open, and I stared hard at the side of the tub. Shaking my head to clear the post orgasm haze from my head, I climbed out of the tub and quickly dried off. I didn’t give myself time to think much about what I’d just done as I went about brushing my teeth and hair. I pulled my long blonde hair up into a bun and lightly applied some mascara and lip gloss. I didn’t know why I was bothering, but for some reason, being in a house full of attractive men made me want to look my best. I took a moment to stare at my light brown eyes. Even now they shone like someone who’d just been thoroughly fucked.

“Pfft.” I tossed my head from side to side and turned from the mirror.

Since they hadn’t given me a dress code, I went for jeans and a pale green t-shirt. I slipped my tennis shoes back on and grabbed the list before heading for the door. Glancing one way and then the other, I noticed the hallway was completely empty.

Were my employers even up yet? I huffed and rolled my eyes. Probably not. They probably didn’t know the meaning of the word morning.

Snorting at the lives of the rich, I found the staircase that I had come up the night before and headed down it. The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nose before I reached the bottom, and I found a plump older woman working at the stove.

Thank God, another woman. I thought I was going to drown in all the testosterone around here.

“Hello,” I greeted the woman, already feeling hopeful for the day. “You must be Miss Gretchen. I’m Piper.”

Gretchen turned from the stove with a bright smile. “You got that right.” She pointed the spatula in her hand at the bar. “Have a seat, I’ll have breakfast ready in a moment.”

Taking a seat, I grabbed the pot of coffee off the counter and poured some into the cup in front of me. Searching around for creamer, I moved over to the fridge.

“Creamer is in the door, bottom shelf,” Miss Gretchen helpfully supplied.

I found the creamer and poured a heaping amount into my cup. Sipping deeply from the cup, I sighed. Just what I needed to start the day.

“Oh, dear. If you’re already that dejected, I don’t have high hopes for you to get through the week.” Miss Gretchen tsked as she sat a plate before me. The scent of it made my stomach rumble in pleasure.

“I know,” I breathed, placing my elbow on the counter and leaning my face on my palm. “It’s just so different than what I’m used to.” As I finished my explanation, I scooped a forkful of eggs into my mouth. Suddenly, I was starving and inhaled my food like it was the last thing I’d ever eat.

“Well, I’m glad you have an appetite on you at least. These young masters barely touch anything I make.” Gretchen shook her head, one hand on her hip. “I don’t even see the reason for me being here half the time, but with you here, at least I’ll feel a bit more useful.”

“Well, my mother did always say I was a bottomless pit. She wasn’t sure where I put it all.” I patted my flat stomach and shrugged a shoulder. “Fast metabolism, I guess.” I grinned at her as I finished my plate and picked up my coffee cup. Just as I wondered how to go about asking how long Gretchen had worked there, Darren showed up in the kitchen doorway.

“Are you finished? I’m supposed to show you where the laundry room is.” He didn’t wait for me to answer but disappeared back through the doorway he had specifically told me not to go through.

Glancing at Gretchen, she nodded her head. “Go on ahead. I’ll take care of these.” She took my plate and cup and took them to the sink.

“Thank you and for the meal as well.” I wiped my mouth and quickly followed Darren. It was barely eight, and already they had me on my toes. The end of the day couldn’t come soon enough.

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